orange Unit 55 Lesson 244 Resource for age 6-9

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Good News for everyone

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key words

biblical reference

Acts 13:1-12 and 14:21-28

lesson objective

To help the students understand that the church is part of God’s plan to bring the Good News to the whole world

memory verse

“Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I’m sending you’” (John 20:21, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Our children need to feel that they are a vital part of the community we call the local church. They should know who the local leaders are and relate well to them and to the children’s leaders.

The same happens with the missionaries that the denomination sends and supports. Children should get to know them by name and by their photos, and maybe even correspond with them. This particular lesson is a great way to help children understand that missionaries are called by God to go preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is the people of the congregation who make it possible for them to carry out the task that God called them to do.

This session will help the children understand that the money they put into the missionary offering helps the missionaries to fulfill God’s call. Students will learn that when they pray for the missionaries, they are part of God’s plan for them and their families.

biblical commentary

There is a wonderful secret revealed in these verses. People from different backgrounds can join in a common cause to win men and women for Christ. United by faith in Jesus Christ, they become one and form the Church: the true body of Christ.

In Acts, we begin to see what the mission of the Christian church should be like.

First, the church must recognize God’s call to certain people to go and preach the Gospel and teach others the principles of faith. These men and women must be set aside for the work of God, and the rest of the community should give the church’s blessing and authenticate their call. Not only will they receive financial support from the congregation, but they should be remembered in private and collective prayer. In response, the missionaries who are sent must inform the congregations about their work. They must communicate their successes and failures. They must seek the emotional and spiritual support they need.

That was the case of Paul and Barnabas, who were sent by the church of Antioch. These two men traveled the known world of that time, winning the lost, discipling the believers, and encouraging them in their new faith. One of the most significant and far-reaching ministries they had was to establish local leaders among the members of each church.

The two men eventually returned to Antioch and reported how God had blessed their task. They were well aware that they (the sent), and those who sent them (the Christians of Antioch), carried out important roles.

The task of the missionaries we send today is to share the Good News to those who are not saved. They should also strengthen and disciple believers and encourage them to remain faithful in the face of adversity. The missionary assignment includes the training of new converts to evangelize their neighbors. With so many religions around the world, many missionaries find it difficult to preach Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation.

Missionaries face great opposition in many countries. It is important to remind the believers of each country how vital it is to testify of the saving grace of Jesus Christ and urge them to have a faithful commitment to the Lord. One of the ways to achieve this is through the organization of leaders for each local congregation.

We must train national leaders to take the leadership of the church in their countries. Prayer is an essential part of the success of any missionary enterprise. When danger and opposition arise, missionaries depend on the prayer of the people who know them, even if not personally.

introduce the lesson

Mural of the “Good News”

Gather the students next to the poster prepared for the unit. Do a review of each lesson. Ask questions related to the figures on the mural and those that are written on the strips and pasted there.

Review of important words

In this session there are 5 important words: “Christian”, “Gospel / Good News”, “missionaries”, “non-believers”, “salvation/saved”. Assign each word a number. Write cards with numbers from 1 to 5. Mix them up by placing the numbers down on the table. Ask a child to pick up a card. According to the number, they must say the term or give the meaning of the numbered word. If the child guesses right, you can give him a small prize or he can leave the room first.

teach the lesson

To relate and recreate today’s Bible story, you can get an old blanket and throw it on the floor as if it were a boat. Children should sit on it (boat), and you will indicate that you will be at the helm. When you lean to the right, everyone should lean to the same side. At another time everyone should lean to the left. At times, move simulating that there are many waves. When you perform each mimicry, children should imitate the same movements.

Say: “The men of our history traveled by boat. You must do the movements that I do. Do you remember the church in Antioch that we talked about in the last lesson? Missionaries are people who tell people what God wants them to do.

“Barnabas and Paul were still teaching in Antioch. While the people were worshiping (raise your hand pointing to heaven), the Holy Spirit spoke to them, ‘Set apart Barnabas and Paul to serve me. I have chosen them to do a special task.’

“The people of Antioch wanted to do God’s will. They prayed and fasted (lean to the right). The Christians placed their hands on Paul and Barnabas and blessed them, ‘Please, Lord, may your presence be with these men.’

“They prayed and they sent them off as missionaries. (Lean to the left.) “This is exciting,” Barnabas told Paul. “Imagine the people who are preparing to listen to the message of Jesus thanks to this trip,” replied Paul.

