yellow Unit 22 Lesson 93 Resource for age 3-5

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We show our friends love

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bible reference

Mark 2:1-12

lesson objective

To help preschoolers learn that they show God’s love when they love their friends.

memory verse

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God” (1 John 4:7, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

In the next four lessons, the children will explore some Bible stories that show God’s love.

God wants us to show his love. This simple truth is supported by men of God who always showed acts of compassion. In Matthew 22:34-40, a Pharisee, interpreter of the law, approached Jesus to ask him: “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus answered by emphasizing the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18), “you shall love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus wanted them to know that love goes beyond a simple feeling or emotion; it is a reflection of God’s love placed in the hearts of his children. That is, it is a constant love that does not change, nor does it depend on the actions of other people.

True love, which works for the good of others, will always guide us to the Bible story based on Mark 2:1-5, 10-12. Jesus was in Peter’s house in Capernaum. By this point, Jesus’ ministry and reputation as a healer was known by so many that he could not go anywhere without being followed by a crowd.

When he arrived in Capernaum, a crowd followed him. In the house there was no room for anyone else. However, four friends did not give up and looked for a way to see the Master. They were sure that if they could bring their paralyzed friend close to Jesus, he would be healed. These four men, whose names the Bible does not mention, spared no effort to help their friend. They demonstrated the deep love they felt for him by taking him to see Jesus.

As you prepare to study the lesson, ask the Lord to help you find ways to show love to your children.


Part of your responsibility as a children's teacher/ discipler is to create opportunities for your children to interact. It is during those times when solid friendships are formed. Watch the children while they play. Do their words and actions reflect love? Do they share their toys? Are they respectful and kind?

These signs show if they are developing love towards others.

Remember that preschoolers are beginning the process of socialization. During this period they learn to share and respect others. Through Bible teaching they will understand what it means to show God’s love to friends.

introduce the lesson

Friends play together

For this activity, you will need (jigsaw) puzzles, plastic blocks, molding clay or Play-Doh. Put the clay and utensils on a table and allow the children to play together for a few minutes. While watching them, talk about the importance of sharing toys with their friends. Tell them that when they are friendly and share, they are showing God’s love.

teach the lesson

Study Mark 2:1-12 before the session and be ready to tell the story. Use these activities to prepare the hearts of your children to listen, understand, and review the Bible story.

Songs of love

Before doing the lesson, sing with your children about the love of God.

Think about possible visual aids to illustrate the lesson. Remember that preschoolers learn through their senses, so it is important to make illustrations for their sessions or make lessons as interactive as possible.

Four friends show their love

Jesus is the son of God. He can do things that no one else can do, such as healing people who are very sick. When Jesus lived on earth, he showed his love to all people. That is why many people wanted to see him and be close to him. One day Jesus visited a town called Capernaum and went to a friend’s house.

“Jesus is in town!” the people said excitedly. “Hurry, let’s see Him!”

Jesus was in the house talking about the love of God. Many people had gone to listen to him. There were so many that no one else could fit inside.

“Did you hear? Jesus is in the village,” said a man with a paralyzed friend. “Maybe Jesus can heal him.”

The friends of the paralyzed man decided to take him to where Jesus was. But, since he could not walk, they put him on a mat and carried him to the house.

“There are too many people here; we will not be able to enter. How will we see Jesus?” said one of them.

“I already know what we are going to do,” said another. “We will enter through the roof.” The four men took their paralyzed friend and carefully raised him to the roof of the house. Then they started to make a hole in it. They tied some ropes to the blanket where the paralytic was and slowly began to lower it to where Jesus was.

Jesus looked at the man and realized that he could not walk. He observed the friends and was glad for what they had done. Then Jesus said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Can you imagine what happened next? It was amazing! Jesus said to him, “Get up and go home.” And the man did what Jesus told him. His legs strengthened and he was able to walk.

His friends were happy because Jesus had miraculously healed him.

All the people looked amazed as they saw this man walk, and they praised God for what Jesus had done.

connect the lesson

A sample of love

Make sure Student Activity Sheets #93-A and #93-B are printed back to back.  Hand out the student activity sheets. Provide colored pencils for the children to color the paralyzed man and his friends. Allow time for them to write their name and, with different colors, trace the word of faith on Student Activity Sheet #93-A.

Then help the children cut out the seven pieces that make up the puzzle of the story on Student Activity Sheet #93-B. Let them put their puzzle together while reviewing what they learned today. Give them envelopes to keep the pieces of the puzzle in. Encourage the children to take their activities home so they can share today’s lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Memorizing the Bible verse is very important for the development of the lessons. Write it in large letters on a poster board. Make sure that the letters are clear so that those who have just started reading will not struggle.

Read the text slowly. If someone does not know the meaning of a word, explain it to them. Repeat this several times until they become familiar with it. Hang the cardboard on a wall so it can always be visible.



Preschoolers can pray for each other easily. Emphasize that one of the most important ways you can show love for your friends is by praying for them. Intercede for their requests.


Thanks the children for their participation in today’s session and sing a song that speaks about the love of God or friendship.


Remind the children to take any items they have done. Lovingly say goodbye and do not forget to invite them to the next session.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™