yellow Unit 21 Lesson 92 Resource for age 3-5

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Esther decides to help God’s people

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key words

bible reference

Esther 3:8-11; 4:1-5, 15-16; 8:5-17

lesson objective

To help the children learn they can help others through their decisions.

memory verse

“Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right” (Psalm 106:3, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Reading the book of Esther gives us the impression of reading a novel. But, the drama and emotions represented there were real. Haman tried to use his power to harm an entire people.

Mordecai was an obedient and faithful man who worked discreetly to save the Jewish people from the killing planned by Haman. Esther was the queen of Persia, wife of the King who ruled the empire. Although she was the first lady of the kingdom, she was in a limited position of authority and power.

She could help her people, but it would mean risking her life. Through this story, we see the hand of God moving in the life of Esther to save her people. The story concludes by telling us that many non-Jewish people came to recognize the power and sovereignty of God.

Through the life of Esther, we learn that making decisions to obey God it is not always easy. Many times that decision can take us out of our comfort zone or safety. But, when we get out of the comfort we find in our home, with family, and even at work, true security exists when we trust completely in God. When we put aside our selfishness and personal interests, others are benefited and God is glorified.


Preschoolers at this age are beginning to realize the needs of others. They worry if they see their little friend sad or crying. We can often see that they comfort their friends and do everything possible to help them be happy again. Through this lesson, your children will learn that helping others is a good decision that pleases God. He wants us to love and help our neighbor, because in this way we obey his commandments.

introduce the lesson

Crowns for kings

For this activity you will need a wide strip of cardboard or thick paper for each child, scissors, glue, tape, pencils or colored markers, and pieces of colored paper.

Distribute the materials. Place a strip of paper around the head of each child and mark the spot where the strip should match so that the crown is tailored. Help them make their crowns with duct tape.

Allow time for them to write their name on the crown and decorate it to their liking. Allow older children to make ends in their crowns using scissors, and help the little ones.

As you work, ask them: “Who uses crowns?” (Kings and queens) “What do kings and queens do?” (They govern a country, help people and ensure that everything goes well.)

Explain that kings, queens and other government leaders are supposed to lead their people. They serve by helping to guarantee the safety of people, providing sources of work, and managing community resources.

teach the lesson

Prepare ahead of time three figures representing Queen Esther, Mordecai and King Ahasuerus, and on a large piece of construction paper draw a castle. Allow your children to color the castle to use it as a stage. Use the figures and the stage to illustrate the Bible story.

Esther helps the people of God

Esther was queen. Her husband was King Ahasuerus. They lived in a great palace.

One day a servant of Esther said to her, “Your uncle, Mordecai, is outside and wants to see you. It seems that he is very sad. He is crying and has dressed in ragged clothes.” Esther loved her uncle very much, so she asked the servant to take him clean and comfortable clothes to change.

The servant returned immediately with the clothes because Mordecai did not want to accept them. He was very sad and wanted the queen to know what was happening. Then he gave Queen Esther bad news. “Our people are going to be mistreated,” said Mordecai. “I’m dressed in bad clothes because of the sadness I feel.”

Esther later learned that the king, without realizing it, had given permission to an evil man named Haman to make a law against the Jews, the chosen people of God. Haman hated Mordecai and wanted to kill all the Jews of the kingdom. Queen Esther was also Jewish, but her husband did not know it. She and her people were in grave danger. When Esther heard the bad news, she decided to do something to help. But first, she asked Mordecai and the other Jews who lived in the city to pray for her. She also asked them not to eat anything for three days and to just pray for her.

Esther chose to obey God to save her people and prayed for help.

After three days, Esther went to see the king. She was afraid because nobody could go to the king without first being invited. However, the queen knew that God was with her.

King Ahasuerus, upon seeing Esther, was very happy and gave her permission to speak with him. She told him that she was Jewish and that the law he had declared endangered her life and that of her people. Then she begged him to make a new law to protect the Jews. The king did what Esther asked of him and made a new law to save the Jews. Haman was punished for his evil deeds, and Mordecai, along with all the Jews of the kingdom, had a great celebration and praised God. They were happy because God had delivered them from death. Queen Esther decided to be brave and obey God to save her people.

connect the lesson

Obedience Crowns

Hand out Student Activity Sheet #92-A and #92-B. Also provide pencils to your children so they can trace the word of faith and write their name in Student Activity Sheet #92-A. Connect the dots to form a crown like that of Queen Esther. Provide materials for your children to decorate the crown with jewels and review the Bible story while doing the activity.

Ask your students to name each shape in Student Activity Sheet #92-B and color them in. After naming a shape, ask them to relate some part of the story of Queen Esther. Queen Esther helped the people of God. She obeyed God by doing the right thing. Say the memory verse together.

Encourage the children to take the activity sheet home and share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

This is the unit’s last lesson and surely most of your children already know the verse by heart. If possible, talk with the pastor so your class can say the verse in front of the congregation and relate some more of what they learned in this unit. They could possibly do it in a worship service.



Pray for the needs of your children.


Review briefly what you’ve studied throughout the four lessons of this unit. Encourage the group to remember the biblical characters and apply the teachings to their lives.


Give a brief introduction to the next unit and invite the children to the next session. Keep in touch with your children’s families to know if they are applying at home what they learn.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™