yellow Unit 14 Lesson 60 Resource for age 3-5

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God helps David to be kind

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key words

bible reference

2 Samuel 9:18

lesson objective

To enable the children to understand that God can help them to be kind.

memory verse

“My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:2, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

The events of this chapter cannot be dated accurately. However, it is known that they happened after David came to the throne of Israel, shortly after Saul and Jonathan were killed.

Despite conflicts with the descendants of King Saul, David never forgot the promise of friendship he made with Jonathan, even though he was dead.

David wanted to find someone from the royal family to help, and thus fulfill the pact he had made with his best friend. A man who had been a servant in Saul’s house told David that a son of Jonathan was still alive. He was crippled and was called Mephibosheth.

Mephibosheth was five years old when his father died (2 Samuel 4:4). When his nurse heard that Jonathan had died, she took the child and fled with him, but as she ran away hurriedly, the boy fell and became lame.

When Mephibosheth learned that King David was looking for him, he feared for his life. In the ancient kingdoms, generally the new kings secured their right to the throne by eliminating all the descendants of the previous kings. However, King David fulfilled the promise he had made to Jonathan many years ago. He gave Mephibosheth all the lands that had belonged to his grandfather Saul. In addition, he invited him to be part of his own family, asking him to eat at his table as one of the king’s sons.


Learning to be kind in words and actions is very important for young children. Preschoolers go through periods in which they focus their interest on themselves. They are naturally self- centered. This does not mean they do not have the intention, but it is a part of the process of development and socialization.

For them, their ideas, needs and thoughts are the right ones, and everyone else should see that as well. These behaviors tend to generate problems in the classroom, but you can reduce them by teaching them to accept the ideas of others.

Help your children understand that it is good to be flexible and kind to one another. Observe them as they play together, listen to other children and have them pray for their classmates.

Remember that preschoolers are usually friendly. They care about their friends, their families, and even their pets. They can sense when someone is kind to them, but they are ready to judge someone who is not. Through this lesson they will learn that God wants to help them be kind to others.

introduce the lesson

Time to play

For this activity, you will need clay to mold or different colored molding clay or Play-Doh, and tablecloths or plastic bags.

Cover the work area with the tablecloths and allow time for the children to form figures with the materials. Observe them during the activity and encourage them to share the materials with one another. Talk to them about the importance of being kind when playing with others.

teach the lesson

The following activity will help you teach your children the Bible story.

What is kindness?

Tell your children: “God wants us to be kind to others.” Then ask: “Does anyone know what it means to be kind?” (Listen to the answers.)

As they express their answers, write them on the board. Then explain that the Bible story shows us how God helped David be a kind person.

David loved God, and God chose him to be the new king of Israel. When King Saul died, David took his place. David’s best friend, Jonathan, also died in a battle, and that saddened David a lot. One day, King David was talking to his helpers and asked them, “Do any relatives of Saul still live whom I can help in memory of Jonathan? I want to be kind to them, just as Jonathan was kind to me.”

The assistants of the king were thinking, and suddenly someone remembered a servant of King Saul, called Siba. Then they rushed to inform David. “Siba possibly knows someone.”

David replied, “Bring me this man immediately.” That’s why the assistants took Siba to David. “Is someone still alive in Saul’s family?” David asked him. “God has put in my heart a great desire to help him.”

“A son of Jonathan still lives, who cannot walk,” Siba said. “His name is Mephibosheth.”

“I want to meet him!” David said excitedly. King David was very enthusiastic about the idea of helping his best friend’s son! Soon after, his assistants brought Mephibosheth, but he was very scared. He did not know why the king wanted to see him. “Do not be afraid,” David told him. “Your father was my best friend. I’ll give you the land that belonged to your grandfather, King Saul and you can eat with me whenever you want. “

“Thank you,” Mephibosheth said. “You are very kind to me.”

David kept his word and gave Mephibosheth all that was once Saul’s and his family’s. Since he could not walk, he stayed in Jerusalem and always ate at King David’s table, like one of his children.

connect the lesson

Cards of kindness

Distribute Student Activity Sheet #60-A and #60-B plus scissors. Help the children cut out the four cards, following the dotted lines. Ask them to look closely at the figures and ask in what ways the children are showing an attitude of service and kindness. Allow time for them to draw a picture in the blank space of how they can be kind and helpful.

Flip the cards and arrange them according to the order of the story. Trace the word of faith and repeat the memory verse. When you finish, put the cards in bags so they can take them home and tell their family what they learned in the lesson.

Did you think ahead about planting seeds?

Because several of these lessons have talked about David growing up and developing as a king, did you consider the group planting some flower or vegetable seeds and to watch them grow for a few weeks? If you are using this activity, provide an update to the children. Be sure to continue thinking ahead to Lesson 9 and prepare to include this. Keep in mind your group’s particular circumstances. Care for the growth of the seeds/ plants.

practice the memory verse

Since it is the last class of the unit, prepare some prizes for those who have learned the full memory verse. You can give hearts with the verse written on it. Allow time for those who wish to repeat it individually and tell others what they have learned.



Conclude with a prayer for the children. Ask God to show them ways to be kind to others.


Briefly review the lessons of this unit. Emphasize the importance of taking David’s example in their daily life. David, like them, was just a child when God called him to be king of his people. But this humble little shepherd boy became a very powerful and respected king. Preschoolers can also do great things in the Lord’s hands. Encourage them to place their trust in God and obey His Word.


Give a brief introduction to the contents of the next unit and invite them to attend.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™