red Unit 5 Lesson 19 Resource for age 3-5

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God makes people

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key words

biblical reference

Genesis 1:27-31; 2:8, 15, 18-22

lesson objective

To help the children learn that God created people.

memory verse

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Genesis 1:31a, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

On the sixth day, God complemented his creation and did something wonderful: he made human beings in his image and likeness. Both the creation of light and the creation of animals show the power and wisdom of God. What he created in the initial stages was a basis for what he would create next: people. This was the climax of creation since only people were made in the image and likeness of God. We are like a reflection of him in the world.

What are the implications of being created in the image of God? The Bible clearly presents humans as rational and moral beings. In contrast to other creatures, we have a conscience and personal determination. We also have a connection with the spiritual world. We can know God and communicate with him. God especially communicates with us through his Holy Spirit and the Bible.

Only human beings have the capacity for the special task that God gave us: to govern nature. Having created us in his image, we have the capacity to worship, love, obey, and trust.

Of all the creatures that God made, only the human being can develop and maintain a personal relationship with him. And, consequently, we have the privilege and responsibility to join in God’s work.

Psalm 139 describes how God wants a personal relationship with people on a deep level. He wants to be close to us, even though he already knows our private thoughts. He knows how we were formed in our mother’s womb. He knows the number of our days. He even knows our thoughts. He has also has a plan for our lives.

How was the universe created? It is not a difficult issue for most pre-schoolers. Knowing that God made the world and everything in it is enough for them and satisfies them. The important thing is to emphasize that God is the Creator. This is a fundamental basis to understand well who God is and his creation.

It is important that pre-schoolers understand that people have characteristics that distinguish them from other creatures, because we are the highest creation of God.

Each person has importance and value in God’s eyes. Knowing this gives a person the biblical foundation for having a correct self-esteem, understanding the Source of our abilities, and shaping the correct attitude toward material possessions.

You as a teacher can help your children experience this personal truth. This can be achieved by loving, appreciating, and accepting each one of them.

introduce the lesson

God made man and woman

Use molding clay or Play-doh and let your children make figures of humans. If you do not have these materials, you can draw pictures of people. Tell them to show their finished work, and ask: Who can tell me what was the last thing God created at the beginning of the world? (People.) Let them respond and tell them that in today’s lesson we will talk more about it.

teach the lesson

Different people

Look for pictures of people of different races in magazines or books, and show them to your children. Tell them that God created all people and that, although we are made in his image and likeness, there are also differences in how we look and talk. However, even if we are different, God put feelings and emotions in all the people of his creation.

Keep the figures of Adam and Eve at hand to illustrate your story. Narrate the story in an entertaining way to capture the group’s attention.

connect the lesson

What’s your name?

Before class, gather Student Activity Sheet #19-A and #19-B, crayons, glue, and scissors. Remember that pre-schoolers typically are not good at cutting with scissors. You may need to cut out the animal figures before class. Give the children Student Activity Sheet #19-A. Tell them to trace the Word of Faith and say what they learned in the class. Also, trim the animal figures corresponding to the lesson from Student Activity Sheet #19-B. As they tell the names of to the animals, help them attach the figures in the landscape of SAS #19-A.

Let the children talk about their favorite animals, mentioning what they like most about them. Encourage the children to take home their activity sheets to share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Memory Children

Before this Sunday, make silhouettes of children. Each silhouette should have one word of the memory verse. Add some symbols to help children learn the words. For instance, for the word God draw a symbol for God; draw an eye for saw; draw hands for made; draw a smile for good. Attach them in order on a wall and help the children read it. Repeat several times. Then start deleting some of the words and everyone will say it again. Repeat this action until you are done with the text.

When finished, save all words for use in the next class.

If you want to keep them in better condition, wrap the pieces with clear adhesive plastic. You can also color them, write the words by hand or paste them. If you do them on a computer, make sure they are large enough to be viewed from a distance.

Remember that preschoolers usually do not read. They will learn the verses more through oral repetition and motions. You could number the silhouettes, so the children could arrange them in numerical order.



Thank God for creating people and for loving each person. Thank God for giving the children special abilities to run, play, sing, draw, help others, etc. Pray for any requests the children have concerning family or friends.


Express appreciation for the children’s good behavior and their work on learning the memory verse.


Thank the children for their faithfulness in coming to the session. Encourage them to invite friends or neighbors to come with them to the next session.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™