green Unit 38 Lesson 168 Resource for age 6-9

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Painful results

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biblical reference

Genesis 4:1-16

lesson objective

That the children learn that ignoring God’s warnings brings painful consequences.

memory verse

“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:23-24, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Many elementary children know that making decisions always has consequences. However, there are consequences that are difficult to face (for example, emotional wounds, restriction of privileges, distrust, broken relationships and punishments).

Cain suffered painful consequences due to his bad decision. Even so, he experienced the mercy of God. Help your children understand that the decision to sin has painful consequences, but God is merciful. He always treats us better than we deserve.

biblical commentary

Cain, the main character of this passage, treated his brother Abel with cruelty and injustice. Then, like his parents (Gen. 3), he tried to avoid the consequences of his action.

God gave justice to Cain, but with mercy. We read that he did not kill Cain to pay for his guilt. Rather, he implemented measures to protect his life, making sure that no one mistreated him, even though he had killed his brother.

Help your children understand that God does not tolerate sin, but loves the sinner. Although he treated Cain harshly, he also showed his mercy. It is an example of how we should treat others. Cain not only acted badly against Abel, but also against his family, and especially against God.

Remind them that God is the Creator of life and the only one who has the right to take it. Cain claimed the power to take the life of his brother; that is why he had to face the consequences of his sin. But God, who is great in mercy, took care of his life.

Help your group understand that every decision has consequences. Therefore, they should ask God to help them make the best decisions. It is also necessary to know that the consequences of sin are irreversible, but God’s grace and forgiveness are greater.

introduce the lesson

Ask the children: “What are some decision you made this week?” (allow several responses) Say: “Some decisions lead to good results while others have negative consequences.”

Ask: “What are some consequences that are difficult to face?” (for example, emotional wounds, restriction of privileges, distrust, broken relationships and punishments)

Help your children understand that the decision to sin has painful consequences, but God is merciful. He always treats us better than we deserve.

teach the lesson

The disobedience of Cain

Life was difficult for Adam and Eve outside of the beautiful garden that God had made for them. But one day God sent them something that made them feel happy again.

“God has blessed me by giving me this son,” said Eve. They called their first son Cain. Then they had another baby, which they named Abel.

The brothers grew up, and Abel decided to be a shepherd of sheep, while Cain was devoted to agriculture.

The two boys worked with effort and dedication.

One day they decided to give an offering of gratitude to God.

Cain offered part of his harvest, while Abel chose a sheep from his flock.

“Abel,” said God, “I accept your offering. But I cannot accept yours, Cain.”

Upon hearing those words, Cain became very angry and jealous of his brother.

“Why are you angry?” God asked Cain. “If you do the right thing, I will accept your offering. But if you do not, you will be sinning. Sin wants to rule your life, but if you decide to trust me you will be strong to resist sin.”

Cain decided not to listen to God’s warning. On the contrary, his jealousy grew more and more.

One day Cain said to his brother, “Abel, let’s go to the country for a walk.”

When they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother and killed him.

Soon after, God asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”

“I do not know,” said Cain, “I do not have to take care of him.”

Then God said to him, “What have you done? You cannot hide anything from me. You killed your brother, and therefore you will never have good harvests again. You will live on the move, always traveling from one place to another.”

“That is too much!” Cain replied. “My punishment is terrible, and anyone who finds me will want to kill me.”

“No,” replied the Lord. “I will put a mark on you, as a sign that no one can kill you. If someone kills you I will punish them seven times more than you.”

connect the lesson

Water and oil

Ask: “Have any of you tried to mix oil and water?” (allow for responses)

If you have a glass jar with a lid, fill it halfway with water, and fill the rest of the bottle with oil and cover it with the lid. Use these elements to illustrate to your children that God is holy and that he is separate from sin.

Ask some volunteers to shake the container to try to mix the two liquids. Tell them to watch how they separate.

If you do not have these resources, explain that oil and water do not mix easily.

Tell the children: “In the same way, sin separates us from God. The holiness of God and the life of sin cannot be mixed. Our God is holy and does not tolerate sin. Sin is disobeying God, and separates us from him.”

That is why it is important that we repent and seek God.

practice the memory verse

In advance, cut out several large circles of cardboard. Write in each of them one or several words of the memory verse. Hide them around the room before your children arrive. Then, ask them to look for them and put them in order according to the original text. Repeat it together several times.

Save the circles for use in the next session.

Activity: What would happen if...?
Give the children Student Activity Sheet #168-A. Help them with their drawings.

How does sin harm us?
Give the children Student Activity Sheet 168-B. Allow them to help Cain find his way.

Return to Student Activity Sheet #167-C which says WARNING and have the children place on the mural.



Allow the children to share any prayer needs. Then intercede for your children. When you pray for them, it helps them feel appreciated and valued as part of the church family.


Encourage your children to obey God’s warnings and stay away from sin. Ask them to stay alert and avoid getting close to what could separate them from God.


Say some interesting things about the next session to encourage the children to attend. Challenge them to invite their frients.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™