blue Unit 30 Lesson 134 Resource for age 6-9

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Jesus’ friends know who he is

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key words

biblical reference

Luke 3:21-22; 7:18-23; 8:40-42, 49-56; 9:28-36

memory verse

“You are my friends if you do what I command” (John 15:14, NIV*).

lesson objective

To help children know that Jesus is the Son of God, and he can do what no one else can do.

prepare yourself to teach

The four passages of Luke in today’s lesson show us the credentials of Jesus. God proclaimed that Jesus is his son, Jesus showed his power with a series of miracles, and when he was baptized, the Father’s voice was heard from heaven identifying Jesus as his son.

Jesus’ ministry was probably not all that John expected from the Messiah. John sent two of his followers (disciples) to ask him if he was the Messiah or if they should wait for another. Jesus did not answer with a simple yes or no; he gave evidence that he was the Messiah.

John’s disciples saw for themselves that Jesus did what no one else could do. He did not use miracles simply to prove that he was the Messiah. His miracles were fulfillments of prophecy. Sight to the blind and freeing the captives was the fulfillment of the messianic role described in Isaiah 35:5-6. Preaching the gospel to the poor fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1.

Luke 8:40-42, 49-56 - This story begins with Jairus’ plea for his daughter. Again, Jesus showed that he could do what no one else did. While others were doubting and mocking, Jesus invited the parents of the girl and his close friends (Peter, James, and John) to witness the miracle of the resurrection of the child, giving more evidence that he is the Son of God.

Luke 9:28-36 - In the Transfiguration we see again close friends of Jesus as witnesses of an important event. They heard a voice from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the Son of God. They were sad they did not fully understand the significance of what they had just seen.


Jesus is very different from all others. He is the only one who can proclaim that he is the only begotten Son of God. His miracles provide evidence of his relationship with the Father. This lesson will help your children understand this relationship. Knowing that Jesus is the Son of God will help you better understand who he is.

introduce the lesson

It is very important to know people. When someone wants to have a position in a company, the first thing their managers want to know is who is the person applying for employment. If someone needs to watch the children when the parents are not home, they will want to know who that person is. If we are going to establish a friendship with someone, it is important to know who they are.

Similarly, if we develop a friendship with Jesus and we want to trust him with our future, we must know who he is.

Children are very trusting, sometimes they are willing to follow or obey anyone even without knowing them. Therefore, it is important to awaken their curiosity to find out who the people are. Tell them that in this lesson we will learn who Jesus is.

teach the lesson

Over the years, people have had different opinions about Jesus. Who was he? For some, he was a good teacher; for others, a great preacher; for others, a phony. It is important to highlight the following points of the lesson:

1. Jesus is the Son of God.

2. Jesus is the Messiah.

3. Jesus is our Friend.

Remember to use songs related to the lesson. The rhythms give the incentive of movement to children. For example: “Jesus Loves Me”, “I Have a Friend Who Loves Me”, “His Name is Jesus,” etc. Emphasize that as friends of Jesus, we must know who he is, to tell other children about him.

connect the lesson

Who is Jesus?

Distribute Student Activity Sheet #134-A, as well as crayons and markers. Direct the children’s attention to the reporter and the television camera. Tell them that these people are doing an interview and looking for the answer to an important question: “Who is Jesus?” Ask your children, “Why do you think that this question is important?” (Point to each person in the illustration and read their response. If your children believe the answer is correct, they should color in that speech bubble. Have your children place a star next to the best answer. All answers, with the exception of, “I do not know,” are partly true, but the best answer is “the Son of God.”)

Jesus shows that he is the Son of God

You will need scissors and clasps for each child. Distribute Student Activity Sheet #134-B and #134-C that are needed to complete the activity.

These pictures remind us of the signs by which we know that Jesus is the Son of God. Have children follow instructions and help them to insert the pieces so that the dove descends from heaven onto Jesus. Ask volunteers to tell each of the stories that appear in the pictures. These stories serve as evidence to let us know that Jesus is the Son of God.

Ask the following questions:

What did the voice from heaven (God) say when Jesus was baptized, and when he ascended to heaven? (This is my son.)

Why is this statement important? (Because it leaves no doubt that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.)

Why do you think it was important that Jesus did these miracles? (To fulfill the prophecies.)

practice the memory verse

Bring the memory verse written on a footprint (like the one used in last week’s lesson, but smaller, so that each child can have one.) If you can and have the resources, make them sturdier by putting clear adhesive plastic on them. Make them small enough that they can be used as a key chain. Tell the children to put their name on the back before putting clear adhesive on them. Then make a hole in the heel of the foot. You can place them on a ring or a piece of yarn. Encourage your children to put it in a place that they will see it and be reminded of the verse (i.e. the zipper pull on their backpacks, on the door of their closet or bedroom, or hang it on the mirror that they use in the morning to get ready for school).

Repeat the verse with them several times. Then ask what it means to them. (Allow them to answer and explain their answers, since many times children do not have the words to answer completely.) Ask if they believe that Jesus has ever asked them to do something bad or wrong.



Conclude with a prayer. Be sure to ask for their prayer needs and thank God for having sent Jesus to be our friend.


If there is time, sing a song that has motions. Review the lesson by asking questions related to Jesus; and to help the children remember the lesson. Remind your children the things that need to be taken home (worksheets, crafts, etc.).


Thank everyone for attending today’s session. Create some excitement about the next session, trying to make a connection and anticipation so they will not want to miss it. Challenge them to come with friends.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™