bronze Unit 73 Lesson 326 Resource for age 10-13

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Obeying God is worth it

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key words

biblical reference

Joshua 7—8.

lesson objective

To learn that obeying God strengthens our relationship with him.

memory verse

“I can do all this through [Christ] who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13, NIV*).

prepare yourself to teach

We should all aware that we live in a changing society where many parents refuse or fear to discipline their children. Others are so busy that they prefer to ignore the misbehavior of their children instead of taking the time to correct them. As a result, many young people are inclined to disobedience.

It is normal for students to feel that it is unfair for someone to correct them while other students continue to misbehave without correction.

Everyone needs to know that God requires obedience, and that deliberate disobedience is a sin and has consequences. Many times preadolescents do not understand that their actions can affect others as well as themselves. They must understand that disobedience is not an isolated behavior. On the contrary, it affects many areas of our life and even our family. Through this lesson, help them understand that obedience is the only sure way not to suffer the consequences of disobedience.

biblical commentary

Read Joshua 7—8. Joshua was a great leader for the Hebrew people. He had many of Jesus’ characteristics: he lacked selfish ambitions, he was not guided by hatred and revenge, and his goal was doing God’s will. Because of his character, God chose him as Moses’ successor and leader of the Israelites.

Israel’s victory over Jericho illustrates the results of obeying God. The Israelites did not have to prepare complex war strategies, nor put the best men at the head of the battle. They just followed God’s instructions and trusted in his power. However, Achan’s story also reminds us of the consequences of disobedience. Achan broke the covenant with God. He stole objects that were forbidden to the Israelites. They were objects that God had ordered them to destroy. This story shows us how sin can affect a community. Achan’s confession and punishment illustrate how serious disobedience was for the people of God.

Disobedience brings serious consequences, while obedience brings peace, forgiveness and restoration to those who believe in God.

introduce the lesson

You are the judge!

Ask two volunteers to help you distribute Student Activity Sheet #326-A.

Choose three students to read the situations aloud. Then together discuss whether the verdict was fair or unfair, and why.

Then tell them: In every situation, there was someone who disobeyed and suffered the consequences of their actions. Sometimes, even if one person has done nothing wrong, we suffer the consequences of disobedience of that person in the group. In today’s story, we will see what one man’s disobedience caused an entire nation.

teach the lesson

Prior to the session read Joshua 7 and 8. Ask your students to sit in a circle, and tell them: “In the previous three lessons, we studied Job’s life and the terrible problems he faced, even though he was a righteous man. Today we will talk about a man who, like Job, trusted God in difficult times, and another character who decided to sin and suffered severe consequences. Joshua was a great leader for the Hebrew people. He had many of Jesus’ characteristics: he lacked selfish ambitions, he was not guided by hatred and revenge, and his goal was doing God’s will. Because of his character, God chose him as Moses’ successor and leader of the Israelites.”

With the Bible open to the passage, retell the story of Joshua in the defeat of Jericho and Achan’s sin. Emphasize that Jewish laws were very strict regarding obedience and loyalty to God and that is why Achan received that terrible punishment.

connect the lesson

Follow Joshua’s example

Tell students to locate this activity on Student Activity Sheet #326-B, and then circle the adjectives that describe Joshua’s personality. Then, compare them with the personality of Jesus.

Write on the board the adjectives that the majority chose. Emphasize that it is important to ask God to help you be honest, obedient, humble, responsible and courageous, like this Bible character.

Medical exam

To do this activity, ask your students to find it on Student Activity Sheet #326-C, and then fill in the spaces with the required information. Tell them not to look at their classmates’ answers, because it is an exercise of personal reflection. Therefore, each one must answer honestly.

You can explain that just as you go to the doctor to examine you when you have physical problems, you also need to review your spiritual health and ask God to restore the weak areas that need to be strengthened.

practice the memory verse

Write the verse on a piece of poster board and cut it up. Mix up the pieces so that the children can put it back in order. You can do this several times. Remind them that this Bible verse invites us to be sure of our faith in Christ Jesus. (Give some sort of incentive to the children who have learned their memory verse.)



Guide the group in a time of prayer, and intercede for the special requests they have. Ask the Lord to help our students to be faithful in the midst of problems, and to always trust in the sovereignty and power of God.


Hand back the work the students have done during this unit, and encourage them to attend the next session.


Remind the group that in next session they will begin a new unit. Tell them this is a good time to invite new group members.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™