red Unit 9 Resource for age 3-5

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memory verse for this unit

“Be good to your servant while I live, that I may obey your Word” (Psalm 119:17, NIV*).

objectives of this unit

This unit will help the children:

• Learn that the Bible teaches us more about God,• Learn the Bible gives us instructions from God to live better,• Desire to listen to the Bible and learn more about God,• Learn that God speaks to us through the Bible.

the reason we teach this unit

Jesus placed priority on teaching his disciples from the Scriptures. It was the knowledge of the Scriptures combined with Jesus' instructions that shaped their knowledge of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. Likewise, knowing God's Word is essential to being a Christlike disciple today. In fact, a fruitful discipleship journey requires comprehensive biblical learning. Learning the Scriptures, through individual and group study, helps disciples become more like Christ.

Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) promotes Sunday School as well as other small group discipleship. When we study the Word of God, which is active and living, we uncover who God is, how God loves, and how we are to love others. In doing this, we allow God to speak to us, mold us, and sanctify us. So, we advocate discipleship groups that nurture and grow Christlike disciples. Our Sunday School teachers prepare and teach lessons aimed at making Christlike disciples both through the exposition of Scriptures and in scriptural application to life. Our KidzFirst discipleship resources are also designed to mentor our teachers in taking a personal interest in our children to aid their growth in God's grace. This discipleship curriculum is programmed through eight cycles to disciple children aged three to thirteen. It provides scope and sequence of resources that guide you and the children on a journey through the entire Bible in an organized way.

At this stage of their lives our children need to develop a love and appreciation for the Bible. They need to know stories of God and God’s people. This will aid their development of a basic sense of right and wrong. It will help them discern loving and unloving ways of treating others. They can observe parents and others treasuring and enjoying Bible reading and study. They need Bible stories read to them. They also need opportunities for re-telling and acting out Bible stories. Some are already reading and can be encouraged to read the Bible for themselves. A nice gift would be a Story Bible as they are developing their reading skills.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™