orange Unit 48 Lesson 211 Resource for age 6-9

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Jesus learns to obey

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biblical reference

Luke 2:41-52

lesson objective

To teach the students that Jesus obeyed his Father God, and that they can do the same.

memory verse

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

When we see the children of our congregation running through the corridors - loving and playing - we tend to make the mistake of so many adults. We think that our children are incapable of serious thinking and that they are spiritually immature. We must correct this way of thinking. Children have an enormous capacity to understand the spiritual nature of our world, sometimes even more clearly than we adults. That’s why, as such, we can learn valuable lessons about spiritual development as we see them surrender their small lives into the mighty hands of God. Children do not know complex theology or doctrine, but they can experience reality behind high concepts. As a teacher, help them deepen their understanding of the Bible and its Author. Their inquisitive minds and their tender hearts need to be filled with the truths of God, in the same way that the mind and heart of Jesus were as a child. These first years will determine the direction your students will follow in the future. What a great privilege and responsibility you have as their teacher.

biblical commentary

While traveling, families sometimes tell each other stories and secrets. They enjoy that time in which they are together. In the story of Luke 2:41-52, we find Jesus traveling with his family to the city of Jerusalem. There were many holiday feasts on the Jewish calendar. One of those feasts was the Passover, in which the miraculous liberation after the 400 years of Egyptian slavery was remembered. This trip in particular was very special for Jesus. A Jewish boy 13 years old would join the community as a member, in the same way that the youth of that age do today. In this passage, Jesus would have traveled to Jerusalem in preparation for next year’s events. We can imagine the emotion that he would have felt to know that in a short time, he would have the responsibilities that concern the world of adults.

When the Passover ended, Jesus’ family left Jerusalem with the rest of the group and traveled a whole day. The group was big and people moved from one place to another. For that reason, it was easy for Jesus to be separated from his parents. Joseph and Mary returned to Jerusalem in search of their son. When at last they found him, he was with the teachers of the law. Everyone was amazed at the intelligence and answers of Jesus.

Joseph and Mary expressed their concern as parents when they found him. Jesus simply replied that he was doing what was best for him: to take care of his Father’s business. His priorities had earthly and heavenly dimensions. The Scripture says that Jesus obediently followed his earthly parents back to Nazareth. There he lived in submission to them, while strengthening his relationship with his heavenly Father.

Luke 5:22 reminds us that Jesus developed as a child - physically, intellectually and spiritually, and also grew “in favor with God and men.” We know with certainty that at that age, he understood the importance of his relationship with God. The lessons he learned as a teenager would help him later to trust in the one who sent him to fulfill the mission of being the Savior of the world.

introduce the lesson

Let’s take a trip

Before the session, prepare a suitcase (travel bag) and place it in front of the room in a visible place to illustrate the idea of traveling. In the group, ask the children to think about family trips they have recently been on. Ask them: “What did you pack to take on their trip? How long did that trip last? What did you see on the way? Where did you go?” Let the children tell about their experiences.

Tell the children: “Let’s listen to an interesting story about a trip Jesus made with his family. The trip was not so important, but it was the place they were going to that was important: Jerusalem. Let’s see what happened and why it is important.”

teach the lesson

Teacher, if possible use pictures or figures that show Jesus sitting with the teachers of the law to illustrate the biblical story to the children.

The most important thing for Jesus

Each year, Jesus’ parents prepared to go to Jerusalem for a special celebration called The Passover. They prepared food, clothing, and other items that they would need during the trip. Then, they met with other family members and friends for the long walk towards that city. As they walked, they talked about what they would do and see when they arrived.

“Now that you are 12 years old, you are almost ready to be a man,” Joseph said to his son Jesus. “Look carefully at the boys bigger than you, and how they prepare for the special events that are approaching.” Jesus’ enthusiasm grew and grew as he approached the city. He knew that something significant was about to happen. The Passover was a very important holiday for the Jews. Sacrifices were offered, unleavened bread was eaten, it was remembered when God delivered them from death when they put the blood of the lambs on their door frames. It was remembered when God took them out of Egypt after many years of slavery. They worshiped God and he listened to the Word of God in the temple of Jerusalem.

After a few days, the celebrations ended, and everyone began to return to their homes. Joseph and Mary, while walking, talked about the time spent in the holy city and the blessings of God. “I think Jesus had a good time,” said Mary. “He is becoming a strong boy,” commented Joseph. But, the end of the day found them looking for Jesus. “It is time to stop and rest. Where is Jesus?” Mary asked, her voice worried. “I’ll go look for him. Do not worry,” answered Joseph. Both of them started questioning the people they were traveling with: “Have you seen Jesus? Is he with your children?” Nobody had seen him. They could not find him. Finally, they decided to return to Jerusalem. “What do you think happened to him,” Joseph asked. “I hope he’s okay!” exclaimed Mary with nervousness.

It took them a whole day to return to Jerusalem. There they continued looking for him. Meanwhile, Jesus was in the temple listening to the teachers. Although he was only 12 years old, they allowed him to sit, listen and ask questions. The teachers were amazed at his knowledge and understanding. Finally his parents found him! When they saw him with the teachers, they marveled, but they were also upset. His mother asked him, “Why did not you come back with us? When we did not see you, we started to worry. We looked for you everywhere!” Jesus was surprised. “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Did not you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49). Joseph and Mary did not understand what he was saying. Finally, they returned to Nazareth. Although his parents did not understand him, Jesus obeyed them. He honored God by being obedient to his earthly parents. “And Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52).

connect the lesson

The most important thing for Jesus

For this activity, you must prepare a “tissue box television” model in advance from Student Activity Sheet #211-A and #211-B. Also, gather the necessary scissors, glue and colored pencils for your group. In addition, each child will need: 1 empty tissue box (such as Kleenex) in the form of a cube (or something similar) and 4 paper plates 15 cm in diameter. Follow the instructions in the activity sheets to make the “tissue box television.”

In your group, say: “Jesus wanted more than anything else to have a good relationship with God his Father. Like Jesus, you children can have a close relationship with God. How can that be achieved?” (Reading and obeying the Word of God, praying and listening to what our parents, pastors and teachers say about God, etc.)

Give the children Student Activity Sheet #211-A and #211-B. Then, ask them to write or draw something in the blank circle that they can do to be close to God. Show them the model you prepared beforehand. Give the children the boxes and the 4 cardboard plates, and help them prepare their “tissue box televisions.” With this activity, and as a review, ask them to tell you the Bible story and the truth they learned.

Encourage the children to take their tissue box televisions home to share the Bible story with their family and friends.

practice the memory verse

“And Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52).

You will need a soft ball or sachet full of seeds. Divide the group into two teams. They can be standing or sitting, one team facing the other. Hand the ball or bag to the first child of one of the two teams. That child will say the first word of the verse (for example: “And”). Then she must throw the ball to the first child of the opposing team, and he will say the second word (“Jesus”). The ball will continue going from child to child, in a zigzag pattern, until everyone has said a word of the text. When they finish saying it, including the reference, start over. By repeating it, the children will learn the memory verse by playing.



Pray with the children asking the Lord to help them be obedient as Jesus was, and to be close to God as he was. If necessary, arrange an altar prayer time if there are children who have been disobedient to God and/ or their parents.


If possible you can hand out cards with the names of children who wish to be prayed for. Encourage the group to pray for one another. Remind them to tell the Bible story today to their parents, siblings and friends. Tell them that, in that way, many will learn to know Jesus and know that he was obedient to his parents.


Say something interesting about the next session and invite everyone to return for it with friends.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™