green Unit 44 Lesson 197 Resource for age 6-9

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The Bible teaches us every day

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biblical reference

Acts 16:1-5; 2 Timothy 1:1-7; 2:1-6; 16-18; 3:10-17; 4:13-22

lesson objective

To help the children know that the Bible teaches them to live correctly.

memory verse

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

The Bible is a practical book that guides us to live according to God’s will. In this unit, your group will learn that the message of the Bible is for them, and that will help them differentiate good from bad.

In this unit, the children have learned basic biblical concepts which will help them understand that the Bible is a book in which they can find all the answers they need. They have also learned to easily locate the books that compose it. Take advantage of this session to reinforce the importance of reading, studying and loving the Word of God.

biblical commentary

Read Acts 16:1-5; 2 Timothy 1:1-7; 2:1-6, 16-18; 3:10-17; 4:13-22. Timothy was a young man who lived in Lystra with a Jewish mother and a Greek father. His mother Eunice and his grandmother Lois were converted to Christianity during Paul’s ministry. Timothy accompanied Paul on many of his missionary trips. He went with him when he traveled to Jerusalem and also accompanied him to Rome.

The two letters to Timothy are known as “pastoral epistles.” Although they were personal letters written by Paul, they demonstrate deep love and pastoral care. Paul was imprisoned in Rome when he wrote the second letter to this friend and collaborator, who was in Ephesus. They became very good friends, and after Paul died, Timothy was in charge of the church in Ephesus.

In his second letter, Paul asked Timothy to be faithful to his call and thanked him for his prayers. He told him that his faith assured him of the way to reach Christ. In addition, he encouraged him to work in the ministry. Paul confirmed that God inspired the Scriptures and that they would help Timothy in his daily life.

Through these epistles, Paul reminds us that the source of all wisdom and understanding is the Word of God.

introduce the lesson

Registration of attendance

You will need Student Activity Sheet #194-A and #194-B plus #194-E with the last figure for this unit attendance sheet (cloud).  Help the children cut out the figure and glue it to the last spot on SAS #194-A.
Looking at the figures, review what they learned in the biblical stories, and if possible, reward those who had perfect attendance throughout the unit.

teach the lesson

If possible make a copy of the Bible story and put it in an envelope, as if it were a letter. Open it in front of your children and tell them that they are going to read a very important letter that the apostle Paul wrote to his friend Timothy.

The letter to Timothy

Paul was in prison while awaiting his trial in Rome. His “crime” had been to tell others about Jesus. To make matters worse, many of his friends had left him alone and winter was coming. But Paul, without being discouraged himself, wrote a letter to his friend Timothy.

“Dear Timothy,

“I feel very grateful for your friendship and I pray for you every day. You are like my son and I am glad to know that you are a good Christian, just like your mother and your grandmother.

“Be strong always and follow God’s direction. I know that hard times will come, but remember that athletes run the entire race, regardless of the difficulties.

“Many bad things happened to me while I was preaching, but God rescued me from all of them. Those who serve God and obey him will face problems. They are likely to be persecuted, just as I am in prison! However, it is worth serving Jesus.

“Be careful, because many people will preach false teachings and deceive many, but do not be confused. Continue to believe in what you know is right. Remember that you can trust the Scriptures because God inspired and guided the people who wrote them.

“Do not forget that the Scriptures teach us to do the right thing, exhort us when we are wrong, and show us what God’s will is for us. Studying the scriptures will help you prepare for God’s work for you.

“I am waiting with great excitement for your visit. When you come, please bring me the coat that I left at Carpus’ house. Also, bring my books, especially the scrolls.

“I am still waiting for the day of my trial. In my first defense before the authorities, nobody helped me. They all left me alone. I ask God not to punish them for that. But the Lord Jesus was by my side, giving me strength and peace. I know that the Lord will deliver me from all evil and will protect me until I am brought to his heavenly kingdom.

“Say hello to all my friends. Do everything possible to come before the winter begins.

“All the brothers here send you greetings.

“God bless you!

“Sincerely, Paul”

connect the lesson

Distribute Student Activity Sheet #197-A and #197-B. Read the instructions aloud for the group to do the activity in Student Activity #197-A. Encourage them to reflect and make wise decisions in light of the Word of God.

Turn to Student Activity Sheet #197-B and cut out the figures on the drawing strip. Then fill in the blanks in the biblical text.

practice the memory verse

Since this is the unit’s last session, you may want to prepare some prizes for those who have learned the memory verse. For example, you might hand out Bible-shaped cards or bookmarks with the memory verse. Give the opportunity for those who wish to do so to say the verse by memory.



Have the children tell their prayer needs, and pray for them before saying goodbye. Be sure to give thanks to the Lord for the blessing of having the Bible as a guide for our lives.


Encourage them to foster love and respect for the Word of God in their children.


Remind the children this is the last lesson in this unit. Then say something interesting about the next session to encourage them to attend. Remind them that their friends are also welcome.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™