green Unit 47 Lesson 208 Resource for age 6-9

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Good News for Mary and Joseph

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key words

biblical reference

Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25

lesson objective

To help the children want to be faithful and obedient to God.

memory verse

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:11, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Obedience is a very important subject that is mentioned time and time again in the Word of God. We find many lessons about obedience in the curriculum for elementary children. This session focuses on “voluntary obedience”, which implies a cheerful and willing attitude.

Children usually think that obedience is something they have to do although they would prefer not to. This lesson will help them recognize that when we obey out of love, we feel satisfaction and joy.

God included people willing to obey Him in His plan to send the promised Messiah. Some, like Zechariah, at first showed themselves to be incredulous or reluctant. Others, like Mary, obeyed with pleasure.

With today’s story, your children will understand that God wants to use willing and obedient people in his work.

Every day there are fewer days to celebrate Christmas. Therefore, do not be surprised if your children are more distracted than usual, and it may be more difficult to focus their attention on learning activities. Use your imagination to lead the group in an environment in which they can express their energy, and at the same time understand the message of the Word of God.

biblical commentary

Read Luke 1: 26-38. Unlike Zechariah, Mary did not doubt for a moment what the angel said to her, but on the contrary, she responded with humility and pleasure. Being a virgin, it was natural that the question should arise: “How will this be?” However, the difference was that she did not doubt the power that God had to make that happen.

When she answered, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord,” she confirmed her obedience and submission to God’s divine will.

Read Matthew 1:18-25. Joseph’s reaction to knowing that Mary was pregnant was very logical. In those times, the commitment that was made in the courtship was as serious as the marriage itself. That is why he considered leaving Mary in secret, because he did not want to embarrass her in front of everyone.

However, the angel appeared to Joseph to tell him that the baby had been conceived by the Holy Spirit, and that God would use him to bless the nations.

Joseph believed the announcement and decided to move forward with his marriage plans. He and Mary were obedient to the voice of God, even though they did not fully understand what was happening. That is the kind of obedience that God desires of us, without questioning or conditions.

God honored these young people for their obedience, giving them the privilege of being the earthly parents of Jesus, the Redeemer of the world.

introduce the lesson

Tell the children: “Obedience is a very important subject that is mentioned time and time again in the Word of God. This session focuses on ‘voluntary obedience,’ which implies a cheerful and willing attitude.”

Ask the children: “Do you usually think that obedience is something you have to do although you would prefer not to?” (allow several responses) Then say: “This lesson will help us recognize that when we obey out of love, we feel satisfaction and joy.”

teach the lesson

Joseph and Mary listen and obey

“I’ve been so happy since I found out that my cousin Elisabeth is going to have a baby,” Mary thought. “She and Zechariah have wanted to have a child for a long time. It is wonderful that it will finally happen! Maybe one day after Joseph and I get married, we’ll have a baby too.”

It was only three months before Elizabeth’s baby would be born and the whole family was excited.

Suddenly, an angel appeared to Mary and said, “The Lord is with you. He has blessed you in a special way among all women.”

Mary began trembling. “Who are you?” she asked. “What do you want?”

“Mary, do not be afraid,” said the angel Gabriel. “God has chosen you to have a baby. You will name him Jesus. He will be great and they will call him Son of the Most High.”

“How can I have a baby?” Mary asked. “I have not married yet.”

“Nothing is impossible for God,” said the angel.

“I am the servant of the Lord,” Mary answered. “I will do what God wants.”

Mary was engaged to marry Joseph and did not know how to break the news to him.

“Joseph,” said Mary, “I have something important to tell you.”

“What is it, Mary?” Joseph asked. “I’m going to have a baby.”

Joseph was surprised, and asked, “How is that possible?”

“Do not fear,” Mary answered. “An angel told me that this baby will be special. He’ll be the Son of God and we must call him Jesus.”

Joseph left Mary’s house very confused. “I love Mary, but I do not understand what she said about a baby. Maybe we should not get married,” he thought as he walked home.

“I need to sleep,” thought Joseph, “I’m going to lie down and rest for a while.”

Joseph fell asleep right away. While he was sleeping, an angel of God appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, do not be afraid to marry Mary. The baby she is expecting is the Son of God. You must call him Jesus. He will save the people from their sins.”

Joseph woke up with a start. His dream had been so real! He already knew what he had to do. He would marry Mary and be a father to the promised Son of God.

Joseph obeyed God and took Mary as his wife. They were Jesus’ earthly parents. Everything happened just as the angel had said.

What is the difference?
Remind them that today's story teaches us to be obedient to God's will.

His name will be Jesus
Talk about how two people in today's lesson obeyed God's voice, and how we can also obey when the Lord commands us to do something.

connect the lesson

Ask the children: “What are some ways we react when we think we are forced to obey?” (allow several children to respond) Then say: “God included people willing to obey Him in His plan to send the promised Messiah. Some, like Zechariah, at first showed themselves to be incredulous or reluctant. Others, like Mary, obeyed with pleasure.”

Tell the children: “Today’s story helps us understand that God wants to use willing and obedient people in his work. Every day there are fewer days to celebrate Christmas. Therefore, do not be surprised if you are more distracted than usual, and it may be more difficult to focus your attention on the true meaning of Christmas.”

practice the memory verse

What Is the Difference?
Distribute Student Activity Sheet #208-A, #208-B and #208-C and follow the instructions to review the lesson.

Bible Memory
On thick cards, copy the words of the memory verse, writing a word on each card. Repeat the verse together twice. Then mix up the cards, and give an opportunity to your children to take turns ordering the words. Repeat the verse each time they order them correctly.  Save the cards to use for the next meeting.

Return Student Activity Sheet #207-C and #207-D. Have the children cut out the Week 2 picture in #207-D and glue/ tape it into the Week 2 box in #207-C. Thereafter, collect these activity sheets and continue the process each remaining week of this unit of lessons.



End with a prayer. Ask the group to tell their prayer needs. Then intercede for them.


Emphasize that it is important to obey the voice of God, just as Joseph and Mary did. Joyfully sing some Christmas songs.


Thank your children for their attendance, and say something about the next lesson to arouse their interest. If time and resources allow, prepare a small celebration to remember Jesus’ birth in the next meeting.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™