yellow Unit 18 Lesson 77 Resource for age 3-5

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Naaman obeys and trusts God

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key words

bible reference

2 Kings 5:1-16

lesson objective

To help the children learn to trust and obey God.

memory verse

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Naaman was the captain of the Syrian army. King Aram respected this leader, who had defeated many enemies.

When Naaman became ill, he turned to other gods for healing. However, he did not receive the help he needed and he was not healed from his leprosy. Naaman’s servants worried about his health and recovery. This makes us think that maybe he was a good man, besides being a great military leader. It was through a young enslaved woman that he learned of the power of a prophet of God, Elisha, who lived in Samaria.

Naaman asked the king for permission to travel to see Elisha, and he granted it. The king, following the diplomatic rules, sent a letter to the king of Israel, along with gifts of gold, silver and fine clothes. He supposed that he could buy the services of the prophet of Israel by sending expensive gifts.

Naaman realized that the king of Israel was a fearful man and that he might consider his visit as a possible trap.

When Elisha learned of what was happening in the palace, he sent word to the king to send the Syrian captain to see him. When Naaman came to the doors of the prophet’s house, he sent his servant to give Naaman instructions.

Naaman answered full of anger at the instructions of Elisha. He did not understand how plunging into the Jordan River would help. However, once he obeyed Elisha’s command, he was healed by the grace and power of God.

After Naaman was healed by God, his response filled the Israelites with shame. They were still trying to decide who to follow, whether God or Baal. Naaman said with conviction, “Now I know that there is no other God in all the earth, but the God of Israel” (2 Kings 5:15). Elisha recognized the power of God when he refused to receive the gifts that Naaman offered him. He knew that it was God who had healed the body of the Syrian captain.

There are moments when I ask God, “Why do you want me to do that?” But stories like Naaman’s help me to remember that the future is not in my hands, but in his. When I put my eyes on God, and I strengthen my trust by being obedient, I know that he will provide for my needs and fulfill his purpose in me.


This story has an important lesson for preschoolers: trust and obedience go hand in hand. It is impossible to trust God without obeying him. They must understand that just as they trust their parents and obey the commands of their parents, so they must trust God and obey him. In this world full of chaos, children can find safety by learning that it is possible to trust God, even when their understanding is limited.

Preschoolers are active, with short attention spans. Observe them while participating in the different activities. If someone is very restless, change the rhythm of the lesson or activity, or simply smile. Many times a smile is what the child needs to refocus their attention.

Remember that your children are curious by nature. They ask questions about the characters and situations of the Bible, recognize the difference between the biblical times and now, and will have questions about food and clothing. Through questions, listen carefully and discover if they connect the God of the Old Testament to the God whom we love and worship. Preschoolers need to understand that God does not change. The people of Biblical times could trust Him. And, now we can too, because God is the same today, yesterday and forever.

introduce the lesson

Naaman is sick

You will need a thermometer or an empty medicine box. Show the children the thermometer or the medicine box and ask them: “Have you seen this before? Can you tell me what it is and what it is for?” (Give time for them to respond.) Then say: “The thermometer (or medicine) helps doctors help the sick. Today’s Bible story is about a man who was sick. His name was Naaman. He had a serious skin disease. Listen carefully to the Bible story so that you know what happened.”

Cut six circles of paper and put strong (duct) tape on the back of each one. Choose a child to represent Naaman during the Bible story. Get a piece of paper or a blue rug that represents the Jordan River.

teach the lesson

Use this activity to help your children have a better understanding of the biblical truth.

Naaman obeys and trusts in God

Gather the children around the rug or blue paper as you tell the story. Naaman was a very important general of the Syrian army, but he had a serious skin disease. (Ask the child to sit next to you and tape the circles on his arms, legs and face.) Naaman’s wife had an Israelite girl at her service. “If Mr. Naaman went to look for the prophet of God in Israel, he would be cured of his illness,” said the girl.

Naaman went to see his king and said, “My wife’s servant says there is a prophet of a God in Israel who can heal me.”

“I will send a letter to the king of Israel,” said the king of Syria.

Then Naaman went to see the king of Israel and he read the letter that said: “Please, help my servant. I send him to be healed of his illness.”

When he finished reading the letter, the king became worried and said, “How do you want me to cure you? I’m not God!”

Elisha was a prophet of God and knew that he could save Naaman. So he told the king to send the captain of the Syrian army to his house. Naaman went with all his chariots and servants to the house of Elisha.

When they arrived, the prophet sent his servant to give a special message to Naaman. “Go to the Jordan River and dip yourself in it seven times. After you have done this, you will be healthy,” he said. Naaman became very angry and said, “What is this? Elisha should have come to pray for me or send me to one of the beautiful rivers of my country. I do not like the Jordan River. I’m leaving here!” But, Naaman’s servants convinced him to do what the prophet had ordered, so they went to the Jordan River.

Naaman walked to the river and began to enter little by little (ask the boy to immerse himself in the river/ laying on the blue rug or paper) and then submerged himself seven times. When he got out of the water the last time, his skin was clean and healthy like that of a baby (ask the child to stand up and shake to remove the circles from his/ her skin). Naaman could not believe it! His skin was totally healthy. He was healed!

Naaman returned to see Elisha and said, “Now I know that there is only one God in the whole world. Please, accept these gifts that I bring for you.”

“No, thank you,” Elisha said. “I did only what God told me. God was the one who healed you of your disease.”

Naaman worshiped God and left to his country very happy and grateful for the miracle that the Lord had done in him.

connect the lesson

Go in the river 7 times!

For this activity you will need Student Activity Sheet #77. pencils, (duct) tape, markers or colored pencils, scissors, wooden sticks (two per child), and pieces of blue cardboard (22 x 30 cm). Cut out an opening of 7.5 cm on the pieces of blue cardboard and give one to each child.

Distribute the activity sheets. Allow the children to write their name on the activity sheet.

Follow the instructions on the activity sheet. Help your children to use their finished work to review the Bible story. Encourage them to take home their activity sheets to share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Ask your children to choose a place in the room and stay there while explaining the instructions of the game. Ask them to sit on the floor and say: I am going to count from one to seven. When I get to seven, the first one to jump and stand will say the memory verse with me. Repeat the game several times until everyone has said the text with you.



Sing a song of trusting in God as you gather all the children together to pray. Encourage them to mention their prayer requests and pray for each other. Be sure to note any requests for sick family and friends.


Encourage the children to pray with their parents about these needs during the week.


You should also spend additional time praying for these needs during the week. It is important that everyone takes home the work they have done in the group. This way parents will know what their children are doing. Say goodbye after inviting them to the next session.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™