silver Unit 64 Lesson 280 Resource for age 10-13

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God’s love within the church

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key words

biblical reference

Acts 2:42-47, 4:32-37

lesson objective

To help children understand that a true Christian will look out for his neighbor. We are part of the body of Christ and therefore we have a responsibility to others.

memory verse

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

After Pentecost, the apostle Peter was transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and spoke powerfully to the Jews who there, giving them his testimony and exhorting them to repent of their sins (Acts 2:38). Those who accepted what he said were baptized, and that day about three thousand people were added to the church.

This was a great demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit. The new converts persevered in the teachings of the apostles. All of them were of the same mind, they loved each other in a brotherly way and shared with one another what they had (1 Peter 3: 8). The Holy Spirit united these people in community. They lived as if everything belonged to the Lord. When there was a need, the Christians sold their possessions and gave the money to the Church to be used to meet that need.

Today, as Christians, we have a duty to our neighbors. As part of the body of Christ, we have a responsibility. Christ is the Head of the Church and we, his believers, can be his hands to give to and help the needy, his feet to go preach the Word, or his ears to listen and console.

Can anyone understand the message of Christ if he is hungry or cold? No. But if we meet their need, they not only understand, but also will see the love of God reflected in our actions.

introduce the lesson

Activity: The power of friendship

Give each one Student Activity Sheet #280-A entitled: “The Power of Friendship.” Ask the following questions regarding the story. Have your group write the answers on their activity sheets.

1. Why was John sad? (He had to leave his friends and his school, and his parents argued a lot.)

2. Why did Michael want to help John? (Because he is a Christian and had learned that God loves us, and we should love one another.)

3. How did Michael help John? (He helped with his chores, and when he learned about John’s situation, he asked his parents how they could help. Michael and his parents took food to John’s family and helped them.)

4. What was the result of this action? (John’s family learned about the love of God, and how he cares for us through the testimony of Michael’s family.)

5. How does this story relate to the life of the early Christians as recorded in Acts 2:43-47? (The first Christians shared all they had with each other; they ate together with glad and sincere hearts, and meet together every day in the temple courts to praise God.)

Before moving on to the Bible story, give your children the first page of the Christian Friendship Club. Tell your children to think about whether they would like to start a group like this, and write down the rules, they would like for their group, so the rules can be used in an advertisement.

teach the lesson

Christ’s best friends

Ask children to follow the reading in their worksheet as you read the lesson.

“Peter, can you come to my house today?” a new convert asked. “My friends and I would like to speak with you about Jesus. You know so much about him and his teachings.”

After Peter’s first sermon, 3,000 new Christians needed a place to grow stronger in their faith. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings, to fellowship with one another, and to the breaking of bread and to prayer. They were filled with awe at the many signs and wonders performed by the apostles.

People gathered in the temple to worship. Some small groups met in houses. Sometimes people met in a place outside the temple called “The Porch of Solomon” to tell each other their problems, and to enjoy time together.

“Hello Joseph!” said Matthew. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“I’m fine, thank you,” replied Joseph. “I just came to give you something; I sold some of my property and would like to give the money to someone who needs it.”

“Thank you, Joseph,” said the apostle, “we will call you Barnabas instead of Joseph, because Barnabas means ‘Son of Encouragement’, and it is a perfect name for a man as generous as you are.” Joseph smiled.

The multitude who believed what Peter shared were of one heart and one soul. None of them said that they had anything of their own, but they shared everything with each other.

Then Joseph said, “I am not the only one who has sold their property to help those in need. We all must love and help each other, just as Jesus commanded.”

connect the lesson

Distribute Student Activity Sheet #280-B and use it to review the lesson.

Activity: Discover the Bible verse!

Give the group Student Activity Sheet #280-C and explain to the students how they can discover the Bible verse by using the code.

Activity: What can I do?

Give each child a piece of newspaper and ask them what they can do with it. Allow them to use their imagination (ex. paper boats, hat, book cover, towel, etc.). Explain that just as we have the opportunity to use a newspaper to make different things, God can use us to accomplish different things. In what ways can we be useful to God? (We can tell about him by giving, helping the needy, visiting the sick, etc.) Let them draw pictures of things we can do to be useful to God. Make a mural with all the drawings.

practice the memory verse

Divide the children into two groups: boys and girls. Let the girls start by saying the first word of the memory verse and then the boys the second. Continue until they say the entire verse.

Give the group Student Activity Sheet #280-D and guide the students to develop rules for their Christian friendship club.



To conclude, have a time of prayer with your children, asking the Holy Spirit for help so that you all can be Christ’s helpers.


Encourage the group to look for ways of fulfilling their Christian duty to others, especially their families and neighbors.


Thank your children for their attendance and announce something about the next lesson to increase their interest. Remind them that friends are welcome.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™