green Unit 39 Lesson 174 Resource for age 6-9

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The Emmaus Road

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biblical reference

Luke 24:13-35

lesson objective

That the children know that Jesus helps us know him better.

memory verse

“If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

In the last session we learned that God raised Jesus from the dead. Today we will learn that he showed that he is alive, appearing to his followers. These appearances strengthened the faith of the first Christians. In the same way, knowing that Jesus lives will strengthen the faith of your children.

Today Jesus continues to reveal himself to his disciples and especially does so through the teachings of the Bible.

Prepare your heart to tell this important biblical truth to your children. Remember that your task as a Christian education discipler is to reflect the image of Christ to the children you teach.

biblical commentary

Read Luke 24:13-35. It was the afternoon of the resurrection day when Jesus appeared to two of his followers while they were going to Emmaus. Why did Jesus decide to reveal himself first to these two followers, and not to his intimate group of disciples?

In last week’s lesson, we saw that Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene. In today’s story, he appeared to Cleopas and his companion, whose name we do not know. Although we do not know exactly why Jesus decided to appear to these two men, we might think he wanted to disprove the rumor that the priests were spreading. Realizing that Jesus’ resurrection was real, the priests paid the soldiers to say that the disciples had stolen Jesus’ body.

Some disciples responded with skepticism when listening to the testimonies about the resurrection of the Master. It was not until Jesus appeared to them that they believed and rejoiced greatly.

Probably like the crowd present at Jesus’ triumphant entry, Cleopas and his companion expected Jesus to free the Israelites from the Roman Empire. Without really knowing who they were talking to, they opened their hearts and expressed their sadness when they saw that Jesus had been crucified, frustrating their hopes for freedom.

And, as happened with Mary Magdalene in the tomb, the walkers to Emmaus did not recognize Jesus because their sight was blinded.

According to verse 31, after Jesus took the bread and blessed it, their eyes were opened and they recognized the Master. We see clearly that Jesus was in control of the situation and that it was revealed to them in the time he had prepared.

The Bible tells us that, as they walked, Jesus began to declare to them everything the Scriptures said about him, beginning with Moses and continuing with the prophets.

We can be sure that Jesus continues to reveal himself to us through the Word of God every time we seek him from the heart.

When Jesus disappeared from their sight, Cleopas and his companion immediately returned to Jerusalem, as they said to each other, “Did not our heart burn in us, while he spoke to us on the road and when he opened the Scriptures for us?”

When they arrived, they found the eleven gathered, surprised with the news that the Lord had revealed himself to some. Immediately, Cleopas told how the Lord had revealed himself to them. This showed that his disciples believed that Jesus was no longer among the dead, but had risen, as he had promised.

Jesus also continues to reveal himself to the world through his Church, and it is important that we teach our children to tell the wonderful news that “Jesus lives, and lives forever.”

introduce the lesson

The road to Emmaus

Get or make a map of the Holy Land, or use some other Bible maps to show the children. Indicate the location of the cities of Jerusalem and Emmaus, more than 11 km away from each other. For children to have a reference about the distance the disciples walked, make a comparison with known places that are at that distance from your church. Explain that the Bible story is about two disciples who walked that distance to get to the city of Emmaus, but something very special happened to them on the way.

teach the lesson

On the road to Emmaus

“Did you hear why Mary was so excited this morning?” Cleopas asked.

“Yes,” said his friend. “Can you believe what she said? She says she saw angels!”

“She also said that Jesus is alive, and that she saw him” Cleopas said. “That would be wonderful, but I cannot believe it is true.”

“Exactly. We saw with our own eyes how Jesus died on the cross. He died, so he will not be with us anymore. Now what will we do?”

While traveling from Jerusalem to Emmaus, a third traveler joined them.

“Hello,” the mysterious stranger greeted them. “What are you talking about with such interest?”

“Are you the only one in Jerusalem who has not heard about everything that happened these days?” Cleopas answered.

“What happened?” the stranger asked.

“What they did to Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth.”

“He was a powerful prophet! Everyone listened to him.”

“All, except the Jewish priests and our rulers,” Cleopas said. “Three days ago he was executed on a cross.”

“It was terrible!” lamented Cleopas’ friend. “We thought that he would make Israel a great nation again, but now he is dead.”

“We were talking about a friend who told us that she had had a vision of angels. She also said she saw Jesus alive! We’re very confused and do not know what to believe.”

(Pause the narration, ask the children how they think the two travelers felt, ask them to guess who the mysterious stranger might be.)

“Do not you remember what the Scriptures say?” the stranger asked. “Did not the Promised One of God have to suffer first, and then enter into his glory?”

Cleopas and his friend listened attentively while the mysterious traveler spoke to them of the Scriptures.

When they were near the city of Emmaus, the unknown traveler pretended to go further, but they told him, “Please, stay with us. It is late.”

“Thank you very much,” the stranger replied. “That’s a good idea.”

The three entered the city. When dinner was ready, they sat at the table. Then, the stranger took a piece of bread, gave thanks for it, broke it and gave a little to the two men. It was at that moment when these two disciples could recognize him, but he disappeared.

“It was Jesus! Did not we feel something special when he told us about the Scriptures?” said Cleopas and his friend.

At that moment they decided to return to Jerusalem to tell others what had happened to them.

The eleven apostles and some of Jesus’ other followers were gathered together, telling the stories of people who had seen Jesus.

“It is true!” said some of the disciples. “The Lord is risen! Peter and others saw him!”

Suddenly, the door opened. Cleopas and his friend came running in.

“We just saw Jesus!” they announced almost breathlessly. “He’s alive!”

connect the lesson

Let us tell the good news!

Ask the group: “How did Jesus reveal himself to travelers on the road to Emmaus?”

Perhaps they will answer that Jesus came and walked with them. Although this is true, remind them that, Jesus revealed himself to them through the Scriptures. He used the Old Testament to help them understand who he is and what his mission was on earth.

Ask, how Jesus is revealed now? (Through the Bible, the Word of God. Also through the community of believers, the church and prayer.)

Ask them to go to the second page of their worksheet and read the part that says, “Go and tell the Good News to others.” Follow the instructions to complete the activity.

Help your children think of people they could tell about the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection.

practice the memory verse

Have the group form a circle and hold hands. Then while walking in a circle, they are to repeat the memory verse together a couple of times. When you tell them to stop, one of the children should say the verse alone. Then, have everyone start walking in a circle again and repeat it together, following the same instructions. The game ends when everyone has participated.

Give the group Student Activity Sheet #174-A and #174-B. Have them cut off the bottom of SAS #174-A along the dashed lines and follow the instructions. 



Have the children tell their prayer needs and intercede for them. Thank God for allowing us to know his Son Jesus.


Sing songs of praise before saying goodbye.


Make sure that the children take home their personal belongings. Say goodbye with affection, encouraging them to attend the next meeting on time and to come with a friend.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™