yellow Unit 19 Lesson 80 Resource for age 3-5

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I learn from the Bible

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key words

bible reference

Acts 17:10-12

lesson objective

To help the children learn that, through the Bible, they can learn about God.

memory verse

“And let us not give up meeting together” (Hebrews 10:25, NIRV*).

prepare yourself to teach

When the apostle Paul arrived in a city, the first place he visited was always the synagogue. In this passage Paul had just fled from Thessalonica after he preached and taught. From there he travelled to Berea, a city about 96 kilometers away.

When Paul arrived at the synagogue of Berea, he came upon a group of Jews willing to listen to his message. Paul taught them that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were prophesied in the Old Testament, and he proclaimed Jesus as the promised Messiah, the Son of God.

The people of Berea listened to Paul, and they searched diligently in the Scriptures to discover the truth. While studying the Scriptures, they found that Paul was preaching the truth.

Studying the Bible is important for Christians to grow. It helps Christians learn what God wants us to do. If we refuse to study the Word of God, we will remain stagnant in our spiritual growth. Take a minute to reflect and analyse your Bible reading habits. Are you studying the Word of God regularly? As you prepare to teach about the importance of the Word of God, remember that what you teach your children will serve them as a solid foundation for spiritual development. We are a people of prayer who are engaged in studying the Word of God and making Christlike disciples. We want to teach the Word effectively and help our children know how to seek salvation when they are ready.


It is possible that some children in the group have parents who read a Bible story to them on a daily basis. Maybe others do not have a Bible at home. Whatever the case may be, help the children understand that the Bible is a special book. It was inspired by God, and it helps children and adults learn more about Jesus and the kingdom of God.

In this lesson you will have the opportunity to show children respect and love for the Bible by handling it with care. Although preschoolers may not understand the Bible is “inspired by God,” it will help them build the foundation of respect and love for the Word of God. Preschoolers begin to develop an interest in reading books. They are also learning Bible stories and choosing their favorite ones. Help the children understand why the Bible is special and tell them why the Bible is special to you.

introduce the lesson

Find the Bible

Before the session, find a big box, various books, and a Bible.

During the session, show the Bible. Then put the books and the Bible inside the box. Ask a volunteer to close his/ her eyes, put a hand in the box, and try to find the Bible. When the child has the Bible in his/ her hands, ask the child: “Why do you think the Bible is different from the other books?” (The Bible is the Word of God.) Ask, “Do all Bibles look the same?” Point out that different Bibles may have all words, some pictures, or many pictures. The covers may even look different, and they are printed in different sizes. But all of them are God’s Word.”

I Learn from the Bible
Give the children Student Activity Sheet #80-A and #80-B.  In SAS #80-A have them draw a circle around a family representing a family in biblical times. In SAS #80-B have them find and circle the Bibles in the picture.

teach the lesson

Use these activities to help introduce your children to the Bible study.

What do you bring to church?

Ask the children: “What do you and your parents bring every Sunday to church?” (Listen to the answers.) Explain that we bring the Bible because by reading and studying it, we learn more about God and His plan for us. Today’s Bible story talks about a group of people who wanted to do just that.”

Show your Bible and turn to Acts 17 before beginning the story. Say, “In a place called Berea, some people had decided to follow Jesus. They met in the synagogue (a type of church), where they worshiped and studied the Scriptures to learn more about God. Now we are going to do the same thing that those people did. We will study the Word of God.”

The people of Berea study the Word of God

Paul and Silas loved God and His Son, Jesus. They were part of the Early Church (the first Christians in the world). They went from place to place and spoke about Jesus because they wanted all people to know Him and be part of the church.

One day they went to a new place called Berea and visited the synagogue. That was the place where people gathered to study the Scriptures. It was like a church. When Paul and Silas arrived, they began to speak about the Word of God to the people who were gathered there.

“Listen, we have good news for you. Jesus, the Son of God, lives and loves you!” The people listened attentively to the words of Paul and Silas. The people wanted to hear more about Jesus. Every day the people met with Paul and Silas in the synagogue to hear more about God and His Son, Jesus. They believed that Paul told them the truth, so they decided to follow the teachings of Jesus. Many people in Berea became Christians and became part of the church there.

practice the memory verse

Recite the verse

The memory verse is short, and most children may already know it by now. Allow some volunteers to repeat it to the rest of the class. If you wish, motivate the children by awarding simple prizes to them. Award the prize for being willing to try to say the verse, even if they do not say it perfectly. Some children may be new to the church and may not have experience with learning Bible verses.



Open your Bible to 1 Chronicles 5:10. Read the last sentence of that verse to the children. “He (God) answered their prayers because they trusted in him.” Ask, “Do you have some things you want God to do for you or your family?” Let the children respond. If the child wants to pray for the request he/ she mentioned, let this happen. Close by praying briefly for the requests and thanking God for giving us his Word to study and learn more about him.


Ask the children, “What is the best time at home for you to hear Bible stories and pray to God?” For many children, this is at bedtime. Encourage the children to find time each day to talk about God and to talk to God in prayer.


Sing a song about the church or the Word of God. Make sure all the children take home the Bible or the book they brought, as well as the work done in group. Ask the children attend the next session and bring a friend with them.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIRV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader'sVersion, copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998, 2014 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.