red Unit 2 Lesson 6 Resource for age 3-5

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Jesus helps a fisherman

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key words

biblical reference

Luke 5:1-11 and Mark 1:29-31

lesson objective

To teach the children that Jesus is always with them in all that they do.

memory verse

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

This Bible passage shows us how Simon and his friends obeyed Jesus when he told them to take the boat to deeper waters and throw out their nets to fish better. Simon’s first response was, “Master, we have been working all night and have not caught anything; but because you say so, I will cast the net” (v. 5).

Although the fishermen knew that night time was the best time to fish, Simon Peter decided to obey. As a result, the fishing was so great that the boat began to sink, and they had to call a second boat to help them with the cargo.

It is likely that at that moment, Simon Peter was perplexed and frightened. He was in front of a man who did what no one else could do. However, Jesus offered them his friendship and the possibility of becoming fishers of men. What a great change! Simon went from being a simple fisherman to a servant of God in a single morning.

As you relate this amazing story, consider the change God has made in your life. He has called you to his service through the ministry of teaching; therefore he asks for obedience and responsibility from you.

This lesson is essential to help children recognize that Jesus, the Son of God, always accompanies them in everything they do. When you guide them into understanding what God’s presence means in their lives, you will be training them for a life of service, obedience, and commitment to Jesus Christ.

Through your words and actions, help the children know that God loves them, and that he is interested in the decisions they make and in everything they do. Tell them that he will always be with them.

Preschoolers can learn from Simon’s example. He listened to what Jesus told him, and did as Jesus asked. Reflect on the spiritual life of your class, considering the following questions: “Do your children show growing confidence in Jesus? Do they talk about the moments when they have felt the love of God? Do they participate in prayer?”

All this shows an increasing relationship with God, through his Son Jesus.

introduce the lesson

Let’s make a boat!

Prepare in advance the following materials: glue, crayons, and recyclable materials, such as soda cans, bottles or milk cartons, shoeboxes, cartons, pieces of cloth, etc.

Let the children use their imagination and, with the help of recyclable materials, make simple boats. You can help them by guiding them in the steps they must follow.

When finished, invite them all to show their boats, and tell them: Today’s story took place on a boat. Jesus helped some fishermen while they worked. Something wonderful happened that made everyone very amazed. Do you want to know what happened?

teach the lesson

Searching for the fish

You will need fish made of paper and a basket. Before class, hide the fish in different places in the room. There must be one fish per child. Put the empty basket in the center and say to the children: “The basket is empty. We need to fill it with fish. There are many fish hidden throughout the room. Each of you must find one and put it in the basket.”

Relate the Bible story based on Luke 5:1-11 and Mark 1:29-31. When you finish, sit around the basket and ask simple questions about the Bible story.

connect the lesson

Let’s make a fish

For this activity we suggest using cardstock, papers, crayons, fabric, glitter and glue.

Give your children the materials, and explain to them that everyone must make their own fish. You can take precut stencils, or help children do them. Then decorate the fish according to the imagination of each child. On the back, write the Bible verse to memorize.

Tell the children to take the fish home and put it in a place where everyone can see it. This way they can remember the story told in class and review the Bible text at the same time.

Miraculous fishing

Give your class Student Activity Sheet #6-A and #6-B, magazine clippings, drawings or figures of fish in SAS #6-B, pencils, glue and webbing or cloth. Give time for the children to write their name and trace the Word of Faith (miracle). Tell them: “Jesus is the Son of God, and he can do special things that no one else can do. That something special is called a "miracle'. What was the miracle he did in today’s Bible story? (He helped Peter catch so many fish that his boat began to sink.) What was the miracle Jesus did in the last session’s Bible story? (He healed a sick grandmother.)”

When finished, allow your pupils to catch the fish in the net (the netting or cloth), and repeat the text to memorize.

Encourage the children to take home the activity sheets to share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Divide the group into pairs, and invite each one to say the memory verse and make the gestures together, as follows: “Cast all your worries (touch your forehead with your hand) on him (point upward with your finger), because he cares (cross your arms over your chest to indicate love) for you (point at yourself) “(1 Peter 5:7).



Bring them together in a circle, and lead them in a closing prayer. You can also ask for a volunteer to pray aloud.


Give the children all the work they did during the class. If you can, give them a treat as a reward for their effort during the class.


Tell the children about the next session and invite them to return for the next lesson.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™