red Unit 4 Lesson 15 Resource for age 3-5

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Jesus talks with Peter

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key words

biblical reference

Matthew 16:13-16

lesson objective

To help children learn that Peter believed Jesus is the Son of God.

memory verse

“You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God” (Matthew 16:16b, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Jesus had finished his public ministry in Galilee. The road to the cross was just beginning. One day, as the disciples were walking toward the region of Philippi, Jesus asked them what people thought about who the Son of Man was. It is possible that some of them were puzzled and answered what they had heard. Some said that he was perhaps John the Baptist, others thought he was Elijah, some Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.

It is true that John the Baptist had prepared the way by preaching repentance and baptism, but he could not offer them the gift of salvation. Elijah had been a man of prayer and performed miracles of healing, but not by his own strength. Elijah performed miracles by the power of the Spirit of God within him. Jeremiah was an example of patience and suffering, as were all the prophets. They were faithful people, but none of them was the Son of God.

Jesus carefully guided his followers to know who he is. Peter answered that question in a simple but profound way: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). He was one of the first men to declare the deity of Christ, and announce Jesus’ rightful place as the only Son of God.

It is common for many people to lose perspective on the personality of Jesus Christ. Many see him as a very important religious person, a historical character. However, the Apostle Peter reminds us of the divine character of Jesus in telling us that he is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Reflect on your personal experience: Do your words and actions as a Christian clearly proclaim Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God? Do your children see this in you?

Are you a living example of Jesus reigning in someone’s life?

One of the most influential people in the lives of preschoolers is undoubtedly their Sunday School teacher. They are aware of your actions and words. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you be an effective witness to the power of the Son of God, in a way that impacts the lives of your children.

Through Bible stories, activities, and especially love, you can lead your children to a personal encounter with Jesus.

He came to this earth, was born as a baby, grew to be a child and then an adult. He walked, talked and ate with people. He helped and took care of his neighbor and the sick. He died on the cross of Calvary, rose from the dead and lives in the hearts of those who wish to receive him.

From these truths, children can know Jesus and feel loved by him. Using all this as a basis, we can lead our children to affirm, like the apostle Peter, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

introduce the lesson


Choose some or all of these activities to capture the attention of the children and help them learn today’s lesson.

Who am I?

Explain that the children can play a guessing game. You will say something to describe each person in the room. The children can guess whom you are describing. For instance: I see a girl dressed in red. Who is it? (Children will say the name of the classmate you described.)

Use the second paragraph as is. thinking of someone in the Bible, he is the Son of God and we celebrate his birth at Christmas. Do you know who it is? (Jesus.)

Encourage them to listen to the story, where they will learn what happened one day when Jesus asked his disciples an important question.

teach the lesson

Our friend Jesus

Provide a sheet of paper and crayons for each child. Have the children draw a picture from their favorite Bible story related to their friend Jesus. As they work, tell them: “Simon Peter was a friend and disciple of Jesus. One day Jesus asked Peter a very important question.”

Ask: “Do you know what he asked?”

Then say: “We will discover this question and learn Peter’s answer in today’s Bible story.”

Tell them that today’s story is about a day Jesus walked down a road with his friends. This time he did not tell them a story, but he asked them a question. I’ll tell you what they talked about.

You are the Son of God

Easter is a special time, in which we celebrate that Jesus is the Son of God. We can celebrate by telling stories about him. This story is about a time when Peter spoke with Jesus. Jesus and his friends traveled a long way to reach a village in Philippi. They had to walk for a long time.

As they walked, Jesus talked with his friends. He told them about God, and they listened carefully.

Jesus asked them, “When people talk about me, who do they say I am?”

Ask: “Did you discover the question that Jesus asked?” (See if they can repeat the question.)

The disciples looked at each other and kept thinking about the question Jesus asked them before they answered.

“Some say you are John the Baptist,” said one disciple.

John the Baptist spoke to people about Jesus.

“They also say that you are Elijah, and some others say you are Jeremiah,” answered another disciple.

Elijah and Jeremiah had been men of faith and love who lived long ago. They also spoke to the people of God.

“And you? Who do you say I am?” Jesus asked his disciples. (Emphasize this question by the tone of your voice.)The disciples looked at him, not knowing what to answer. Suddenly, a voice broke the silence. It was Peter who answered firmly:

“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

“You are correct Peter. God has revealed to you that I am his Son,” Jesus answered.

When you finish telling the story, encourage a brief time of questions and answers. Make story time fun, so that it will be interesting for preschoolers.

connect the lesson

Who is Jesus?

Give the children Student Activity Sheet #15-A. Ask them to trace the Word of Faith, and write their name.

Turn to Student Activity Sheet #15-B and have the children use colored pencils to decorate the cubes that make up the name of Jesus. Remind the children to share these resources with their families.

practice the memory verse

Memory Drill

Have the children line up behind each other. Tell the first child to say the first word of the verse, and then go to the back of the line. Let the next child say the second word of the verse and go to the back of the line. Proceed with each child in line until the verse and reference is finished.



Thank God for sending Jesus, his Son. Ask God to be with each of the children and mention each of their names in your prayer.


Tell the children that God loves each of them very much. He wants them to be a part of his family.


Encourage the children to come to the next meeting and learn more about Jesus and His love for them. Ask them to invite others in their family and community to come with them.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™