orange Unit 57 Lesson 252 Resource for age 6-9

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key words

biblical reference

1 Samuel 2:12-17, 22-26 and 3

lesson objective

To help the students know that God wants them to listen to him and obey him in every decision that they make

memory verse

“But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you″ (1 Samuel 12:24, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Obedience is a word that children understand well. With the passage of time, they have learned that when they disobey, there are usually negative consequences. They also understand that when they obey, there are often rewards. Teaching children to obey is a fundamental step to instill self-control and discipline. As we teach children to obey their parents and teachers, we are also directing them to do so with God.

Obedience is an essential part of faithfulness. Samuel was obedient to God, and for that reason, the Lord used him to do wonderful things. Samuel learned to listen to God. Encourage your students to be attentive to the voice of God and to obey his will.

biblical commentary

Before the Word of God was available in written form, the Lord used different means to communicate with his people, for example through dreams, visions and supernatural events. However, 1 Samuel 3:1 says, “Young Samuel served Yahweh in the presence of Eli; in those days the word of Yahweh was scarce and visions were not frequent.” Eli’s sons were central to the problem that’s reported in this chapter. Samuel 2:12 states that, “Eli’s sons were ungodly men, who had no knowledge of Yahweh.”

They demanded a special portion (in addition to the one they received as a donation from those who came to the temple), even before God received his share of the sacrifice. In the same way, the immoralities they committed with the women who worked in the temple violated the Ten Commandments and were probably behaviors that imitated the customs of the Canaanites.

In contrast, “the young Samuel grew and became pleasing before God and before men” (1 Samuel 2:26). God found in Samuel a diligent and obedient servant with whom he could communicate. At first, Samuel did not recognize God’s call. However, Eli’s wise counsel helped Samuel recognize the voice of the Lord and know what to do with the message he received. Although it was difficult, Samuel faithfully communicated God’s message to Eli. From that moment, Samuel was recognized and approved as a prophet of God.

introduce the lesson

Important words

Before the session begins, write on a poster with large letters the three important words of the unit: faithfulness, sacrifice and offering. Cut out each letter and hide them inside the room before your students arrive. Ask the children to find the letters and form the words as quickly as possible. Put pieces of tape on the wall so that they can stick up the letters when they are found. Ask three volunteers to come forward and explain to the whole group the meaning of the three important words.

teach the lesson

I possible before the session begins, place two blankets/ mats and two pillows at opposite corners of the room. One bed will be for Eli and the other for Samuel. At the beginning of the Bible story, assign two students to act out the characters of Samuel and Eli. Ask them to lie on their beds until they hear the second part of the story, and when you give them the signal, they will stand up and follow the instructions in the story.

A voice in the night

The priest Eli had sons. They were also priests, but they did bad things and broke God’s laws. Although they knew God’s commandments, they did not want to obey them. When someone was going to offer a sacrifice at the temple, the priest used a certain portion of the meat as an offering to God. Then, the priest could keep a portion for himself or share it with others.

Eli’s sons did not obey God’s commandments for the offerings. Instead, they took the best pieces of meat they wanted before presenting the offering to God. When the people who offered the burnt offering asked them about it, they answered them in a bad way. A short time later, Eli began to hear complaints about the behavior of his two sons. So he went up to them and mentioned that many complained about their bad behavior. But his sons did not listen to their father’s advice and continued to do evil in the eyes of God.

However, Samuel grew and became stronger in the fear of the Lord. One night, Eli and Samuel went to sleep as usual, but suddenly, God called Samuel. Samuel had never heard the voice of God before, so he did not recognize it and thought it was Eli who had called him. Samuel quickly got up from his bed and ran to where Eli was. “I’m here. What did you call me to do?” Samuel asked.

But Eli replied, “I did not call you; go back to bed.” Samuel returned to his bed and once more he heard a voice calling him by his name, so once again he went to where Eli was.

“My son, I have not called you. Go back to bed,” Eli repeated to the young man. For the third time God called Samuel, but Samuel did not recognize his voice, so he walked to where the priest was. Finally, Eli realized what was happening. God was calling Samuel. “Go back to bed,” Eli replied to Samuel, “and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’”

So Samuel went back to sleep and when he was in bed again, he heard the voice of God calling him and he answered as the priest had told him. God gave Samuel a very sad message for Eli. “Tell Eli that I’m going to punish his family. I have to do it because he knew that his sons were acting badly and did not stop them.” When God had finished speaking, Samuel went back to sleep until the next morning.

At dawn, the young man was afraid to tell Eli what God had entrusted to him, but the priest called him to tell him the message he had received from the Lord. “Tell me everything the Lord told you. Our God will punish you harshly if you hide a single word from me,” he ordered. So while Samuel told Eli everything, he listened intently.

“He is the Lord and will do what is best,” the priest replied.

God was with Samuel as he grew up, and he continued to speak to him and give messages to the Israelites. Very soon, all the people of Israel knew that Samuel was the prophet that God had chosen.

connect the lesson


Give Student Activity Sheet #252-A and #252-B to the children. Ask them: “Who is the boy in the drawing? (Samuel) Ask some volunteers to briefly repeat what Samuel heard from God. Play background music while your students color the illustration and cut the figure on the marked outline. Explain that they can speak to their parents or guardians about using their finished work to hang on the door handle of their bedroom door when they are talking / praying to God and thus avoid interruptions.

practice the memory verse

Ask two or three volunteers who have learned the memory verse by heart to come forward and say it to the rest of the group. If you can, give a small incentive (pencils, Bibles or candies) to those who have learned the full text. If you wish, invite parents to listen to what their children studied during these four lessons.

Sweet verses

You will need: Student Activity Sheet #214-C and #214-D, a (candy) jar, scissors, construction paper larger than the jar, and colored pencils or crayons. Throughout the year, you will find additional cut-out sections, such as the memory verse for each unit, in candy or candy forms with the verses written on each one. When a child has memorized the memory verse, allow him/ her to cut out the candy from that unit and stick it inside or around the jar. At the end of the year, they will be able to take the jar with “sweets” to their homes. That way they can repeat to their families the verses they learned.



Finish with a prayer and remind the students that they should be faithful servants and be attentive to hear the voice of God.


Do not let the children forget to take their things home (handicrafts, clothing, etc.). Thank each one for attending today’s session and make a special mention of those who attended throughout the month.


Before departing tell the students that the next session will begin a new unit. Encourage them to attend and to invite friends. Announce the theme of the next unit to catch the interest of the children.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™