“First the missionaries went south, to Seleucia. Then they boarded a boat (move as if there were soft waves) and sailed to the island of Cyprus. They preached the word of God to all. They traveled all over the island. Paul and Barnabas met Barjesus (cover your face as if frightened). He was an evil wizard and a liar. He worked for the governor of the island and tried to keep the governor from hearing Paul and Barnabas. ‘I want to hear what these men teach,’ the governor demanded. “Be quiet, I want to hear!”

“Paul looked into the eyes of Barjesus, the evil man, and said, ‘You are the enemy of all that’s right! You cheat people. You use all kinds of tricks. Will you not cease to upset the righteous ways of the Lord? Now then, the hand of the Lord is against you, and you will be blind and you will not see the sun for some time.’ (Cover your eyes and pretend that the boat is moving with fury everywhere.)

“And so it happened! The evil magician went blind. He tried to find ways to walk, but he could not (try to touch things as if he were blind, close your eyes, children should repeat each mimic).

“The governor watched everything that happened. He was amazed! (act with much surprise). “This is incredible!” he said. “I also want to meet this man Jesus.” The governor accepted Jesus and was now a new Christian.

“Paul and Barnabas continued their trip (move as if navigating on gentle waves). They returned to many cities where they had been before. They helped believers to grow in their faith and learn more about God. ‘Follow the only true God,’ they announced. ‘Do his will.’

“Paul and Barnabas chose leaders (keep moving the ship gently) in each city they visited to help the new believers. ‘Dear Lord,’ they prayed (close and cover your eyes with your hands), ‘please help the new leaders and all the believers. Please take care of them. Help them to love you and to follow you.’

“Then they sailed (move the ship as if there were few waves, but at times as if stronger winds were blowing) back to Antioch. Then they gathered (open your arms and put them together as if calling people to meet) the whole church, all the members. They should listen to what God had done!

There they informed the gathered believers of all that the Lord had accomplished on their missionary journey. ‘This wonderful work was done for your sake,’ explained Paul. ‘You sent us. God worked through us. Now many people have become followers of the Lord. We did what the Lord called us to do. We gave the Good News of Jesus Christ to many people, in different towns and cities.’”

Ask questions about the Bible story:

1. Who were on that trip? (Paul and Barnabas)2. Who sent Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journey? (The church of Antioch)3. What was the name of the magician who went blind? (Barjesús)4. What did Paul and Barnabas do on that trip? (They visited many cities and taught about Jesus.)

Do not forget that we the Church send missionaries. They go, teach and then return to their countries and give a report. We must help and support them. We must also pray that God will guide the missionary work and that he will take care of those who are in all parts of the world.

connect the lesson

Who does God call?

Begin this activity by dividing into 2 teams to play the “Good News game”. Talk with the students, asking them about the ways and to whom they gave the Good News during these last few weeks. Encourage them to continue talking about Jesus. Tell them: “Speaking to people about Jesus is a goal we should have for life. We must never stop talking to people about Jesus.”

Hand out Student Activity Sheet #244-A and #244-B. Ask them to color the figures and find the two hidden words in Student Activity Sheet #244-A. Explain: “The missionary task is a group effort. Someone must stay to send. And someone must obey and go.”

Ask: “Who were the ones who sent in today’s story? (The church of Antioch). Who obeyed and went?” (Paul and Barnabas).

Have the children turn to Student Activity Sheet #244-B. Have them follow the instructions to find the words and fill in the blanks so they can discover the mystery at the bottom of the page.

At the end, if you wish, you can bring fruits and cookies to celebrate the end of the unit.

practice the memory verse

Divide into two groups. One student from each group will come to the front and assemble the memory verse correctly. The cards with the memory verse will be on the table and the words facing down. When finished, the two children will be able to say the text together. If there are children who do not remember it, others can help them.

Sweet verses

You will need: Student Activity Sheet #214-C and #214-D, a (candy) jar, scissors, construction paper larger than the jar, and colored pencils or crayons. Throughout the year, you will find additional cut-out sections, such as the memory verse for each unit, in candy or candy forms with the verses written on each one. When a child has learned the memory verse, allow him/ her to cut out the candy from that unit and stick it inside or around the jar. At the end of the year, they will be able to take the jar with “sweets” to their homes. That way they can repeat to their families the verses they learned.



Pray for our church that sends missionaries. Also pray for the missionaries, especially those who are in dangerous places. As a teacher, pray for the Lord to call your children to missions.


You can sing an appropriate chorus.


Invite everyone to come to the next session as we begin studying a new unit about God’s mercy. Remind them that this is a good time to invite others to join the group.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™