yellow Unit 20 Lesson 87 Resource for age 3-5

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Paul preaches to the Romans about Jesus

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key words

bible reference

Acts 28:11-31

lesson objective

To help preschoolers learn they can talk about Jesus anywhere.

memory verse

“And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us” (Ephesians 5:2, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

In our journey for Christlikeness, we are being transformed daily into the image of Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit, and we make ourselves available to God's work in us and through us. When we are consecrated to God, we long to share his love for the lost and his compassion for the poor and broken. Because of this we are committed to inviting people to faith in Jesus Christ, caring for those in need, standing against injustice and encouraging those who are oppressed. Through our mission in the world, we demonstrate the love of God.

In Acts 28, we learn about Paul’s journey to Rome. Paul had been a prisoner in Caesarea for a long time. At last he asked that Caesar examine his case in the capital of the empire. So he was sent by sea to Rome.

The trip begins in chapter 27 and continues in chapter 28 with the wreck of the ship in which Paul and 276 others traveled. During the trip, and even during the shipwreck, the apostle continued to preach about Jesus. Wherever he was, regardless of the circumstances, he took every opportunity to speak of the Lord. In Malta he stayed at the house of Publius, governor of the region, and there God used him to heal Publius’ father. Paul stayed three days in Syracuse, due to weather conditions. In Puteoli, he stayed with the believers, and there he taught people about Jesus.

Once in Rome, he was allowed to live in a house with a guard. This guard was probably with Paul all the time, maybe even chained to him. During that period of imprisonment, Paul received visitors and spoke with Roman Jews who wanted to hear what he taught about Jesus. These were opportunities that the apostle took advantage of to talk about Jesus before the trial. Paul did not allow circumstances, powerful people or adverse conditions to prevent him from speaking about Jesus. He bravely proclaimed his personal Savior everywhere. How courageous are you in talking about Christ? As you prepare this lesson, ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit so that you can boldly teach and proclaim his word.


“Jesus loves us” has been the biblical truth of the five lessons about Paul. Upon completing this unit, make sure all your children understand that Jesus loves them. Preschoolers learn through experiences. By treating them with love and concern for their spiritual life, they will feel the love of Jesus through you. The unconditional love that you show them will reveal the unconditional love God has for them.

introduce the lesson

Paul’s journey

Before the session, look in magazines for pictures of ships, the sea and various travel conditions. Post them on a piece of cardboard.
During the session, talk with your children about maritime trips. Explain that boats serve to transport people and objects from one port to another.

Today’s story is about a boat trip that Paul made to reach a very important city called Rome.

If you know how to make paper boats, hand out sheets to your children so that together they can make one and paint or color it.

Find the match

Cut out several large hearts of paper, all in different colors, and then cut them in half. Put several pieces of strong (duct) tape on the table so that the children can take them.

Distribute the halves of the hearts among your children and tell them: As I count to 25, look for the person who has the other half of your heart. When you find it, go to the table and join the two halves with tape. Then sit with your partner to hear the Bible story.

Ask your children to raise their hands every time they hear Paul’s name during the Bible story. Practice a couple of times before starting.

teach the lesson

Use this activity to help children have a better understanding of the story.

The Romans hear about Jesus

Paul preached the good news of his friend, Jesus, to many people. This made many people in the town angry, and they arrested Paul.

They sent him to a city called Rome to be judged. A guard watched all his movements.

Rome was a far away place. That’s why they had to make the trip by boat. Every so often, the boat stopped to buy food. Sometimes they stopped because the sea was too dangerous for travel. In every place where they stopped, Paul preached the good news of salvation to the people, and many believed in Jesus.

Paul’s trip was about to end; Rome was very close. The Christians who lived there knew that Paul would soon arrive in their city.

“Welcome to Rome!” the Christians shouted at Paul when they saw him arrive. Paul was very happy to see people from the church who loved Jesus.

The Roman authorities allowed Paul to live in his own house, although a guard always had to watch him.

Every day people went to visit Paul to hear about Jesus.

Some important Jewish leaders who lived in that city also went to hear the good news that Paul preached.

Every day different people accepted Jesus and joined the church.

This made Paul very happy and grateful to God for the opportunity to preach his Word. Paul was in Rome two years. During that time he preached to many people about Jesus, the Son of God.

connect the lesson


Hand out Student Activity Sheet #87-A and #87-B. Allow time for the children to write their name, trace the word of faith and color the picture in Student Activity Sheet #87-A.

Allow them to cut out the puzzles following the lines. Check to be sure that the scissors they use are safe to avoid accidents.

Follow the instructions on Student Activity Sheet #87-B to complete the activity. Provide envelopes or bags for the children to take the puzzle home and tell their family members and friends what they learned in the Bible story.

practice the memory verse

Since it is the last session of this unit, bring prizes for those who learned the memory verse. Give time for all those who wish, to be able to repeat the verse. You can hand out Bible cards or bookmarks with the verse written on them.



End the class in prayer that everyone will share the good news of Jesus.


Encourage the children to tell their families and friends the stories they learned about Paul.


If you wish, you can invite parents to look at the work the children have done throughout the unit. Exhort them to foster in their preschool children to share God’s Good News. Be sure to invite the children to begin a new unit of lessons during the next session.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™