bronze Unit 77 Lesson 342 Resource for age 10-13

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Let us live like Jesus

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key words

biblical reference

1 John 1:5-10; 2:1-11 and 15-17

lesson objective

To help preadolescents learn that obeying God will help them grow in their spiritual life.

memory verse

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

No matter which country we live in, it our societies are going through a crisis of values. Some societies have reached the point of legalizing sin and justifying the violation of God’s law in favor of scientific advance or modern cultural shifts.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many barely have a vague concept about what it means to live like Jesus. This does not imply that we do not know what it is to live in righteousness, but that we do not have the appropriate models of behavior. Television, radio, movies and fashion have been responsible for distorting biblical values.

Today’s students are likely to live in homes where violence dominates or where sin is acceptable. So, how can they know if their way of living is correct?

It is important that, even in such an inconsistent society, they learn that Jesus is the perfect model. Through this lesson, students will learn that it is possible to live as Jesus did. They just need to be willing to acknowledge their sins and to take hold of God’s hand to obey him out of love.

biblical commentary

The Bible tells us that God is light, and when he illuminates us, he reveals our true nature. When while walking in darkness, we needs courage to take a step of faith and approach the intense and penetrating light of God that exposes all our imperfections and spiritual faults. Jesus Christ gave his life to cleanse us and allow us to walk in the light.

This means living as Christ did, away from sin, and cultivating a close relationship with God that allows us to bear abundant fruit.

Living like Jesus also means being honest with God, with ourselves and with others, as well as obeying his Word.

Being obedient is a test of our love for God. Slaves obey because they have no choice. Employees obey because they need their job. However, Christians obey their Heavenly Father because they wish to do so, and it is a fundamental part of the relationship of love between them.

John gives us two keys that help us determine if we are living like Jesus: when we confess our sins and restore our relationship with the Father, and when we demonstrate our love for our neighbor.

introduce the lesson

Where do you walk?

Start the class by asking two volunteers to blindfold their eyes and try to walk around the room. Remove all objects that may hurt them.

Ask them to remove the blindfold and explain how they felt when walking while being blind. Tell the group that the same thing happens in our lives if we do not have Christ. We walk in the darkness of sin, without a guide or knowing the right direction. However, there is hope if we change course and ask Christ to direct our path.

teach the lesson

If possible before class, make a copy of the letter that appears after this explanation and put it in an envelope. Give it to someone who will present it to your students during this session.

Ask the preadolescents to sit in a circle. Tell them: “In the previous session, we studied the life of the apostle John, and we learned that God transforms the lives of those who choose to follow him. Now listen carefully to the following letter and at the end, we will talk about the meaning of its content.”

Dear brothers:

I learned that some Christians have stopped attending church, and began to gather to form a new congregation. Normally this should be joyous news. However, they are not teaching the Word of God, and they have confused many people. Watch out for false teachers and keep the truth of the gospel that you heard from me.

Keep loving God and your neighbors, and remember that God is light. When you allow God to live in you, the darkness moves away, because he is the light that fills all areas of your life. On the contrary, if you continue in sin, the light will go away from you. Meditate on this.

For example, when your room is dark and you cannot see the furniture, is the furniture still there? Of course! However, only light helps us see clearly.

That is why we say that Christ is the light, because only he can show us the clear truth of his Word. When we obey those truths, we are “walking in the light.” Obeying the Word of God is a sign that we love Christ.

Jesus promised that he would be our light and that he would walk beside us. He cannot walk where there is darkness or sin, because he is light. So if someone says he belongs to Christ, but he continues to sin, he is lying.

Now, how can they know if they are walking in the light? If you have confessed your sins before God, be assured that you are forgiven. In this way, you can feel the love of God for you and express it to others.

Follow Christ and remain faithful to his Word. I have a lot to tell you, but I prefer not to do it by letter. I hope to visit you soon to speak to you in person. I will be very happy. Greetings to all of you,

Your brother, John.

connect the lesson

Walking in the light

Ask the preadolescents to refer to Student Activity Sheet #342-A, and then to look for the suggested biblical passages. Encourage a discussion about the meaning of the passages and what they mean for their lives. Give time for your students to write their conclusions.

What does the Bible say?

Instruct them to turn to Student Activity Sheet #342-B, and work in pairs or small groups. Then read 1 John 1:5-10 and 2:1-11, and connect each Bible verse with its correct meaning.

Stay attentive to them, and help them when they struggle to connect both columns.

Why should we walk in the light?

Allow time for students to look at the drawings on Student Activity Sheet #342-C and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

As they work, talk about the importance of living like Jesus and reflecting the light of Christ to others.

Next, turn to the next page and read 1 John 2:6 aloud. Write on the board the three questions at the bottom of the page, and let them all answer them together. Write the conclusions on the board, and give them time to copy them on their worksheets.



Ask two students to intercede for prayer requests, and conclude with a final prayer, asking the Lord to help the young people grow in their spiritual life.


Encourage the group to reflect on the light and the character of Christ during the week. Suggest some ways in which they can do it (for example, help with chores, obey parents and teachers, be kind to peers, preach the gospel, pray for the sick, etc.).


Invite the group to the next session to study the last lesson of this unit. Before departing say the memory verse together several times.

Memory Verse
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin" (1 John 1:7). 

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™