yellow Unit 13 Lesson 53 Resource for age 3-5

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Jesus teaches us not to worry

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key words

bible reference

Matthew 6:25-34

lesson objective

To help the children learn to depend on God and trust in his care.

memory verse

"Jesus said, 'Blessed…are those who hear the Word of God and obey it'" (Luke 11:28, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Jesus taught people through objects, everyday situations, stories and illustrations.

We could even call Him the best teacher in the art of storytelling. Matthew 6:25-34 shows the ability that Jesus had to use common things such as birds and flowers to teach deep spiritual truths.

Worry, anxiety, and stress are not new concepts for our society. Through this parable, we see that people have not changed through the years. The people listening to Jesus had their own worries and anxieties. Life was just as difficult in those times. For example, food decomposed faster and people lived with daily provisions. They did not have a lot of resources and the economic situation was complicated. Also, consider the oppression of the Roman Empire. If you take into account all the factors, you will understand the fear and anxiety of the people.

Jesus also understood it and therefore told this parable. He wanted people to trust God’s care for them.

Today, we also need to know this truth. It does not matter how much or little we have, what is important is to learn to depend on the goodness and sovereignty of God. This will free us from worries and anxieties.


The next four lessons will give you the opportunity to teach your children about Jesus, the Son of God. This first lesson deals with worry and anxiety. Many people think that childhood is a happy time and therefore free of anxiety. However, children also worry. They experience bewilderment, anxiety and fear. Sadly, stress is common among children today.

Your classroom should be a calm and safe place for preschoolers who live in a world of chaos. They need to understand, through your words and especially the teachings about Jesus, that God cares for them.

Maybe they do not fully understand the meaning of the word “worry,” but it is common for them to experience moments of anguish and anxiety.

Have you observed the attitude of three-year-old children when they are in a strange place and with people they do not know?

They obviously feel anguish and worry. Therefore, they need to learn that God has everything under control and that He can take care of them in all circumstances.

introduce the lesson

Colorful flowers

For this activity, you will need molding clay or colorful Play-Doh, plastic tablecloths (or large plastic sheets), and wooden sticks. Always consider the safety of your class members as you develop your class activities.

Protect the work area with tablecloths or sheets. Distribute the clay and ask the children to make flowers of different shapes, colors and sizes.

As they do so, explain that in today’s story they will learn that Jesus teaches us about God’s care for flowers and birds.

When they are finished, place their creations on a table so that parents can see them.

teach the lesson

Illustrate the story

Illustrate the narrative using a figure of Jesus and photographs or drawings of flowers and birds.

Do not worry!

One day Jesus told a story to his friends. He wanted them to know about God’s love and care.

Jesus said to them, “When you feel worried, look around. You will understand why you can trust in God and why you should not worry about what you will eat or wear.”

“Look at the birds in the sky.” (Show the figure of a bird.) “God takes care of birds and provides them a safe place to sleep and food to eat. They do not have to worry about anything.”

Then Jesus told them about clothes. “Look at the flowers. For example, the lilies of the field do not worry about anything, because God also takes care of them. He gave them petals and leaves with beautiful colors and shapes. They do not need to worry about how they look.”

Jesus’ friends saw the beautiful flowers that were moved by the wind. Meanwhile, Jesus reminded them, “God loves you much more than flowers and birds. That’s why you must trust that He will always be with you and give you what you need.”

Bible review

Have all children sit down in a circle. Tell the children to pass a flower to one another. Show the children a paper flower and tell them: “Look at this paper flower. Do you remember what we learned about flowers during the lesson?” (God takes care of the flowers.)

Explain that whoever receives the flower should say something he/ she remembers about the story, and then give the flower to another child. Once that child says a part of the lesson, the child must pass the flower to another child until everyone has participated.

connect the lesson

God takes care of us

Before class, gather Student Activity Sheet #53-A, #53-B and #53-C. Cut out the bird prints from Student Activity Sheet #53-C and have a set for each child.

In class, explain that in each unit there is a different word of faith to study. The word for this unit is JESUS.

Give each child Student Activity Sheet #53-A and #53-B, including a set of bird prints. Allow time for the children to glue the birds to the picture, color the flowers, and trace the numbers and words outlined on the activity sheets.

Encourage the children to take home the activity sheets and use them to share the lesson with their family and friends.

What’s worrying you?

Ask the children to mention the things that worry them or cause them or be afraid. Write these on the board. It is common for preschoolers to be worried by situations that make them afraid, such as the dark or strange noises. However, others will have more real concerns, such as instability in their home or discussions about finances.

Be sure to identify the children who are expressing these problems and pray about what you could or should do. Perhaps you can talk with the pastor. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Whatever happens, God takes care of His children. Pray for the group, asking God to help each of the children. Then erase the list from the board and encourage them to place their trust in the Lord.

practice the memory verse

Echo Verse

Say the words of Luke 11:28 to the class. Then, divide the class into two groups. Say, “I will say a word or group of words from our new Bible verse. I want you to repeat what I say. Group 1 will say it first, then Group 2 will say it next.”

Say, “Jesus said,” (Let Group 1 echo this and then Group 2.) Continue with the verse: Blessed—are those—who hear—the Word of God—and obey it.

Repeat this several times.



Let the children offer prayer requests. Let any children pray if they want to do that. Thank God for his love and care.


Point out to the children that everyone has times of being unhappy or discouraged. However, God can give us joy when we remember that he cares about all our needs.


Remind the children to invite other children to come with them to the group sessions.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™