green Unit 36 Lesson 160 Resource for age 6-9

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Ruth is Faithful

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biblical reference

Ruth 1—4

lesson objective

That the children know that God wants to bless others through them.

memory verse

“My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:2, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Most elementary children trust easily and have no problem believing the words of others. They trust their parents, teachers and friends. They probably do not fully understand what it means to have “faith”, but they know what loyalty and dedication are. This lesson will help them understand that God is faithful that is, dedicated, constant and loyal. In addition, they will begin to understand how they can be faithful, loyal and dedicated to God, their parents, and their friends.

biblical commentary

Ruth 1-4. The book of Ruth can be read in three different ways. First, as a masterpiece of Hebrew literature that contains some of the most beautiful passages of the Bible. Second, as a beautiful example of the way God uses those who choose to be faithful to him. Third, as a demonstration of God’s faithfulness and care for those who suffer and need.

Ruth and Naomi were two brave women who depended on the care and provision of God in times of greatest need. Ruth was a Moabitess, and was married to a Jewish man who served God. When her husband died, she decided not to return to her village or serve false gods. Rather, she decided to take care of her mother-in-law, moving to a strange country for her.

Ruth is a clear example of the way in which God accepts, protects and provides for those who place their faith in him.

introduce the lesson

What will happen to me in the future?

For this activity, you will need white paper or pieces of cardboard, glue, crayons or colored pencils or markers and magazines or used newspapers.

Distribute the work materials, and ask your children what they would like to be when they grow up. Ask them to draw or cut out illustrations that express their dreams for the future.

Discuss what they need to do to prepare for these jobs. Explain that they can now strive to do their best at school and take care of their bodies to grow up healthy and strong.

Give them time to show their drawings. Tell them: “God cares for all people, and often wants to bless others through us. He is responsible for choosing people to help him meet the needs of others.”

Allow them to mention some ways in which they can perform this task (for example, through prayer, offerings, visits to the sick, gathering food, etc.).

teach the lesson

Ruth, a faithful woman

Long ago, when the people of God were ruled by judges and not by kings, there was hunger in the land of Israel. The people did not have enough food. For that reason, Elimelek, his wife Naomi and their two sons went to live in a distant place called Moab.

After some time, Elimelek died. His sons grew up and married Moabite women, Ruth and Orpah. Ten years later, Naomi’s sons also died.

Naomi was very sad. She was alone in a foreign country, far from home.

Then she said to Ruth and Orpah:

“I will return to my land. I have heard that God blessed Israel and now there is food there.”

“We’ll go with you,” her daughters-in-law answered.

“My children,” said Naomi, “go back to live with your families. You were very good with my sons and with me. May God have compassion on you and give you other husbands.”

Naomi approached to kiss them before leaving, and they began to cry from sadness because they did not want her to go.

But Naomi insisted that they return to Moab, so Orpah told her goodbye and took the road back to her land.

“Look Ruth,” Naomi said, “Orpah will return to her village with her family. Go with her.”

“No, I will not go,” Ruth replied.

“But I do not have other sons with whom you can get married, daughter.”

“It does not matter, I will not leave you. Wherever you go, I will go with you. Your people will be my people and your God, my God.”

When Naomi saw that Ruth was not going to change her mind, she stopped insisting.

The two women set out on the road to Israel, and arrived in Bethlehem just as the harvest began.

When the reapers cut the grain and picked it up, a little grain always fell to the ground.

God had commanded the Israelites to leave the fallen grain on the ground so that the poor people could pick it up and have food. Since Ruth was poor, she went behind the reapers, collecting the grain that fell from them.

Ruth was hardworking and did not stop to rest. She knew that if she did not work, Naomi and she would not have anything to eat.

While Ruth worked non-stop, Boaz, the owner of the fields, was supervising the harvest.

“Who is that woman?” Boaz asked the manager of the reapers.

“Her name is Ruth. She came from Moab with Naomi,” the manager replied. “She has worked tirelessly all day.”

Boaz went to where Ruth was working and said, “Do not work in any other field, because someone could hurt you. It is better to work in my fields. Here you will be safe.”

“You are very kind!” said Ruth. “Why are you so kind to me, being a foreigner?”

“Because I’ve heard you’re very good to Naomi,” Boaz replied.

When Ruth returned home that night, she told Naomi about the grain she had collected and the kindness of the owner of the fields.

“Boaz is a relative of my husband,” said Naomi. “I’m glad that he treated you well. So do not be afraid to work in his fields, he will protect you.”

As time passed, Boaz fell in love with Ruth. They got married and had a baby they called Obed.

When Obed grew up, he had children and then many grandchildren. One of those grandchildren was named David, who killed a giant named Goliath. David was a descendant of Ruth and Boaz.

Many, many years later, another baby was born who was also a descendant of Ruth and Boaz. That baby was also born in Bethlehem and they laid him in a manger.

God rewarded Ruth’s faithfulness and faith, allowing her to be part of the family of King David, but above all of the Lord Jesus.

connect the lesson

Monthly review

As this is the unit’s last lesson, we suggest that you briefly review the lessons learned.

Use a fun method to ask these questions to your children. Do a round and pass an object from hand to hand, while listening to some melody. When the music stops, the child with the object in hand will answer the question. Feel free to add more questions, depending on the number of participants.

“Who hid her baby from the Pharaoh’s officers?” (Jochebed)

“According to Pharaoh’s order, what should they do to the Hebrew babies?” (Throw them in the Nile River to die).

“Who cared for Jochebed’s baby when he was in the river?” (God).

“Who helped make the basket and watched the baby while he was floating on the Nile River?” (Miriam)

“Who found the baby and adopted him?” (The daughter of Pharaoh).

“What was Debora?” (Judge and prophetess).

“Who did Deborah tell to gather an army of 10,000 men?” (Barak).

“What did the army of Sisera have that made them feel very powerful?” (900 iron chariots)

“How did God help the army of Israel to overcome the army of Sisera?” (He flooded the valley so that the iron chariots could not advance in the mud.)

“Who said, ‘I will not leave you. Wherever you are, I will go. Your people will be my people and your God, my God?’” (Ruth)

“To whom did Ruth demonstrate her fidelity?” (To her mother-in-law Naomi.)

“By doing what, did Ruth live on when she arrived in Bethlehem?” (She worked picking up grain in the field.)

“Who did Ruth marry?” (Boaz)

“Name one of the two famous people who were part of the family of Boaz and Ruth.” (King David or Jesus)

“What is the memory verse for this month?” (“My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2).”

practice the memory verse

For this week, we suggest you use the cards that was prepared in the last meeting. Divide into small groups or in pairs. Give them time to order the cards on the table. Say the verse together to memorize, and re-mix the cards. The team that takes less time to order the cards will be the winner.

Activity: Ruth is faithful. God is faithful.
Hand out Student Activity Sheet #160-A and #160-B. Provide scissors and follow the instructions. Involve some volunteers to review the biblical story. Emphasize that God continues to be faithful to us.
Encourage the children to tell this story to their family and friends.



Form a circle, and intercede for the children. It is important that even if it takes more time, mention the name of each child when praying.


Distribute the work your children have done during these three lessons, and encourage them to be brave and trust in God’s care.

In that way they will feel appreciated and valued, not only by you but also by God.


After thanking the children for their attendance and faithfulness during these first lessons, invite them to the next meeting, in which they will study the importance of making decisions. Ask them to write down all the important decisions they make during the week, to tell in the next meeting. Suggest that inviting their friends to attend the group would be a good decision.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™