bronze Unit 79 Lesson 352 Resource for age 10-13

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Can there be a good king?

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key words

biblical reference

2 samuel 11-12; psalm 51.

lesson objective

To help preadolescents learn to recognize and confess their faults to God.

memory verse

“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul” (Deuteronomy 10:12, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Recognition of doing wrong, confession of it and repentance are essential for people to restore their relationship with God. Of course, it is not easy for people to admit their sin and turn away from it. It is easier to make excuses, blame others or try to cover up sin. When preadolescents do something wrong, they may try to do what Saul did. But, they must understand that they cannot receive the forgiveness of sin unless they recognize it and turn away from it.

This lesson tells us about one of the great heroes of the Bible: David. Students will be able to compare how Saul and David acted in the face of sin, and how those attitudes made a difference in their relationship with God and their future. In the midst of a society in which sin is tolerated, and many times, it is concealed, your students must recognize when they have sinned before God, confess it and repent from the heart.

biblical commentary

Read 2 Samuel, chapters 11 and 12. The story of David is one of the best known in the Bible. It is very interesting to read how a humble shepherd became the most important king of Israel.

Although David performed many feats and his stories are impressive, we must not forget that he was also human. One time, he stayed in Jerusalem after sending Joab to battle and committed adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. Upon learning that she was pregnant, David wanted to cover up his sin. Therefore, he tried to get Uriah to be with his wife in order to justify the future birth of the baby. When that did not work, he ordered Uriah to be put on the battlefront to die.

God used the prophet Nathan to pronounce judgment against David. In similar circumstances, Saul would have given excuses and blamed others, but David recognized his sin, admitted it and asked for forgiveness. Psalm 51 relates David’s confession.

This king was a great political leader and military strategist who gave Israel important victories, stability and peace. The secret of his success was that he was willing to confess his sin, and he repented heartily, allowing God to continue guiding his life. Because of his sincere confession and renewed devotion to God, he is considered the most remarkable king of Israel.

introduce the lesson

How do you rate them?

Have the students find the Student Activity Sheet #352-A for this activity. They are to rate how Saul and David did in each area, based on the stories they have learned and what they know about the lives of David and Saul.

teach the lesson

Read 2 Samuel 11-12 in advance to become familiar with the Bible story and be prepared to explain it to your students.

Spend time in class reading chapter 11 of 2 Samuel. Read the text, making the appropriate intonation for this type of story. If possible have the group follow the story in their own Bibles.

It is likely that many questions will arise from the preadolescents about David’s attitude. That is why it is important that you are ready to respond and help them understand that David made a mistake, but God forgave him, restored him and prospered him as king.

connect the lesson

What does God ask of Christians?

Have the students go to Student Activity Sheet #352-B, and read the phrase in the center of the circle and the questions from the other sections. Have them look up the biblical passages and write the answers in the spaces.

practice the memory verse

Put the words of the verse on small cards, including the reference, and mix them up on the table or the floor. Help students put them in the right order, then practice reading the verse. Take away one card at a time and keep repeating it until the whole verse and reference are memorized. Give each student a small card with the verse on it so they may carry it or post it for review. Ask them to think of a way they can apply the verse this week and be ready to share next time.



To conclude the class, remind the preadolescents of what Nathan the prophet told David: that although he had sinned in secret, everyone would know his sin. Maybe nobody else knows their wrong behaviors, but God is aware of everything we do. Lead them in a prayer of confession and repentance, and encourage them to live according to God’s will.


Encourage your children to put into practice at home and at school the lessons they have learned during this unit and to honor, obey, love and serve Jesus throughout their lives.


Share something interesting about the next session to encourage them to attend and to invite others.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™