red Unit 6 Lesson 26 Resource for age 3-5

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Eliezer finds a wife for Isaac

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key words

biblical reference

Genesis 24:1-66

lesson objective

To enable children to know that we can go to God when we need help.

memory verse

“[Abraham was] fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised (Romans 4:21, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

God kept His promise with the birth of Isaac. However, for the promise to continue, Isaac needed a wife who believed in God. Abraham wanted Isaac to marry a woman from his hometown, not a woman from Canaan. He trusted that God would fulfill His promise and that He would provide the right wife for his son.

The servant of Abraham was a man of God whose name was Eliezer. He made a very solemn oath to find a wife for Isaac. He prayed and asked God to help him in the search. Rebecca fulfilled all the requirements. Her arrival at the well and all that followed proved that God was answering Eliezer’s request.

When was the last time you sincerely sought the help of God in any situation?

How did God’s response fulfill your request? As you pray for your children, remember that the power of God is available to you and to the children you teach.

Preschoolers gradually become more independent, wanting to do everything for themselves. In their struggle for independence, they can divert their gaze from those figures who represent authority. However, even in the “I can do it alone” stage, young children allow an adult to help them, after trying on their own without getting results.

Preschoolers need to understand that they can always seek God when they need help. It is important for them to see that you as an adult also depend on the help of God. He is much more than a father or a teacher, and He is always available to help them.

Let your children know that God wants to help them and that He always listens to their prayers.

The way children understand God’s love and the wonder of His promises is through their experiences with the world around them. Sometimes children experience actions opposite to the nature of God’s love. This story provides an opportunity to affirm that God keeps His promises. Encourage children to trust God and seek His help.

introduce the lesson

Isaac grows

Before class, find some photos of you when you were born or very young, school age, and young adult. Attach the pictures to a poster board. While the children look at them, say: “These pictures are from when I was little. Do you notice the difference between each one of them? Remember whom we talked about last week?”

“Abraham and Sarah had a son. Isaac did not stay small. What do you think happened to Isaac?” (He became an adult.) “God fulfilled the promise He made to Abraham when Isaac was born. Now the promise to create a great nation through Abraham had to continue. Isaac needed to have his own children. Today we will learn about Isaac as he became a young man.”

Let us see and learn about Isaac as he grew and developed.

teach the lesson

Before the session begins, write each of these actions on a separate piece of paper. Attach the papers to the wall in random places.
Actions: get a loaf of bread—no; get a jug of water—no; get a new born calf—no; get a camel—no; get a coat made of sheep’s wool—no; get some new wooden pegs for the tent home—no.

Then, do the “March towards the story” activity. End the activity by pointing out the papers with a clue one by one. Read the words on each paper. Let the children discover the other papers and read each one. Then say: “I think we need to sit down and listen to the story to find out what Eliezer needed to find.”

The following activities will help you narrate the story to your children.

March towards the story

Before beginning the Bible story, have all the children walk around the room. As they march, have all the children stand. Then say: “Abraham sent his servant Eliezer to find something very important. Eliezer prayed and asked God to help him find what Abraham wanted (a wife for Isaac). Do you think Eliezer found the wife for Isaac when he stopped at a well? (Let the children respond, and then tell them to sit down and listen to the story.)

God helps Abraham’s servant

Isaac was the son of Abraham and Sarah. He was born when they were old. Abraham saw Isaac grow, become a child, and then an adult. When Abraham knew it was time for Isaac to marry, he wanted him to have a special wife.

Abraham said to his servant, “Eliezer, go to my homeland. I need you to find a woman to marry Isaac. She must believe in our God. Promise me that you will. “

Eliezer promised Abraham that he would find the right woman for Isaac. So he began to pack special gifts and food to start his journey. The desert was dry and very hot. One day when Eliezer stopped at a well, he decided to ask God for help.

“God, please send to me a woman who would be the right wife for Isaac,” Eliezer prayed. And he asked God to bring the special woman to the well. “Oh Lord, please allow the woman to give me water for myself and my camels.”

A woman named Rebekah came to the well, and she gave water to Eliezer and his camels.

God answered his request! Eliezer knew she was the woman who should marry Isaac! So, he went to Rebekah’s house and gave gifts to her and her family. He returned to Abraham’s home and took Rebecca with him.

Rebecca and Isaac were married. Eliezer knew that God had helped him find the right wife for Isaac. The promise of God would now continue through their children.

connect the lesson

Eliezer finds a wife for Isaac

Before class, prepare Student Activity Sheet #26-A, #26-B and #26-C. Since most pre-schoolers are not good at cutting, you may need to cut out some copies of the Rebekah figure from Student Activity Sheet #26-B for the children. Have crayons available for the children.

Distribute to the children Student Activity Sheet #26-A, and help the children cut out the the Rebekah figure and to glue it near the well. Have the children color the figure of Eliezer. 

You can use this activity to review the Bible lesson.

Guide the children to trace the Word of Faith (Promises) on SAS #26-A and #26-C. 

Guide the children to look at SAS #26-C, and say: “On this paper we can see the figure of hands in an attitude of prayer. They remind us that we can pray when we need help, just as Eliezer did.” Let these pre-schoolers color the hands and then decorate the rest of the activity sheet.
Encourage them to take home the activity sheets and share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Jumping verses

Before class, find some heavy string or clothesline rope. Cut it into lengths of 12-centimeters, one for each child.

In class, place the ropes on the floor. Ask the children to line up behind the pieces of rope. As you say each phrase of the verse, have the children say the phrase and jump over the rope. Then have the children turn around. As you say the next phrase of the verse, have the children say that phrase and then jump back over the rope. Repeat this process until you complete the verse and reference.



Ask for prayer requests; then pray for the requests. Thank God for each child and ask him to bless them and help them during the coming week.


Remind the children that God helped Eliezer to find the right wife for Isaac. Eliezer was so glad that God answered his prayer for help. Encourage the children to pray and ask God when they need help. He loves each of them and wants them to love him too.


Tell the children that they will begin a new unit of Bible stories in the next session. Remind the children to invite other children to come with them to enjoy the stories and activities.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™