yellow Unit 17 Lesson 71 Resource for age 3-5

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Hannah asks God for a son

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bible reference

1 Samuel 1:1-20

lesson objective

To help the children learn that they can talk to God when they are sad.

memory verse

“Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Hannah’s life gives us a clear example of what it means to be a God-fearing woman, in spite of suffering for not having children. Hannah lived at a time when having children was considered a favor from God, and since she did not have them, she felt sad.

Hannah’s husband, Elkanah, loved her very much, but the custom back then was to preserve the family lineage. So, sometimes men had more than one wife. Elkanah had another wife, Peninnah. They had several children, which gave Peninnah reasons to mock Hannah. On one occasion, when Elkanah went to Shiloh to worship God and offer a sacrifice, Hannah accompanied him to the sanctuary. While Elkanah offered the sacrifice, Hannah shed tears and prayed fervently before the presence of God. She begged God not to forget her and grant her a son. In return, she would give her son to his service. God heard Hannah’s prayer and granted her a son.

As you prepare this lesson, pray confidently to the Lord with the certainty that he hears and answers the prayers of His people.


Preschoolers understand what it means to be sad. Maybe at times they have felt so much sadness that they have shed tears. Help them to identify with Hannah, who wept before the Lord. Teach them that when they feel so sad, they can pray to God and trust that he will hear their prayer. Encourage them to talk with God about their feelings of sadness, joy and fear.

Preschoolers know that there are people they can trust, and they can go to them when they feel sad, worried or fearful. Through this story, they will understand that they can trust God and come to him in prayer at any time and in any place.

introduce the lesson

How can I talk to God?

For this activity, ask the children to form a circle around you. Show them a toy phone, a letter and some communication media drawings (computers, radios, etc.) and ask them what they are for. Listen to the answers and ask them: “Do we need any of these to talk to God?” (No) “So, how can we talk to God?” (Pray) Then say: “We know that God listens and answers our prayers. The memory verse reminds us to ‘Pray without ceasing.’”

Repeat the text with your children a couple of times. Then ask the group to help you make a list of times when you can talk to God. (When we eat, when we sleep, when we wake up, when we are sick, sad, happy, etc.) Put the list up in a visible place in the room.

teach the lesson

Choose some of the following activities to help your children understand the biblical truth of this lesson.

A baby

For this activity you will need a doll. Hold it in your arms and say: “The story today is about a woman named Hannah who wanted to have a child, but could not. That’s why she felt very sad.”

Allow them to hold the doll for a moment. Tell them that in order to learn what happened to Hannah, they must be pay attention during the story.

Have you ever...?

Ask the children: “Have you ever wanted something but could not have it?” (Allow them to respond.) “How do you feel when this happens?” (Listen to the answers.)

Then say: “Our Bible story today is about a woman named Hannah who wanted to have a child. For many years she had expected to have a child, but had not been able to. Hannah was very sad and prayed to God. Listen carefully to what happened in this story.”

You will need a toy doll and a blanket for a baby. While narrating the biblical story, hold the empty blanket. When Hannah’s prayer is answered, wrap the doll in the blanket.

Hannah’s prayer

Hannah loved God but she was very sad (hold the empty blanket). She felt that way because she had no children, although she wanted one so very much. When God answered her prayer and gave her a baby, she called her baby, “Samuel.” Hannah felt very happy because God had answered her prayer.

connect the lesson

Prayer Kites

Trim 45 centimeters of thick thread, wool/ yarn or ribbon for each child. Give the children Student Activity Sheet #71-A and #71-B. Let them write their name in Student Activity Sheet #71-A. Allow time for them to color the figure of Hannah. Then they must cut out the picture of the baby Samuel in Student Activity Sheet #71-B and paste it to Student Activity Sheet #71-A. Help them carefully cut out each of the pieces to form the kite.

Assemble the kites as shown in the example on Student Activity Sheet #71-B. Allow them to take them home as a reminder of the Bible story as they share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Form a circle and repeat the memory verses several times while spinning. Then, allow some volunteers to go to the center of the circle and say the verse on their own. Help those who have difficulties with memorization.



Singing a song on prayer. Then pray for the prayer requests of the group.


Encourage the children to pray with their families at home.


Make sure everyone takes home the work they have completed and invite them to return for the next session. If any of your children has been absent due to a problem, you can encourage them by visiting and sharing part of this lesson with them. Be sure to also pray with them.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™