Resource for age 10-13



memory verse for this unit

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’” (Matthew 9:37-38, NIV*).

objectives of this unit

This unit will help the children:• Understand that we are used by God to spread the gospel and win souls for Christ• Understand the importance of obeying God’s command and to know that we are instruments in his hands• Understand that you cannot judge a person’s relationship with God simply by their appearance or religion, and we all need to know God and accept him as our Savior• Understand that we have a responsibility to testify to others about Christ, knowing he will help us accomplish this. We can do this by living a holy and pleasing life.

the reason we teach this unit

Our children need to know that God uses Christians to tell everyone that he loves them and wants to forgive their sins and be part of his big family. Besides preaching and healing, Jesus also taught by using whatever was around him, like things in nature, so that people could understand his message. The harvest is when a planted field is mature and ready to be harvested/picked. Our children are also “workers” when they follow Jesus and obey his command to share the Gospel. Jesus, with compassionate eyes, saw the crowd as a great harvest field, ready for harvest (to hear the gospel). But he acknowledges that there is a lot of work and few workers (followers) willing to do the work.