bronze Unit 78 Lesson 346 Resource for age 10-13

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The Holy Spirit teaches us

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key words

biblical reference

John 14:5-26; 16:7-15; 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.

lesson objective

To help students know that the Holy Spirit helps us to understand the teachings of Jesus.

memory verse

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Throughout their academic life, students will meet a wide variety of teachers, all with different methods and teaching habits. Some they will remember for their kindness and affection, others for their rigidity, and others for their knowledge.

However, all are fallible; none has the absolute truth. Even the great scientists, pedagogues and philosophers made mistakes that caused their followers question their teachings.

Today, there are also “false teachers” who pollute the mind and heart of people. Among them are television, sects, secular ideologies, etc. However, there is an infallible teacher who gives us wise and loving instruction: the Holy Spirit.

In this lesson, it is important that your students analyze who is doing the teaching. They must realize that the only one who can teach us the truth is the Holy Spirit. The reason is that he teaches only the words and principles Jesus Christ taught.

At this stage of their life, it is common for young people to rebel against the good teachings of their parents and Bible class teachers. Many times, they prefer to learn from their friends, neighbors or schoolteachers. It is very important that you emphasize the great work that the Holy Spirit does in our hearts to help us live out the teachings of Jesus, our best teacher.

biblical commentary

Read John 14:5-26 and 16:7-15. In this passage, we read that Jesus instructed his disciples before his death, and promised that he would not leave them alone. He would send to them the Comforter, or Holy Spirit, who would help them know the truth and accompany them in their ministry.

He also told them that the Holy Spirit would help them remember his teachings and stand firm in the faith.

Through this passage, we understand that God sent the Holy Spirit to help the believer “fight the good fight”. He works through our conscience to help us resist temptation. However, we must understand that our conscience is not the same as the Holy Spirit. The conscience, when ignored, becomes negligent and the person might deliberately disobey the words of Jesus without feeling guilty. The Holy Spirit does not treat us with a tone of condemnation. His ministry is gentle, but firm, to remind us of Jesus’ teachings.

Read 2 Corinthians 1:21-22. The Word of God tells us that Christians receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This means that they consecrate themselves to God and dedicate themselves to his service. Through the Holy Spirit, Christians receive power to live in holiness and be witnesses of Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, God puts the seal of ownership on us.

The Spirit represents the wonderful presence of Jesus among us. Just as Jesus Christ represented the attributes and essence of God the Father, the Holy Spirit represents the attributes, teachings and essence of Jesus.

introduce the lesson


For this activity, you will need magazines or newspapers to cut out, cardboard and glue. Ask your students to look in the magazines or newspapers for photographs that exemplify the different means by which people receive teaching: the classroom, television, internet, famous people, books, politics, etc.

When they have found a good number, give them time to stick them on the cardboard and explain what each one represents.

As they work, explain that we are all exposed to a great many teachings, many of them contrary to the Word of God.

Today we will learn about the only teacher who teaches us only the truth, who wants to help us grow in our spiritual life.

teach the lesson

Study John 14:5-26; 16:7-15 and 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 before the session and be ready to discuss it with the students. Explain the words they do not understand.

Organize your students in three teams. Each one should analyze a biblical passage and answer the following questions.

Team 1: Read John 14:15-19, 26.

1. Who speaks in this passage?

2. Why is verse 15 important?

3. Why can’t the world accept the Holy Spirit?

4. What will the Holy Spirit teach us?

Team 2: Read John 16:7-15.

1. Who speaks in this passage?

2. What will the Holy Spirit do?

3. What will the Holy Spirit teach us?

Team 3: Read 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.

1. Who gives us the Holy Spirit?

2. According to verse 21, what does God do?

3. What has God given us as a guarantee in our hearts?

Afterwards, each team should present their answers to the group and conclude the activity by summarizing the important functions of the Holy Spirit in the life of each Christian.

connect the lesson

What is going on?

Have students look at Student Activity Sheet #346-A and #346-B. Give them time to read the stories and answer what the Holy Spirit can teach us in those situations.

Give them paper so that everyone can write their answers. Then, ask them to exchange them so that another partner can read them aloud. After listening to all the answers, discuss to reach a general conclusion and write it on the worksheets.

practice the memory verse

Put several papers in a container that have the following instructions: “Say the verse on your way out”, “sing the verse on your way out”,” scream the verse on your way out”, etc.

Put the container in the center of the room. Ask the children to come by one by one and take a piece of paper.



Conclude by guiding the group in prayer.


Before saying goodbye, encourage the students to list of everything they want the Holy Spirit to teach them this week.


Give the children any items they need to take home and invite them to the next session to continue learning about the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Remind them to say the memory verse as they depart.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™