orange Unit 58 Lesson 257 Resource for age 6-9

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God shows his power

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key words

biblical reference

Esther 5 – 8

lesson objective

To help the students know that God has the power to protect his children from danger

memory verse

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Many of the popular television programs among children are those about heroes with special powers that allow them to fly, freeze their enemies, become invisible and see through the walls. Children enjoy seeing how their imaginary heroes triumph. These superheroes defeat their enemies by means of superpowers, and it is common that in children’s games, they imitate those behaviors and pretend to be those characters.

And, although all of this is a product of the imagination of the creators of cartoons, it is important that they learn that only God has the power to do anything so great. Not only that, but God wants his children to enjoy his blessings and be part of his plans. He wants to use his power through us to reach a world that lives in darkness. As you teach this lesson, ask the Holy Spirit to help them understand that God’s power is beyond our understanding, and is available to all who trust in him.

biblical commentary

Read Esther 5 – 8. Anyone who says that reading the Bible is boring has definitely not read the book of Esther. In it are all the elements that an exciting story must have to catch the reader’s attention. In today’s story, Esther is about to appear before the king and is prepared for what may happen. Unless King Xerxes extends his royal scepter to her when she approaches him, the guards have orders to kill her, regardless of whether she is the queen or not.

There are two characters that play a very important role in today’s story. The most visible is Esther. Surprisingly, the God of all creation, who can do what he wants, chooses to work through human hands to fulfill his divine purpose. Through this story, God allowed ordinary people to do extraordinary things, even when their lives were in danger. Esther was an ordinary woman who decided to be obedient to God, and was able to save an entire people.

It is also important to emphasize the faithfulness of Mordecai. This man remained faithful to God and decided not to bow before the wicked Haman. This story reminds us once again that God desires obedient and faithful servants to follow him and trust in his power. God used Esther in a very special way to save the Jewish people from death. It was the fidelity and testimony of her uncle Mordecai that encouraged her to obey the will of God. She trusted that the power of the Lord could make possible what seemed impossible.

introduce the lesson

Since this is the unit's last lesson, we suggest that you prepare something to reward students who have faithfully attended. If possible create simple thankyou cards or Bible verses to give to the students. Sing some praise songs before you start the learning activities.

What does the Queen want?

In this game, the teacher will represent the queen and the students will be the subjects. The queen must sit on one side of the room, while the students will be at the opposite end. She will give varied commands to the subjects, for example: “Robert, you must take three small steps forward.” You can also ask them to jump, walk backward, etc. Repeat the game until all your students have participated.

Say: “Kings and queens can give orders to their subjects because they are the rulers, and they have many people at their service. In today’s story, we’re going to hear what happened to Queen Esther after hearing that bad news.”

teach the lesson

Before starting today’s story, it is important that together you review what you studied in the last session. In this way they will remember the characters and learning will be more effective. If desired, choose volunteers to narrate what they learned the previous week or read the corresponding Bible passage.

If possible before the session, write on a piece paper or poster board the following sentence: “God is in control!” Then, show it to your students and tell them: “When I say ‘God is in control!’ or show you this phrase during the Bible story, you should repeat these words out loud. Listen carefully so you know what the end of this story is.”

Power that saves

Esther was very thoughtful. Finally she stood up and said, “I have to see the king.” (Say or show the sentence: “God is in control.”)

She had been praying and fasting for three days. (“God is in control.”)

After three days, she went to see the king. She was afraid because nobody could see the king without an invitation. However, she knew that God was with her. (“God is in control.”)

King Xerxes was very pleased to see Esther and gave her permission to speak with him: he extended his royal scepter, which meant that he spared her life. (“God is in control.”)

“What’s the matter, Queen Esther? Why did you come to see me? Ask me what you want and I will give you what you want ... even up to half of my kingdom,” King Xerxes told her. (“God is in control.”)

Esther replied, “King Xerxes, I would like to invite you to a banquet tonight that I have prepared for you. Please come and also bring Haman.” The king and Haman accepted the queen’s invitation to go to the banquet. (“God is in control.”)

