red Unit 9 Lesson 38 Resource for age 3-5

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Josiah reads the Word of God

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key words

biblical reference

2 Chronicles 34:14-33

lesson objective

To enable the children to desire to listen to the Bible and learn more about God.

memory verse

“Be good to your servant while I live, that I may obey your Word” (Psalm 119:17, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

King Josiah cleansed the nation of pagan idols and was restoring the temple of God. During this task, the high priest Hilkiah found the parchment of the covenant law between God and his people. This parchment might have been the one containing the first five books of the Bible, called the “Pentateuch,” or perhaps only the book of Deuteronomy.

While Shaphan the scribe read the scroll before the king, King Josiah became more and more disturbed to hear the law of God. Josiah realized the judgment and captivity that would come upon the people.

So he sent the elders of his people to inquire before God about what he heard in the reading of the parchment. God was pleased to see Josiah’s concern for all the evil his people had done, and promised not to bring evil upon his people while Josiah was king.

Instead of hiding the book of God’s covenant, Josiah summoned all the people to a meeting in the temple of Jerusalem to hear the Word of God, which would be read publicly. The king wanted his life, and that of his people, to be in accord with the covenant that God had made between himself and his people. The people paid attention to the Word of God and renewed their commitment to serve and love the Lord alone. In response to God’s Word, King Josiah increased his efforts to cleanse the land of detestable idols and altars to pagan gods. He consecrated the country, its government, and its leaders before God. He led all his people to obedience to the Lord and, while he lived, God received honor, obedience and exaltation.

You play a very important role in your personal relationship with God, as an example and model for your children and their families. Ask God to enable you to be obedient to him, so that you can lead others to obedience.

In the first lesson of this unit, the children learned about King Jehoshaphat, who loved and obeyed God. This also lesson deals with the life of a king. However, not all the kings who ruled the people of God did good before him. We have an example: the father of Josiah, King Manasseh. This king did evil in the presence of the Lord, ignoring his law and guiding the people to worship other pagan gods.

During the time of evil kings, the law of God was abandoned and forgotten, and even lost. Your children should know that this can happen. Most have themselves experienced what it is to lose or forget something.

Rejoice with them that King Josiah found the Word of God, and even better, lived by pleasing God and loving him.

Emphasize the importance not only of reading what the Bible says, but of obeying it and loving God with all our heart.

Your children will begin to hear and understand that the Bible is a special book, because it is the Word of God. Observe them carefully to note any sign that this biblical truth is treasured in their hearts.

introduce the lesson

Use some activities to capture the attention of the children and help them learn today’s lesson.

My Bible is lost!

Before the children arrive in the classroom, hide your Bible well in a place where it is not easy to find.

After welcoming everyone, say that you are very concerned because you cannot find your Bible, and ask them to help you find it. When they find it, let the children tell you how they felt while they were looking for it.

Ask them: “Were you worried about finding the Bible?” Then say: “Today’s story tells us about a king who found the Word of God, and that changed the course of his life and the whole country.”

teach the lesson

Since this story is about kings, the children can reuse the crown they made for lesson 36 (Jehoshaphat sends teachers with the Word of God), and wear it during the class.

The lost book

King Josiah worried about the temple of God, for it was abandoned and neglected for a long time. It was dirty and many things were broken. Everything was messy, so it was hard to find anything there. “We cannot treat God’s temple this way,” he said. So he sent some of his helpers to clean it and put things in order. “Please be sure to clean and organize everything well!” said the king. The people worked hard to clean that place. Suddenly, something happened! Hilkiah, the high priest, found something special that was lost for a long time.

What could be so special? It was the Book of the Law. And why was it so special? Because it was a parchment that contained the laws that God gave Moses a long time ago.

These laws taught the people how God wanted them to live. Hilkiah showed that discovery to Shaphan, one of the helpers.

“Let us go and show this scroll to the king!” said Shaphan with much enthusiasm. Upon receiving the news, the king was moved, and asked Shaphan to read what was written on that special parchment. Shaphan read the scroll, which said that God wanted his people to love him, obey him, and serve him.

As he listened, Josiah was sad because he knew that everyone disobeyed God. So he sent his helpers to speak with a woman named Hulda. She loved and obeyed God, and the Lord told her what to say to the messengers of Josiah.

God is sad when people do not listen or obey. But now, he rejoiced because King Josiah wanted to obey him and love him. “God wants all people to hear, obey and love Him,” Hulda said.

King Josiah ordered all the people to come together to read the Word of God. “I will do all that God wants me to do,” promised the king.

“We will obey and love,” promised all of the people.

The Word of God was no longer forgotten or lost.

In what way do we know how we should live? (Through the Bible.) This is a special book because it is the Word of God. We can learn more from God when we hear his wonderful stories.

connect the lesson

The lost scrolls

Hand out Student Activity Sheet #38-A and #38-B. Encourage the children to find all the scrolls in SAS #38-A that have been lost in the temple in ruins and answer the questions.

Let them trace the Word of Faith "Bible".  Allow time for them to draw a picture of their Bible in SAS 38-B. Encourage the children to take the activity sheets home to share the lesson with their family and friends.

practice the memory verse

Write the memory verse on a card or sheet of paper, and hide it in the classroom before the children arrive.

Say: “Today’s text is lost and we must find it. Could they help in the search?” (Describe the material you used to write the text, and let the children look for it.) If they do not find it, guide them near the place where you hid it, so that they find it easier). When they find it, celebrate with your children. Thank them for their help and say the verse with them.



Pray together and intercede for the requests that have been mentioned.


Today’s lesson dealt with how King Josiah decided to obey the Word of God. Encourage the children to imitate the attitude of this good king and to tell what they learned to their friends and family.


Say goodbye by singing a song that speaks about the Bible. Be sure to invite the children to attend the next session.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™