red Unit 2 Lesson 5 Resource for age 3-5

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Jesus heals an old woman

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key words

biblical reference

Mark 1:29-31

lesson objective

To enable the children to learn that Jesus, the Son of God, is with them when they are sick.

memory verse

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Jesus lived and worked in Capernaum. Three of the gospel writers (Matthew 8:14-15, Mark 1:29-31, and Luke 4:38-39) paint a tender picture of Jesus in light of the condition of Peter’s mother-in-law: “he bent over her; rebuked the fever; he touched her hand,” and “took her by the hand, lifted her up.” His calm method and gentle touch contrasted so much with the healing methods and the loud cries of the healers of that time.

Peter’s mother-in-law was healed completely and immediately. There was no prolonged weakness, side effects, or treatments. That miracle showed that Jesus was the Son of God, able to do what no one else would do. He showed that he had power over the physical; disease could not compete with the power of God.

Although we know that God cares for us and answers our prayers, we also recognize that healing does not always occur in the way or in the time we expect.

How can we describe Jesus’ power over sickness without giving the false impression that the Lord always answers prayer in the way we expect? Ask God for divine wisdom to address this issue, and express your love and care for the children you are in charge of.

Young children accept and believe in the miracles of the Bible. Jesus can do extraordinary things because he is the Son of God. The difficulty has to do with how children relate biblical miracles to their concept of life. Remember that they live in the moment, and they expect the events to happen right now. When they pray to feel better, they expect immediate results. This is the kind of faith that Jesus spoke about. Faith as “that of a child.”

However, God does not always work right away. Help the children understand that, even if each request is not answered in the time we want, God listens, cares for us and is with us whenever we get sick and need it.

Ask: “Can you ever remember having talked to Jesus when you were sick? Did you receive divine healing for your body?”

These are signs through which they can recognize Jesus as someone special in their lives, as someone who cares for them when they are sick or well.

Encourage your children to practice compassion: Do they pray for each other? Do they pray to God for the sick? Do they notice the absence of their classmates when they do not attend Sunday School or church? These are signs that show us that children are moving away from a selfish concept about the world, and begin to recognize the needs of others.

Tell them that the love of Jesus is for all; that he can heal people because he is the Son of God, and we can pray for others because we know that the Lord cares for all.

introduce the lesson

Taking care of my baby

You will need a doll and a toy or paper thermometer that you can make yourself by decorating a pencil or toothpick.

Let the children examine the temperature of the doll using the thermometer. Ask: “Is the baby sick? Does he have a fever? How can we help?” (Give time for answers).

Tell them: “We have doctors who help us feel better when we get sick. Today’s Bible story has to do with a grandmother whom Jesus healed. In a little while we’ll find out how he did it.”

The doctor’s instruments

Prepare a mural using pictures of doctors and nurses. You will need a medical case or first aid box (if you cannot get one, use a small toy box) with the items that doctors use, such as: alcohol, disinfectants, gauze, bandages, etc. Put all this on a table, and ask the children: “Who uses all this?” (Doctors.) Also ask: “Why do they use it?” (To help the sick get well.) Then ask: “Did you know that God cares about you when you are sick?” (allow opportunity for answers)

When you are sick, do not think that you are alone; you can talk to God and he will listen to you. The Bible verse says, “Cast all your worries on him, because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5: 7).

teach the lesson

What would happen if...

Bring to this session a thermometer and a blanket to simulate a bed.

Lie down on the blanket and say: “What if I was sick today? How could you help me? Maybe you would first take my temperature.”

Take the temperature with the thermometer and let the children count to 36. While waiting, take out the thermometer and tell them: “Today I am not sick and my temperature is fine, but if I was, I could visit a clinic or take medicine. In today’s Bible story we will talk about a sick person. This person was an old lady. She was so sick she could not get up. Let’s find out what Jesus did to help her. He can do special things that no one else can do. Do you know why? Because he is the Son of God! Listen very carefully to the story, and when I say the word “miracle,” clap three times.”

Tell the Bible story based on Mark 1:29-31 and, if you can, illustrate it using dolls, puppets or drawings. That will help your children better imagine the scene.

connect the lesson

Jesus heals an old woman

Hand out Student Activity Sheet #5-A and #5-B, scissors (make sure the tip is not sharp), and tape. Help the little ones cut out the figure of the old lady along the dotted line, and the bread that is in Student Activity Sheet #5-B. Watch everyone as they do this.

You may need to cut along the dotted lines indicated on SAS #5-A above "My Name" for your children. They must insert the figure of the grandmother in the bed, simulating the moment of illness, and then Jesus standing next to her. With the tape, attach the bread to the old woman’s hands, as shown in the example.

Use this activity to remember what has been learned in the Bible story. Encourage the children to take home their activity sheet share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

Ask the children to form a circle, and put yourself in the center with a soft object that you will toss to each one. The one who receives it will have to say the verse from memory. Help those who have trouble saying it. Repeat the game until all members of the group have participated.



Pray for the members of your group and your congregation who are sick, as well as for their families.


If you are able, share a simple lunch or snack with your children. Play with them, and before saying good-by, emphasize that they can trust God when they are going through some illness.


Tell the children something about the next session, and invite them to attend.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™