red Unit 12 Lesson 50 Resource for age 3-5

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God sends his Son

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biblical reference

Luke 2:1-7

lesson objective

To teach the children that God sent Jesus to save us.

memory verse

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

At the birth of Jesus, all the promises of God and his love are fulfilled. Luke helps us to understand the historical and political significance of this beautiful event.

When Quirinius was governor of Syria, Roman Emperor Augustus sent out the decree that all persons should return to the place of their birth to be recorded and counted. This first census caused Jesus to be born in Bethlehem, because Joseph was a descendant of King David.

That is why Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem of Judea. This event fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy that the promised Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Luke tells us that the birth took place in a stable, and that Jesus was laid in a manger, which was a trough for feeding animals.

What a humble beginning for Jesus Christ!

You have the opportunity to mention the wonders of Jesus’ birth to children. God offers us salvation through his Son. Express this love of the Lord to the children through this story.

Encourage children to think of ways they can tell the Christmas story to others. This lesson gives you opportunities to talk about the birth of Jesus. This is important to understanding the true meaning of Christmas, and fostering in children a basic spiritual connection.

Maybe, because it is the Christmas season, you will have visitors in your class. Help these children to experience and begin to understand the wonders of Jesus’ birth.

Remember that your actions and words will heighten the greatness of the fact that God sent Jesus, his Son.

In general, children get excited about Christmas. In the next few weeks, their excitement will grow. Observe them when they express their feelings. Do they remember the birth of Jesus when they talk about Christmas? Do their words and actions reflect the truth that Jesus is the Son of God? During this lesson, preschoolers should understand the following concepts:

We celebrate Christmas because God sent His Son Jesus into the world;

(2) Christmas is a special time to celebrate God’s love for us.

introduce the lesson

Meet the stable

Get a picture that illustrates a stable. It is likely that many children have never seen or imagined it.

If you cannot find a picture, draw a stable with animals. (You can also do this using magazine clippings or illustrations of different types of animals: cows, pigs, chickens, donkeys, etc.)

Show the picture to your children, and tell them about the stables. In some places, they still use them to keep animals.

Tell them that in this story we will talk about something wonderful that happened inside a stable.

teach the lesson

Before the session study Luke 2:1-7 to be prepared to teach the lesson. Use the following activity to help children learn the Bible story.

If possible during the week, draw the figures of Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, a donkey, and other stable animals. Also, if possible you can cut, color, and trim the figures. Then, before the session begins, hide them in the meeting area, and when children are ready to listen to the Bible story, sit with them in a circle. Ask several volunteers to look for the figures around the meeting area. When they find them, show them and tell them that in the biblical story today they will use these figures to learn more about the first Christmas.

The first Christmas

One day, the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar wanted to know the number of people in his empire. He ordered each person to return to the place where they were born to be recorded and counted. Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem, because that was where Joseph’s family was from. Mary was pregnant and probably was traveling on a donkey, while Joseph walked beside her.

It was a long way to get to Bethlehem. At last they arrived when it was getting dark at night. Joseph hurried to search for a guest room so that Mary could rest, since she was exhausted by the trip and it was almost time for her child to be born.

“I am sorry,” they said to Joseph in all the places. The town is full of people who came to register. They are all tired and no guest rooms are available anymore.”

“Mary is tired and it is late,” Joseph said.

“Come with me,” one of the employees said. While they followed the clerk at the inn, they could hear the mooing of the cows and the braying of the donkeys. “This is where we keep the animals,” the clerk said. “The straw is soft and you can stay here if you want.”

That night Jesus was born. Mary wrapped the baby in blankets to keep him warm and made him an unplanned bed in a manger so he could sleep.

Mary and Joseph were happy for their baby, and they thanked God.

Then they said, “He shall be called Jesus.” This was the name that the angel Gabriel had told them to give him before the child was born.

That night was the first Christmas. The Son of God had come into this world to save us from our sins.

connect the lesson

The birth of Jesus

Give Student Activity Sheet #50-A, #50-B and #50-C to the children and help them trim around the two wheels in Student Activity Sheet #50-A and #50-B. Allow them to put their names on the wheels and set them on top of each other, leaving the text on top. Have hooks or fasteners on hand to attach both wheels through the middle, as shown in the example in Student Activity Sheet #50-C. Help your children to review the story using their Christmas wheels.

Encourage them to take home these activity sheets and share the story with their family and friends.

practice the memory verse

Have the children from a circle and crouch down putting their hands around their knees. Walk around the circle, and when you touch the back of one of them, they should straighten up by lifting their hands up and say the Bible text with you. Repeat the action until everyone has participated.



Do not forget to ask if they have prayer requests, and pray with them. Children are comforted to know that you care about their problems.


Each Sunday we draw closer and closer to Christmas. This is the perfect time to prepare the hearts of your children to mention to others the gift of God’s love through his Son Jesus. Encourage the children to share today’s story with their family and friends.


Encourage the group to invite their friends. Encourage them to attend the next session to continue learning about the beautiful story of Christmas.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™