bronze Unit 76 Lesson 338 Resource for age 10-13

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We are special

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key words

biblical reference

Genesis 1:26-30; Psalm 8:1-5.

lesson objective

To learn the honor and privilege that we have since we are created in God’s image and likeness.

memory verse

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well” (Psalm 139:13-14, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

Preadolescents go through a stage in their life in which self-esteem problems are common. In some cases, their self-esteem is so high that they become arrogant. Yet in others, their lack of self-love makes them feel insecure and inferior.

When your students understand that God created them in his image and likeness, they will realize that value and respect are an important part of God’s wonderful creation.

Stereotypes of beauty, high social demands, emotional and physical abuse, even abandonment, can make students feel that they are inferior and that they are not important in this world. Therefore, take advantage of this lesson to help them understand that they are special and important in the eyes of God, the King of the universe.


Read Genesis 1:26-30. God created human beings in his image. That does not mean that we are physically equal to him. Instead, it means that we are similar in intelligence, in emotions, will, responsibility and spirit.

God also gave us the capability to understand and to have free will. In addition, we can learn to love and obey our Creator.

Before the fall, Adam and Eve could rule the earth without the fear of being wrong. Their desires were pure and they had full freedom. They even communicated with God face-to-face.

It is important to understand that God values people, placing them above the rest of creation. However, being made in the “image of God” entails responsibilities, in addition to honor and privilege.

Read Psalm 8:1-5. This psalm helps us understand the value that God gives to people. Even though we are insignificant when compared to the wonderful universe, God gives us a place of honor in creation. It reminds us that he made us worthy before his eyes; that is why we must give him honor and glory forever.

introduce the lesson

No to rejection!

Ask your students to talk about the questions on Student Activity Sheet #338, and then write the answers in the blanks.

Emphasize the fact that we all have days when we feel sad, discouraged, and even unhappy with ourselves. There are individuals who have low self-esteem, that is, they think that they have no or little value as people. In today’s lesson, we will learn what it means that God made us in his image and why that makes us valuable.

teach the lesson

Created in God’s image

Let your students sit in a circle, and tell them: “In the previous lessons, we learned about God and his creation. We also saw that his love, beauty and wisdom are revealed in the majesty of his creation.”

After creating

Ask one of your students to read Genesis 1:26-30 to the group.

Then, ask the group: “Why did God make mankind different from the rest of creation?” (allow several responses) Then ask: “What does God think about the people he created?” (allow responses) Finally ask: “Why are humans important to God?” (allow several responses)

Read the study passages, and write the answers on the board. When talking about the importance that humans have in creation, emphasize that regardless of the flaws we may have God looks at us with love and considers us his special creation.

connect the lesson

My qualities

For this activity, you will need sheets of heavy paper, pencils and tape.

Through this activity, preadolescents should recognize the qualities of others and, at the same time, understand what others think about them. Tape a sheet of heavy paper onto the back of each student, and give everyone a pencil.

Everyone should write on their colleagues’ paper at least two of their good qualities (for example, friendly, kind, helpful, cheerful, etc.).

Emphasize that comments should be positive. They must be very careful not to write anything that is hurtful.

When everyone has written something about others, write some of God’s qualities on the board: merciful, loving, fair, compassionate, patient, etc. Then have the students remove the lists from their backs.

Compare the lists from students’ backs with the characteristics written on the board. Then, encourage them to try to live each day in the image and likeness of God. Congratulate those who demonstrated Christian behavior, and encourage those who are trying to do so. Remember that for this type of lesson the example you give as their teacher is very important.

practice the memory verse

Tell the group the whole memory verse. Then, say the first phrase, but skip to the third phrase. Pause and allow the preadolescents to correct what you said by adding the second phrase. If no one caught your mistake, ask: “Did I forget something?” Keep adding another phrase until they say the whole memory verse.



Ask two volunteers to lead the prayer time. Let the first student intercede for special requests for the group, and the second student to give thanks to God for having created us in his image and likeness.


Before you say goodbye sing a song of praise to God, and encourage the preadolescents to share with their families and friends how God made them special.


Remember to invite them to the next session to continue studying about creation. Remind them to welcome visitors.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™