silver Unit 63 Lesson 278 Resource for age 10-13

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Jesus, the returning king

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key words

biblical reference

Matthew 25:31-48; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18

lesson objective

To help children know that they can joyfully wait for the return of Christ

memory verse

“At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

The second coming of Christ is described in language that reveals the greatness of the event. Jesus will come in great glory, surrounded by angels, acting as our righteous Judge, and will face all the people. “He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” (Matthew 25:32)

The shepherd gives the sheep a place of honor on the right, the rest are put to the left, and they will not receive the reward of the righteous. The Bible points out to us the glorious invitation of Christ: “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world” (Matthew25:34).

After this invitation from Jesus, he points out the reasons why men are rewarded: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). In his compassionate love for all, Christ is referring to suffering humanity as his brothers and sisters. While works of mercy are not the basis of our eternal reward or punishment, could a Christian be uninterested and unresponsive when those around them are in need?

It is clear that good works come from the heart of a person who has a good relationship with God.

As we have seen in previous lessons, the resurrection of Christ is the basis for our resurrection. Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, encourages the members of the church of Thessalonica. They were waiting for the announced return of Christ, and wanted to be alive at the time of his second coming. However, when some of their members died, they lamented that they would not see the glory of Christ’s return. That is why Paul reminds the believers that those who had already died in Christ would also be resurrected. We too have the same hope of a final resurrection through Jesus Christ.

introduce the lesson

Take time to review this unit’s objectives. Invite volunteers to tell the group what the different lessons were about. You can bring some objects to represent each lesson that will help your children remember the lessons.

Emphasize the idea that Jesus is King of kings now. He was not only a king at the time that this part of the Bible was written, but he also is king today.

Ask your children if they have family members who have traveled to another country or city, and say: “How did you communicate with them?”(By telephone, letters, postcards, etc.) “Did they return from their trip?” “How did you feel when they said they would come back?” (Discuss these questions for a few moments with your children. Then explain how Jesus promised to return and give us a special gift.)

teach the lesson

Call five volunteers to the front; give each one a number. As you read the following descriptions, have each child act out what you read (like a mime). At the end of the performance, congratulate them with applause.

Child 1. The disciples loved Jesus as an intimate friend. They recognized him as the Messiah and were filled with fear and confusion when he was arrested.

Child 2. After being arrested, he was subjected to interrogation, different punishments, and finally crucified.

Child 3. On Friday afternoon, Jesus died on the cross and was buried. The disciples were very sad and scared because they did not know what would happen.

Child 4. On the third day after Jesus died, they discovered that the tomb was empty. And they were filled with excitement and joy.

Child 5. Then, Jesus appeared to the disciples several times. He helped them understand who he is and what would happen in the future.

connect the lesson

Activity: Time line

Give your group Student Activity Sheet #278-A, #278-B and #278-C. They will need to cut out the boxes on the right that represent the important events in the lives of Jesus and his disciples on Student Activity Sheet #278-B and #278-C. Then they need to glue or tape them in the correct order, according to what happened before the resurrection:

1. A period of three years: Jesus’ ministry

2. A sad night: the arrest of Jesus

3. A dark day: the crucifixion

Continue the Bible story. The resurrection of Christ begins a new stage. Find Acts 1:3 in your Bible and read it to the group. Have your children get into groups and give them the worksheet “Forever with Jesus.” Then ask the following questions on the worksheet. The group that answers the most questions correctly wins:

• How many days was Jesus with his disciples after his resurrection? (Forty days)

• What did Jesus do during those forty days? (He told them about the Kingdom.)

• What did Jesus tell them before he left? (To wait for the gift that the Father had promised.)

• What was that promise? (That He would send the Holy Spirit: Acts 1:8.)

• What would the Holy Spirit give? (Power to be Christ’s witnesses.)

• Where would they be witnesses? (In Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.)

• When Jesus ascended to heaven, what did the angels say? (“Why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts1:11)

• How do you think the disciples felt? (Joyful to know that Jesus would return.)

Continue with the Timeline activity. Have your children glue the remaining three boxes in the correct place on the time line according to what happened after the resurrection:

1. About forty days after the crucifixion: Jesus’ ascension.

2. The promised gift: the coming of the Holy Spirit.

3. A future event: Jesus’ return.

There may have been many questions about Jesus Christ’s return to earth. Remember what he taught about his return. Look in your Bible at Matthew 25:31-35. Explain that the Son of Man is Jesus. Continue by asking the following questions to the groups:

• What will the Son of Man do? (He will separate the sheep from the goats.)

• Where will each go? (The sheep on the right, goats on the left.)

• Why reward those on the right? (Because they loved those who were in need; they fed the hungry, gave water to the thirsty, etc.)

Ask, “What group would you like to be in - the sheep or the goats?” (Wait for the children’s answers and see if they understood the meaning.) In this passage, Jesus shows us that by doing good to those who are in need, we reflect our love for him. However, this is not the only requirement to get the reward he has offered.

Reflect with your children about the importance of Christ’s return to earth.

Ask, “Why do you think it is important for Christ to return?” (To be able to live with him for eternity.)

Tell the children that no one except the Father knows the day and time that Jesus will return to Earth. That is why we must be prepared all the time by obeying his commands.

Give your children a sheet of paper and colored pens or pencils and have them draw a picture of what they imagine the second coming of Christ will be like. Tell them that you will display their drawings in an important place in the room, as a way to encourage everyone with the good news of Christ’s return.

Activity: A close inspection

Give your group Student Activity Sheet #278-D. Discuss the questions on the activity sheet and then ask them the following questions:

Would you like to live in this world forever? (List your children’ answers on the board, both positive and negative.)

Read aloud Acts 1:4-8 and ask, “What did Jesus promise his disciples? How would the Holy Spirit help them after Christ returned to the Father in heaven?

In Acts 1:9-11, what promise did the angels give to the disciples as they watched Jesus ascend to heaven? How do you think the disciples felt about the words of the angels?

practice the memory verse

This is the last lesson of the unit; ask the children if they know Philippians 2:10. You can encourage them by having a small gift for the children that have the verse memorized.



To conclude, have a time of prayer with your children, asking the Lord for help so that you all can live properly while awaiting his return.


Encourage your group to share about the importance of Christ’s return to earth with their family and friends.


Thank your children for their attendance and announce something about the next lesson to increase their interest. Remind them that they will start a new unit of lessons, and this is a good time to invite new group members.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™