yellow Unit 15 Resource for age 3-5

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memory verse for this unit

“Then he told them many things in parables” (Matthew 13:3a, NIV*).

objectives of this unit

This unit will help the children:• Learn the meaning of many parables that Jesus told.

the reason we teach this unit

The children will learn that Jesus taught people through the parable of the sower.

They will learn to be kind and compassionate by studying the parable of the Good Samaritan. They will study the parable of the great banquet.

They will recognize Jesus as the Good Shepherd through the parable of the lost sheep. They will understand the unconditional love of the Father for His children.

Parables are short and simple stories, with examples of everyday life, that teach deep spiritual truths. Jesus was the best storyteller. He knew the people and their environment, and he taught them with simple illustrations so that they could better understand the message of the kingdom of God.

Perhaps now it is more difficult to understand these parables, because we are not familiar with the lifestyle they had in Palestine in biblical times. However, the message of Jesus is still effective, and we need it.

As you teach these five lessons, discover with your children the spiritual richness contained in the parables.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™