The king asked her, “What can I do for you, Queen Esther?” “I have to ask you something very important. Please, bring Haman to dinner with you tomorrow and there I will answer your question,” she replied.

Haman, who was very proud, went to the banquet. He still felt annoyed because Mordecai had not bowed down to him, but he was very excited that King Xerxes and Esther had invited him to the banquet. Haman boasted to his friends and family, “Today I was eating with the king and queen. I have many riches and I’m invited to another banquet tomorrow. However, none of that makes me happy when I see Mordecai sitting at the royal gate.

“Ask King Xerxes to kill him,” suggested his wife. “Surely, the king wo not deny you anything,” his friends said. So Haman had a very large gallows built to hang Mordecai the next day.

That night the king could not sleep, so he asked one of his servants to bring him the book of the royal chronicles and to read it in his presence. (“God is in control.”)

When they read the part in which Mordecai helped save the king’s life, King Xerxes asked, “What did we do to reward Mordecai for saving my life?” “Nothing, sir,” the servant replied. Then the king heard a noise and asked, “Who is in the yard?” “It is Haman.”

King Xerxes ordered Haman to come in and asked him, “How should we reward someone whom the king wants to honor?” Haman thought it was about him and replied, “You must give him beautiful clothes, a beautiful horse and put a crown on him for all to see.” Then the king said to him, “That’s a great idea. Hurry and do all of that for the Jew Mordecai.” Haman did everything the king asked of him. But he was very angry! So he went home and told his wife and friends everything that had happened. At that time, the servants arrived to take him to dinner with the King and Queen. (“God is in control.”)

While at the banquet, the king asked Esther what her request was, and she told him everything that was going to happen to her people. She told him that she was Jewish and that the law he had signed endangered her life and that of her people. (Sentence)

The king did what Esther asked of him and made a new law to keep the Jews safe. (“God is in control.”)

Haman was punished for his evil deeds on the same gallows that he had built for Mordecai. And, Mordecai, along with all the Jews of the kingdom, had a great celebration and praised God. They were very happy because he had saved them from certain death. (“God is in control.”)

The king gave Mordecai a good position and they did not fear again because they knew that God had delivered them from the hand of their enemies. (“God is in control.”)

connect the lesson

The great power of God

Distribute pencils and Student Activity Sheet #257-A and #257-B. Help the students put the puzzles together, putting the lost words and figures in the right place. Ask some volunteers to read the sentences out loud. Encourage them to trust in the power of God when they feel fear or face a difficult situation.

You can help too!

If you made crowns in the previous session, ask the children to sit in a circle and wear the crowns they. Encourage them to imagine that they are kings or queens, and think about how they could help other people, just as Queen Esther helped her people. Ask some volunteers to go to the center of the circle and tell how they would help other people if they were the kings or queens of a nation.

Explain that even if they do not become powerful kings or queens, they can be helpful to their neighbors, for example: picking up trash from the church, helping an older person, helping with household chores, etc.

practice the memory verse

Talk with your pastor or other ministry leader about giving the children special involvement in a worship service. Prepare the students to recite the memory verse learned during this unit. Help the little ones or those who have difficulties with learning.

Sweet verses

You will need: Student Activity Sheet #214-C and 214-D, a (candy) jar, scissors, construction paper larger than the jar, and colored pencils or crayons. Throughout the year, you will find additional cut-out sections, such as the memory verse for each unit, in candy or candy forms with the verses written on each one. When a child has memorized the memory verse, allow him/ her to cut out the candy from that unit and stick it inside or around the jar. At the end of the year, they will be able to take the jar with “sweets” to their homes. That way they can repeat to their families the verses they learned.



Pray with the children that they will seek the power of the Lord which is available to all those who trust in him and obey him.


Encourage the children to trust God in the midst of problems. Remind them that through all these recent sessions they have learned that God’s power is greater than anything else.


Remind the group that in the next session we will begin a new unit. Tell them a few interesting things about it to encourage them to attend. Remind them that this is a good time for others to join the group.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™