red Unit 3 Lesson 9 Resource for age 3-5

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God shows his love through parents

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key words

biblical reference

Luke 1:5-20, 57-66

lesson objective

To help the children know that God shows his love through parents.

memory verse

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Zechariah was a priest. He went to Jerusalem twice a year to perform his priestly duties. One day when he was in the temple to offer incense to the Lord, an angel of the Lord appeared to him, announcing the soon-to-come arrival of the Messiah, whom he was waiting for. The angel also told him that he and his wife Elizabeth would have a son, and that their son would be the one who would announce the Messiah’s arrival. He also told Zechariah to name his son John. When Zechariah asked how it was possible that his wife could become pregnant since they were old, he became speechless because of his lack of faith. Later, relatives and neighbors celebrated the birth of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s child with joy and enthusiasm. The parents knew that the baby was a gift from God. According to the law, on the eighth day they were to circumcise the child. And there Zechariah said that his name would be John. At that moment, God restored Zechariah’s voice, and Zechariah and Elizabeth praised God, full of joy.

1 John 4: 7 says, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.”

Have you experienced the love of God? Have you recognized his goodness these days? Give thanks for is love and his help in preparing this lesson.

Encourage children to express how they feel loved by their family members. This lesson provides an opportunity to remind them of the love that their parents, and God, have for them. Knowing the love of the Lord is essential for their spiritual growth.

You may have children in your class who do not feel loved by one or both of their parents. Help them to experience and understand God’s love for them through your actions, attitudes, and words.

introduce the lesson

My family

For this activity you will need the following items: a board, cardboard, sheets of paper, and crayons. Write the following: “God shows his love through ...” And in this lesson add the word “parents.” Allow the children to draw a picture of their family. Encourage them to talk about it, and place each picture on the board you prepared. Remind them that God shows his love for us through our family (parents, grandparents, children, guardians).

teach the lesson

Choose some activities to help your children prepare their hearts to hear, understand, and review the Bible story.

A special visit

Ahead of time, ask a woman in your congregation who has a small baby to come visit your class. Be sure to tell her that you will let your children ask her about the care a young child needs.

Zechariah and Elizabeth loved and obeyed God. They were happy, but they had no children. One day, when Zechariah was in the temple, an angel appeared to him and said, “You and your wife will have a son; he will be a special child. When he grows up, he will speak to the people about the Messiah Jesus. You shall give your son the name John.”

Zechariah was very surprised, so he asked the angel, “How will I know this?”

The angel answered, “God has sent me to give you this good news. Because you did not believe my words, you will be mute and you will not be able to speak until the day the child is born.”

While Zechariah and his wife waited for the birth of the child, he could not speak.

Everyone was happy with the arrival of the baby. Eight days after his birth, it was time to name him. Some said, “Call him the same as his father,” but Elizabeth said, “His name will be John.” Relatives and friends looked surprised at Zechariah, and he wrote on a tablet: “John is his name.” At that moment Zechariah could speak, and together with his wife he praised God for the birth of his son.

Talk to the children about parents’ love for their children. Ask the visiting mother how she shows her love for her baby. Let the children ask questions, and remind them that God shows us his love to us through families.

Ask: How do your parents show you that they love you? (Allow time for them to respond).

The hands game(Consider the “family” of each child to determine if this activity is appropriate.)

Teach this game to your children, and ask them if they can teach it to their families.

How happy is the family that lives in this home! (Use both hands, put your fingers in the shape of a triangle).

This family consists of three children, a dad, and a mom.

This is the mother who cares for us and nourishes us (lift her thumb).

This is the dad that is going to work (raise the index).

These two brothers are going to school (raise the following fingers).

And the little baby stays to play (raise the little finger).

At night the family likes to be together (hands open and together) to read the Bible and pray to God (hands joined in prayer).

connect the lesson

The baby John

Give the children Student Activity Sheet #9-A and #9-B. Ask them to join the dots to form the baby John’s drawing in SAS #9-A. Have them trace the Word of Faith (God).  Then have them color the picture of Elizabeth, and, as they do, explain to them that Zacharias and Elizabeth were happy because they were parents. They loved baby John because he was their son. How do you think they showed their love to the baby? (Let the children think).

Help those who are just learning to write their name where appropriate.

Have them turn to SAS #9-B and trace the Word of Faith (GOD). Hand out small colored papers and glue to fill in the letters that make up the word “God”. Or, have the children use crayons or colored markers/ pencils to fill in the word "GOD". Remind the children to take home their activity sheets to share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Put everyone in a circle. Walk behind the children, touching their shoulders, asking them to repeat the memory verse. After each child has finished saying the text, he/ she will join you. Together you will walk around the others and repeat the action until everyone follows behind you saying the verse.



As you guide the children in prayer, remind them to give thanks for their parents and family, and to be obedient like Jesus.


Let the children take home the work they did in class, and thank them for their assistance.


Invite the children to return for the next session.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™