green Unit 47 Lesson 210 Resource for age 6-9

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Good news for Simeon and Anna

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biblical reference

Luke 2:21-40

lesson objective

To help the children learn that through Jesus Christ, God fulfilled His promise to send a Savior to the world.

memory verse

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:11, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Today is a special day for your children. Since they have just celebrated Christmas, we suggest that you are flexible today. Maybe some children want to tell what they did with their family, or maybe mention the gifts they received. After listening carefully, direct the conversation towards the teaching of this unit: the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. Encourage them to imagine the emotion that Simeon and Anna felt when they first saw Jesus, the Messiah. Although he was only a little baby, these servants of God knew that in him, the prophecies were fulfilled, and that he is the Savior of the world.

biblical commentary

Read Luke 2: 21-40. Joseph and Mary faithfully fulfilled the laws of God. Therefore, when Jesus was eight days old, he was circumcised according to custom. Forty days after his birth, it was time to take him to the Temple to present him before the Lord. The Mosaic Law required that the first-born males be dedicated to God.

Joseph and Mary also brought a pair of turtledoves or two pigeons to be sacrificed in a ceremony that symbolized the purification of Mary after childbirth.

That day in the Temple, they met Simeon and Anna, two faithful servants of God. That day the Holy Spirit guided Simeon to go to the Temple. God had assured him that he would not die before seeing the Messiah.

When he saw Jesus, he knew instantly that He was the chosen one, sent by God to deliver Israel; and he took Him in his arms, blessing God.

Anna, who had been widowed 84 years ago, approached Jesus’ parents. She also recognized Jesus the Messiah, and praised God for His faithfulness.

The Holy Spirit had spoken to the hearts of these servants, telling them who the Messiah was.

Do you feel the same joy that Simeon and Anna felt when they saw Jesus? Do you thank God for revealing Jesus to you personally? Your grateful heart and spirit of praise will encourage children to show gratitude to God.

introduce the lesson

Tell the children: “Today is a special day. Since we have just celebrated Christmas, we will be flexible today. Maybe some of you want to tell what you did with your family, or maybe mention the gifts you shared.” (all many children to respond) After listening carefully, direct the conversation towards the teaching of this unit: “The birth of Jesus, the Son of God.”

teach the lesson

Good News for Simeon and Anna

“When will I see the Messiah that God promised?” Simeon wondered every day. “Will it be today?”

Simeon was a very good man who loved God. He liked to hear the messages of hope that announced the arrival of a Savior. God had told him that he would know the Messiah before he died. But Simeon, being very old, wondered how and when he would see the chosen one of God.

One day the Holy Spirit led Simeon to the Temple, so he walked until he reached the main courtyard. As always, there were a lot of people gathered. People from everywhere were coming to worship God. Some offered sacrifices, while others prayed special prayers. The new parents took their newborns to dedicate them to God.

In the middle of the crowd, Simeon saw a man and a woman who were taking their baby to dedicate him. Somehow, he knew that the baby was special, and decided to approach. The couple looked poor and the sacrifice they were going to offer was one of the smallest that the law allowed, but there was something different about them.

When Simeon saw the baby, he was sure this was the child he had expected to see for so long. Then he took Jesus in his arms and exclaimed, “Lord, now I can die in peace because my eyes have seen the salvation you prepared in the presence of all people!”

“This is amazing!” said Joseph and Mary in awe.

At that time, an old woman named Anna also approached them to see the baby Jesus. She was very wise and had devoted her entire life to serving God. When she looked at the baby, she recognized him immediately.

“Thank God!” she exclaimed. “What a wonderful day! We have seen the promised Messiah of God who came into the world to save us from our sins. “

The Promised Messiah
Encourage the children to recreate the story in which Simeon and Ana meet baby Jesus.

Good News for you
Encourage the children to obey God and trust his promises.

connect the lesson

Ask the children: “Can you imagine the emotion that Simeon and Anna felt when they first saw Jesus, the Messiah?” (yes) Then say: “Although he was only a little baby, these servants of God knew that in him, the prophecies were fulfilled, and that he is the Savior of the world.”

practice the memory verse

Jesus Is the Promised Messiah!
Distribute Student Activity Sheet #210-A and #210-B.  Use these activities to remember and retell the lesson.

Bible Memory
This is the last lesson of the unit, and it is very possible that most of your children already know the memory verse. If possible, ask the pastor or another leader if they will give your children the opportunity to tell what they learned in the worship service.

Distribute Student Activity Sheet #207-C and #207-D. Have the children cut out the Week 4 picture in #207-D and glue/ tape it into the Week 4 box in #207-C. Congratulate all those who have attended all of this unit's sessions. Allow them to take the attendance sheet home to share with their families.



Gather the group together to pray. Have them express their prayer needs. Then intercede for them. Also, give thanks to God for having fulfilled his promise by sending Jesus as Savior of the world.


Since this is the last lesson of the book, prepare a recognition for the children who faithfully worked throughout the year. Remind them that the teachings they learned are biblical truths that God wants them to apply to their daily lives.


Thank the children for the year of work in the group. If you have time and resources, organize a simple celebration as a way to close. Do not stop praying for your children and their spiritual growth, even when they are no longer in your group.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™