orange Unit 58 Lesson 253 Resource for age 6-9

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God gives Moses a special mission

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key words

biblical reference

Exodus 3 and 4

lesson objective

To help the students learn that when God gives them a special mission, he will help them accomplish it

memory verse

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Many societies in which we live value intelligence, beauty, popularity and talent. It is common for creative and talented people to receive greater praise and consideration than those who apparently do not show these qualities. For many of our students, it is normal to feel ignored and frustrated in face of the high standards that society imposes on them. This is the first in a series of five lessons about the incredible power of God. Search in advance for songs that relate to this and write the letter lyrics on cards for your students to learn more easily.

Attendance control

Before this session, prepare an attendance chart for your students to complete during the course of the unit. Look for people from your congregation to help you buy or create simple prizes to give to those who attend faithfully. Tell the children that it is essential that they are constant in their attendance and punctuality, not only to win the prize, but to learn important biblical truths.

Important words

If possible before the session begins, write the definition of the word “miracle” on the blackboard.

Miracle: it is an amazing event that happens when God shows his power and there is no other explanation. Tell your students that an important word of this unit is “miracle,” and explain that throughout this unit they will learn about many miracles that God did to free his people.

introduce the lesson

Mysterious character

Ask the children to sit down in a circle to guess who the biblical character is that they will be studying in this unit.

You will read the following phrases, while they think in silence. Then ask that those who know who it is to raise their hand and answer in an orderly manner.

1. He was born and lived in Egypt during his childhood.
2. His family hid him when he was a baby.
3. He had a sister named Miriam.
4. He grew up in Pharaoh’s palace until he was an adult.
5. For 40 years he was a shepherd of sheep in the desert of Midian.

teach the lesson

Gather your students to hear today’s story. Open your Bible to Exodus 3 and tell the children: “Our Bible story is found in the book of Exodus, chapters 3 and 4, and it tells us about Moses. Listen attentively to what happened to him while he looked after sheep in the desert.”

A special mission and a promise

“Baa Baa!” The sheep bleated while Moses led them through the hot, dry desert. He wanted to hurry up because there was still a long way to go. All the sheep were thirsty, tired and hot. Finally, they came to a mountain where they could rest a little. Suddenly Moses saw something that caught his attention. “What is happening to that bush?” he exclaimed, surprised. He got closer to see it better ... The bush was on fire! He decided to get closer to see why the fire did not burn it up. “Moses, Moses!” called a voice from the bush. “Here I am,” he said surprised. “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Remove the sandals from your feet because you are standing in a holy place.”

Quickly, Moses untied and removed his sandals. He stood very still, looking at the burning bush with huge eyes. He could not believe that the bush was not consumed by the strong fire! “I’m the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”

“Oh Lord,” Moses said, hiding his face, because he was too afraid to look at God. “I have seen what my people suffer in Egypt. Now I’m going to rescue them and take them to a beautiful land called Canaan. So now go. I command you to go to Pharaoh to free the Israelites from Egypt.” “Me? Why would Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, listen to someone like me? How could I free the Israelites?”

“I’ll be with you,” God promised. “And as a sign of this promise, when you have returned from freeing my people, you will worship me on this mountain.” Moses was afraid, so he began to argue with God. “What will happen if the Israelites ask me, ‘Who sent you to us?’ What do I say?”

“Tell them, ‘I am who I am.’ Tell the Israelites that my name is “I am” and that I have sent you.” “What will happen if the leaders of Israel do not believe me and think that I’m inventing everything?” asked Moses.

“What do you have in your hand?” asked God. “My shepherd’s rod,” replied Moses. “Throw it on the ground.” The moment Moses obeyed, the rod became a serpent. Moses ran away from the serpent in fear. “Take it by the tail,” God commanded Moses. With fear and caution, Moses slowly took the snake, which, once it was in his hands, became a rod again. “You will be able to do this miracle before the Israelites, then they will believe that I have sent you,” the Lord said.

God then ordered him, “Put your hand inside your jacket.” So Moses obeyed and when he pulled it out, it was covered in leprosy. “I’m leprous,” said Moses. “Put it in again.” “The leprosy has disappeared,” replied Moses. “If the Israelites do not believe in the first miracle, they will believe in the second,” God declared, “but if they do not, you will take water from the river and pour it into the earth, and the waters will turn to blood.”

“But God, I’m too clumsy to talk well,” said Moses. “Was not I the one who gave you speech?” said God. “Now see, I will help you talk and I will teach you what to say.” “Oh God, please, send someone else!” Moses begged. “Your brother Aaron speaks well, so take him with you. I will help you both in this mission. Do not forget to take your rod because through it you will do great miracles.”

Finally, Moses obeyed God and went to say goodbye to his father-in-law Jethro. He took his wife and two children and set out on the long trip to Egypt. On the way he met up with Aaron.

When Moses and Aaron arrived in Egypt, they told the people everything that God had said to Moses on Mount Horeb. Moses did the miracles that God showed him in the desert, and the people understood that the Lord had heard their prayers and would free them from slavery.

connect the lesson

God helps us

Distribute Student Activity Sheet #253-A and #253-B. Ask your students to complete the Bible verse and color the figures of Moses. Then, you can ask them questions about what was happening in each scene.

When finished, ask them to turn over the page to talk about the illustration and what the girl felt. Then ask them: “Do you think that all of this girl’s feelings of fear disappeared when she prayed? Why or why not?” (Sometimes God takes away all the fear we feel; at other times, he helps us know what to do even if we remain afraid.) Give them time to do the activity, while doing a brief review of what they learned in the Bible story.

Encourage the students to take home this activity to share the lesson with their families and friends.

practice the memory verse

During the week, draw the outline of a burning bush on a piece of poster board and color it with bright colors. Then write each of the words of the memory verse on cards shaped like flames of fire. Distribute a card to each child in a mixed up manner and then have them put the words in the right order on the shape of the bush. Repeat this activity several times with different children until it is easy for them to correctly order the verse. Hang the poster in a visible place in the room as a reminder.



Ask your students to organize and store the materials they have used during the day. Then gather them to intercede for prayer requests.


Remind them that God has the power to help them do whatever he asks them to do, however difficult that may be.


Say something interesting about the next session to motivate them to attend and to invite others.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™