yellow Unit 23 Lesson 98 Resource for age 3-5

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Ruth meets Boaz

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bible reference

Ruth 1:22 - 2:16

lesson objective

To help the children learn that sometimes God takes care of us through others.

memory verse

“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you” (Psalm 55:22b, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Ruth and Naomi returned to Bethlehem during the barley harvest in the spring. This harvest normally occurred in the months of April, May, and June, followed by the rainy season. The reapers cut the stems using sickles or small knives with a wooden handle, made of iron or copper. The young maidservants generally followed the reapers, making bundles of falling stalks of wheat.

The law required that the corners of the fields not be harvested; besides, they should not pick up the grains that fell while the harvests were drying. In this way, Israel provided food for the poor. Being a widow, Ruth could go to the fields and pick up the grain that fell and use them for her food.

Ruth went to Boaz’s field; he was a relative of Naomi’s. There she worked hard, without stopping to rest or drink water. Boaz, who was a kind man because of the interaction he had with his workers, saw the work that Ruth was doing and asked who she was. Upon being told, he was impressed by Ruth’s faithfulness to her mother-in-law. Then, going beyond the law established, he ordered his workers to drop more stalks of grain so that Ruth and Naomi would have enough food. Boaz shared the food with Ruth, treated her with respect, and provided her with a safe place to work.

Boaz had such a good disposition to help someone in need that God used him to help Ruth and Naomi. As you prepare this lesson, reflect on your actions. When was the last time you went beyond what was expected to help someone in need? How do you allow God to use you to improve the lives of others?

Compassion as a way of life is more than a feeling of sympathy for those who suffer. True compassion consists in providing for the needs of others.


This is a time that is ideal to teach preschoolers that there are people in need. It is important that they learn to see beyond their own interests, to see the needs of others. Plan some activity in which they can share with others; for example: give an offering for the compassionate ministry of your church, or donate food or clothing for the needy. When children are taught at an early age about compassionate ministry, they learn that loving God means caring for those who suffer from deprivation.

It is at this stage that preschoolers begin to discover the needs of others and to care about others. You will notice how surprised they are when they realize that their actions can help or hurt other people. If there are disagreements among the children in your class, teach them to respect others and to solve things without fighting.

introduce the lesson

Healthy foods

For this activity, you will need different types of grains (corn, beans, kidney beans, wheat, etc.), white paper, colored pencils or crayons, and glue.

Show children the beans and grains and explain to them what it means to respond with compassion. Foods are made with grains. For example, flour is made with wheat, and so are bread, cereals, pasta, etc. Hand out the white paper. Instruct them to glue some grains and draw some foods that are prepared with them.

As you work, tell them that God made grains to feed us. Explain that the Bible story is about when Ruth and Naomi needed food, and God provided for them through a good man who grew grain in his fields.

teach the lesson

Read Ruth 1:22 - 2:16 before the session and be prepared to tell the story.Ruth picks heads of wheat

After Ruth and Naomi arrived in Bethlehem, they found a place to live but they needed food. It was precisely the time of the harvest, when people went to the field to gather heads of wheat. The heads are the grains used to make bread and other foods.

One day Ruth told Naomi, “Let me go pick up stalks of wheat. Surely those who harvest in the field will let me go after them, collecting the grain that falls. “

“Go, my daughter,” answered Naomi.

Then Ruth went to a field and began to pick up the wheat that fell from the workers. She worked very hard all day. Unknowingly, Ruth had gone to the field of Boaz, a relative of Naomi’s husband. Boaz was very rich and important in Bethlehem. When Boaz went to see how his fields were, he saw Ruth and asked, “Who is that woman?”

“It is Ruth. She came from Moab with Naomi. She has worked very hard all day, without resting.”

Then Boaz called Ruth and said, “You can work in this field as much as you want. Here you will be safe. You can also eat with my workers and drink fresh water from our jugs.”

“Why are you so kind to me if you do not know me?” Ruth asked.

Boaz answered, “I have heard a lot about you and how you have helped and cared for Naomi. May God reward you for all you have done and give you many blessings!”

“Thank you very much, sir!” Ruth said.

Afterward, Boaz told his workers to drop more grain so that Ruth would have enough food. God cared for Naomi and Ruth through Boaz’s kindness.

connect the lesson

Ruth picks heads of wheat

Distribute Student Activity Sheet #98-A and #98-B plus pencils. Let the children write their name and trace the word of faith on Student Activity Sheet #98-A. Allow time for them to circle the bunches of wheat they find in the drawing.

Turn to Student Activity Sheet #98-B and help the children count and highlight the numbers on the bundles as they review what they learned in the Bible story. Encourage the children to take home their activities and share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Have the children form a circle and you stand in the center with a soft ball. When you throw the ball to one of them, they must say the memory verse. Help those who have problems memorizing it. Repeat the game until everyone has participated.



Pray for each one’s needs, concluding with a prayer of gratitude to God for his love and care.


Sing a song about God’s love or care. Then ask if they remembered during the past week to thank their parents and other caregivers for taking care of them. If some did not remember, encourage them to say thanks this week.


Invite the children to the next session and distribute any items they will take home.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™