silver Unit 62 Lesson 270 Resource for age 10-13

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The family of the covenant

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key words

biblical reference

Genesis 12, 15, 17:1-21

lesson objective

To help children understand that God is faithful to fulfill his covenants; even if we do not see, how he does it

memory verse

“‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you wo not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has compassion on you” (Isaiah 54:10, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Genesis 12 and 15 cover a period of several years in which God revealed himself to Abraham many times and promised to bless him. God established a covenant with Abraham and his descendants to show that he intended to keep his promises.

In chapter 12, God tells Abraham to leave his land and go to a new land where he would be a foreigner but his descendants would inherit it forever.

In chapter 15, God formalizes his wish and makes a covenant with Abraham (this covenant is the first that would affect the people of Israel). God tells Abraham that they would not possess the land immediately.

The covenant with God was not just with Abraham, but with all his descendants, who would have a unique identity. The Lord symbolized his participation and sealed the covenant by showing himself in a distinct way. He walked through the sacrificed animals with a flaming torch. This fire signified the presence of God.

We should remember that during this time in history in the valley of Mesopotamia, it was very common for covenants to be made between men and between nations. God used this form of personal relationship to make his promises relevant to Abraham and his descendants. Abraham relied on God’s integrity.

introduce the lesson

Activity: What would you do if God told you...?

Give your group Student Activity Sheet #270-A. Read Genesis 12:1 “…go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I’ll show you.” Ask, “How would you feel if God asked you to leave your home?” (Scared, nervous, unsure) “What questions would you ask him?” (Where are we going? What should I bring?) Have them write their responses and attach them to the “suitcase” or whatever you have to represent a suitcase. “What would you have to leave behind?” Have them write their answers and put them in or on a trashcan. “What do you think you’d miss the most?” (Accept the reasonable answers.)

teach the lesson

Before this session identify children to act as the characters in this lesson. Prepare them to present the part of each character. In the previous lesson, you were given instructions on what you would need for this.

Characters: Narrator (preferably the teacher since you are able to read it with enough enthusiasm to keep your children engaged.) The other characters are Abraham, Servant 1, Servant 2, Sarai, Voice of God, Lot and Lot’s wife. Start in one corner of the room. First, present the characters to the group and then start the dialogue:

Abram: Sarai, Lot, it is time for us to leave.

Servant 1: Where are we going? Why are we leaving? We like it here.

Abram: (in a strong voice directed toward his servants): Gather all of the sheep and cattle together. Collect everything we own. Lot and his family will also come with us. We are going to a new land that God will show us.

Servant 2: Let us hope God shows you a good land, my lord.

Narrator: Abram, Sarai, his wife, and Lot took their families with them and went to the new land (walk together towards the other side of the room, which would be Canaan).

Narrator: (Abram is walking): One day the Lord appeared to Abram and said,

Voice of God: I’ll give this land to your descendants.

Abram (with a happy face): I will build an altar to you, Yahweh! Because you have not only given me this wonderful land, but you will give me a son.

Narrator: Many years passed. Abram waited patiently for God to fulfill the promise to give him a son; but he and his wife were getting older and they had no children.

Sarai: Abram, we are getting older every day. I do not think it is possible for us to have children anymore.

Abram: (embraces Sarai): Do not worry, Sarai, we must trust in God!

Narrator: Abram walks away from Sarai, and God speaks to Abram.

Voice of God: Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your Creator and your reward will be great!

Abram: Lord, how will you keep your promises if you have not given me any children? You said that this land would belong to my children, but I do not have any children.

Narrator: God answered Abram.

Voice of God: Look up at the heavens and count the stars. Can you count them all? That is how numerous your descendants will be.

Narrator: Abram and Sarai waited for a long time and still did not have children. One day, Abram walked alone and God told him:

Voice of God: I’ll make a covenant with you and multiply you greatly. You will no longer call yourself Abram. Your name will be Abraham, because I have made you the father of many nations. And your wife, Sarai, will now be called Sarah. Many nations and races will come from you. I’ll establish a covenant with you forever and I’ll be your God.

Abraham: (bowing down with his face to the ground): Lord, I am one hundred years old. How can I have a child at this age? My wife is ninety years old, how can she have a child?

(Thank your children for their participation.)

connect the lesson

Activity: What is a covenant?

Give the group Student Activity Sheet #270-B and use it to review the lesson.

Distribute Student Activity Sheet #270-C entitled “What is a Covenant?” Have the students unscramble the words to discover the definition of the word “Covenant.”

A covenant is an (agreement). God (offers) the covenant to His people. God’s covenant makes it possible to have a (good) (relationship) with Him. The covenant of God (affects) (many) people. God’s covenant shows us his (love) and (faithfulness).

Clarify each key term and have the children explain it in their own words. Ask them about an agreement or covenant that they have made with someone. It is suggested that the following exercise be done to continue the session:

Activity: God keeps his promises

Give the group Student Activity Sheet #270-D and help with this activity sheet. Have your children look up the Bible verses that are mentioned and then answer the questions.

practice the memory verse

You can divide your children into 3 or 4 groups to help them learn the verse. Write the verse on a big piece of poster board and cut out each word. Then, have your children put the words in the correct order and hang it up on the board/wall.

Have a volunteer explain the verse. Remember, it is necessary for children of this age to learn how to reflect and then give their point of view.

It is good for each child to participate in group so they can develop and be active.

Sing a song of thanksgiving to God.



To finish the session, pray with the children.


Encourage each student to privately make a covenant with God (i.e. do not tell lies, be obedient, do not fight, etc.).


Thank your children for their attendance and announce something about the next lesson to boost their interest. Remind them that visitors are welcome.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™