red Unit 8 Lesson 32 Resource for age 3-5

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Moses obeys God

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key words

biblical reference

Exodus 3:1-12; 4:18-20

lesson objective

To help children understand that God is pleased when we obey him.

memory verse

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (Nahum 1:7, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

The story of Moses and the burning bush is very exciting for preschoolers. They are amazed when they hear incredible Bible events. This particular lesson tells us about an important encounter that God had with Moses.

The story unfolds in the desert, a distant and arid place, which shows us that God can speak in any place and circumstance. From a burning bush, the voice of God was heard. Moses was frightened; but as he listened to the instructions, he knew that God was with him.

At first it was difficult for Moses to accept the Lord’s call because he felt like a coward after fleeing from Egypt. God is concerned less about our physical or intellectual characteristics. He has the power to give people what they need to accomplish His will in their lives.

Moses has many of our characteristics as human beings: doubts, fears, feelings of inferiority, cowardice, anguish, etc. However, God molded the will and character of this man to become a great leader for the Israelite people and, above all, a hero of faith and courage.

As you prepare for this lesson, consider your relationship with God. Do you feel His presence every day? Do you know that God cares for you and that He is pleased when you obey him? God can use us to fulfill His plans if we submit to His will and are obedient.

The same thing happens with the children. They are likely to feel inferior or incapable of performing any big task. Use this lesson to teach them that God can use anyone who is obedient and humble.

Learning to obey and follow instructions is something that takes time and practice in young children. Most of them learn best with repetition. A five-year-old tends to obey because the child wants to follow the rules to make others feel happy and proud. Preschoolers need to affirm the concept of obedience and apply it to their lives. Ask God to help you listen to the children with patience and love. You are a model of life for them, as they learn to trust God and obey Him.

introduce the lesson

Let’s make sandals

For this activity, before the session prepare for it with cardboard, scissors, markers, shoelaces or a thin loop (ribbon), holepunch.

Trace each child’s feet onto the cardboard. Then cut them out. Make four holes on each side of the sandal. Encourage children to decorate their sandals. Then help them tie them with the loops or ribbons, passing them through the holes. Let the children wear the sandals.

Tell the children: “In today’s story, God spoke to Moses, who listened and obeyed. God is pleased when we listen to Him and obey Him. Later, you will find out what happened to Moses and his sandals.”

teach the lesson

In the bush

For this activity, we suggest before this session you get some tree branches and if possible strips of red paper. Place some small branches on the floor as if it is a bush. Tie the strips of red paper to the branches to simulate fire. If you have a flashlight, you can place it under the branches and let it shine through the “fire.”

Gather the children, and let them put on the cardboard sandals they made. Introduce the lesson, mentioning that Moses found a bush similar to the one that is there, but that was a real bush and it had real fire.

Tell the children to sit in a circle to hear what happened. Mention that they will learn how Moses trusted God when he was afraid.

The burning bush

Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s palace and became a man. On one occasion, he had a big problem and was forced to leave the palace. He decided to move to Midian. There he helped his father-in-law take care of the sheep. One day, while he was tending the flock, he saw a bush that was on fire, but it did not burn up. Moses could not believe it.

“That bush does not burn up!” he said in amazement. He wiped his eyes and looked again. Then, a voice called out from the burning bush, “Moses, Moses!” It was God speaking to him.

“I am here, Lord,” said Moses.

“Come closer,” said the Lord. “Remove the sandals from your feet, for this is holy ground.”

“Lord,” exclaimed Moses with fear, covering his face.

“Do not be afraid,” God said to him. “My people suffer greatly in Egypt, and I want you to return to Egypt and guide them out of that land.”

“How can I do that?” said Moses. “I am not a big or strong man.”

“I will be with you,” God said. “I will never leave you alone.”

Moses went to find his father-in-law, Jethro, and told him that God wanted him to return to Egypt. Moses trusted God and obeyed Him. He took his wife and his sons, and set out on the journey to Egypt.

connect the lesson

God speaks to Moses

Before the session, cut out the desert scene and the strip from each Student Activity Sheet #32-A. Make the vertical cuts marked A and B in the center of the scene.

In class, give each child the desert scene and the strip. Show the children how to insert the strip into the desert scene from the front. Then help them glue (or tape) the ends from the back. Show the children how to move the strip to review the story. Talk to them about ways in which they can obey God. Explain that God took care of Moses because he obeyed God. We can also obey God. He is happy when we obey him.

Student Activity Sheet #32-B has a message to parents encouraging them to talk with the children about the Bible story.

practice the memory verse

Follow the footprints

Make 15 traces of footprints on newspaper or cardboard. Cut out the footprints, and tape them on the floor, forming a path. Say to the children, “Moses had a long way to travel from Egypt to Midian. He had to follow that same path back to Egypt. We have learned the first sentence of our Bible verse, Nahum 1:7. Repeat the verse. Review the meaning of refuge—a place of safety and protection.

Ask the children to line up and walk the road of footprints. Stop every three footprints and repeat the first sentence of the memory verse (Nahum 1:7).



Ask the children if they have any prayer requests. Let the children pray for their own request if they want to do that. Close the prayer by thanking God for His goodness and His help in times of trouble.

Let the children tell what was their favorite part of the lesson. Remind the children that they can trust God always because He is good, and He cares for them.

Point out there are more stories about Moses. In the next lesson, they will learn what happened to Moses when he returned to Egypt.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™