yellow Unit 24 Lesson 101 Resource for age 3-5

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God’s special promise

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bible reference

Luke 1:26-38

lesson objective

To help the children learn that God promised to send his son Jesus to earth.

memory verse

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son” (John 3:16a, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

The evangelist Luke gives profound significance to the visit the angel made to the young Jewish girl called Mary. The Bible tells us that Mary was a young virgin, engaged to Joseph, a descendant of David’s lineage. Although Mary and Joseph were not yet married, the commitment could only be broken through divorce. Any infidelity on the part of Mary would have been considered adultery. When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, he could sense her fears. That is why he told her not to fear, since she had found grace before God and would be very blessed.

The angel announced the virgin birth of Jesus, who would be conceived through the Holy Spirit. When she gave birth, God’s promise to send his Son into the world would be fulfilled. We find this prophecy in the Old Testament in Isaiah 9. Mary’s doubt was not due to disbelief, as in the case of Zechariah. Rather, she wanted to know how it would be possible for a young virgin to conceive and give birth. The response of the angel was that the conception of the baby Jesus would be accomplished through the Holy Spirit. It is difficult to understand, but easy to believe by faith. In this way, Jesus Christ was born sinless, being one hundred percent human and one hundred percent divine, and brought salvation to mankind. Mary’s response in Luke 1:38, “Let it be to me according to your word,” shows us a simple but fervent faith in God.

As you prepare this lesson, meditate on the promise of the birth of the Son of God. For us, a baby born of a virgin seems impossible, but for God there is nothing impossible. Like Mary, we can also believe in the promises of God.


For your children, promises are important. If their father, mother, teacher or a friend promises something, for them it means that it will happen. When someone they trust does not keep their promise, children suffer.

The story of Christmas is considered a promise. Help them understand that God fulfilled his promise of sending his Son, Jesus, into the world. Through this lesson, celebrate with your children that God always keeps his promises and we can trust him.

Preschoolers enjoy the Christmas season and wait for it well in advance. Ask them how they think Mary felt knowing that she would be the mother of the Son promised by God. Let them tell you what they enjoy most about Christmas. Teach them that the fulfillment of God’s promise is the best gift that has ever existed.

introduce the lesson

Angel figures

You need molding clay or Play-Doh and plastic bags or tablecloths to cover the work area. Allow time for your children to make figures of angels of different colors and sizes. As you work, ask them: Do you remember what we celebrate at Christmas?” (Jesus’ birth) “Who is Jesus?” (The son of God) “In our Bible story today we will talk about the visit that an angel named Gabriel made to a young woman.”

teach the lesson

Before the session study Luke 1:26-38 and be prepared to tell the story.

Messengers of good news

Have a newspaper and a letter at hand. Show them to your group and ask them what they are for. Listen carefully to the answers. Then explain that newspapers and letters serve as messengers of good or bad news. Ask them about other ways the news is announced (radio, television, internet, etc.).

Tell them that today’s story is about a woman who received good news from an angel.

Mary was a young woman who loved and obeyed God. She lived in a town called Nazareth. One day Mary was sitting in her house when suddenly, an Angel appeared.

“Greetings, Mary” said the angel Gabriel. “God loves you very much and is with you.”

Mary felt very afraid. Her eyes widened in amazement and she kept looking at the angel Gabriel who was standing in front of her. “Do not be afraid,” said the angel. “God is pleased with you and he sent me to give you good news.”

Mary listened attentively to the angel, who said, “Something special will happen to you very soon. You are going to have a baby! You must call him Jesus. He will be a great king as King David was a long time ago. He will be king forever and will help many people because he will be the Son God.”

Mary tried to understand what the angel was saying, but it seemed incredible. “How can that be possible?” she asked.

Then Gabriel replied, “Mary, the baby that you will conceive will be through the power of God. God can do things that no one else can do. You are going to have the Son of God.”

Mary trusted God. She knew that he would fulfill His promise. She was happy to be chosen to be the mother of this special baby. When the angel left, Mary praised and glorified God with all her heart.

connect the lesson

A Christmas promise

Before the session prepare Student Activity Sheet #101-A, #101-B and #101-C. Cut out the pictures for this lesson from Student Activity Sheet #101-C, and then give a set to each child, along with Student Activity Sheet #101-A and #101-B.

Allow time for the children to write their name, trace the word of faith and paste the pictures inside the gift in Student Activity Sheet #101-A.

Turn to Student Activity Sheet #101-B and tell the children to join the points to form the tree. Ask them to color it and draw an angel on the tip. Encourage the children to take home their activities and share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Draw and cut several figures of angels and decorate them. Write inside of them the memory verse divided into short sentences.

Paste the figures on the board with tape and read the verse together with your children. Then change the position of the figures, and give time for one of the children to put them in the correct order.

Repeat the exercise a couple of times. Then hang the figures in a visible place in the room.



Do not forget to ask if they have prayer requests and intercede together for them. Say goodbye with a Christmas song.


Each Sunday as the celebration of Christmas draws closer, encourage the children to tell of God’s special promise to people through Jesus Christ.


Encourage the group to invite their family and friends to these lessons and other Christmas activities at your church.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™