Resource for age 6-9

God created plants and animals

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key words

thankful create heavens earth animals plants

biblical reference

Genesis 1:11-13, 20-25

memory verse

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1, NIV*).

lesson objective

To teach children to be thankful for God’s marvelous creation of animals and plants.

prepare yourself to teach

In the last session, the children learned how the universe was formed. Evidence of order in God’s creation is one of the wonders of the process.

Plants cannot grow without light or water, so God first created these elements rather than vegetation. Plants are a necessary food source for animals and humans, so God created them before creating animals (Genesis 1: 11-13).

To ensure the continuity of the process that he had begun, he created the system so that through the seeds, this will continue again and again. He also created the creatures of the heavens and the sea (vv. 21-31). Reference winged animals not only materializes in birds, but refers to everything that flies, including insects. In verse 22 we see that God blesses the creation with beings from the skies and seas. He tells them to be fruitful and multiply.

He also ordered that the land produce living creatures, each according to their species or genus. Genesis 1:12, 21 and 25 tell us that God was pleased with the plants and animals he created.


Children are naturally curious. They are in the age of questions. Many already know something about plants and animals. They understand how plants grow and have seeds. They also know that animals live in different places (water, sky, mountains, deserts, etc.), and also protect themselves.

What they already know becomes the basis for strengthening the biblical truth that God created plants and animals (domestic, wild, birds, insects, reptiles, and fish). It will not be long until your children are in conflict with the theories related to creation; this will only bring them confusion. Make sure your children understand that God is the creator of all that exists.

introduce the lesson

We recommend you have a time of prayer specific for the needs of the children. Ask God for wisdom to sow the truths of this lesson in their hearts.

You can start the study with songs related to the lesson teaching, preferably ones that have movements.

teach the lesson

Carefully study Genesis 1:11-13 and 20-25 prior to the session. Be prepared to tell the story in your own words.

If in the previous lesson you used the division of creation days, start the class talking about the creation on different days. For this lesson, again bring photos or drawings related to the lesson (including forests, flowers, animals, insects, etc.). Then, place them on the corresponding day.

If you did not follow the division of days, we recommend you do it for this lesson. Place the subject of the lesson in big letters, then put the pictures under the title of the lesson. Again, emphasize the order and purpose of God in creation. This will make your children aware that God is a God of order and purpose.

Before creating the animals, God created everything they needed to exist; thus we see an order and a purpose for each of the creations. God did not create something whimsical or disorderly. On the contrary, creation shows us an artist who paid attention to even the smallest of details.

Find out in advance about the wonders of creation; of how the universe is so well formed, so that it has remained without being destroyed over the centuries. You can emphasize the fact that the earth revolves around the sun and the moon around the earth; and that our position in the universe is planned. If we were closer to the sun, it would burn us, and if we were further away from it, we would freeze.

connect the lesson

Plants and animals help us

You will need Student Activity Sheet #129-A for each of the children and crayons.

Let your children put the pictures in order of how things happen by placing numbers in the boxes provided. Make sure to use common sense and help them.

First row: small cow (1.) big cow (2.) milk (3.)

Second row: plant in the pot (1.) plant in the ground (2.) plant in the vase. (3.)

Third row: puppy with child (1.) dog alone (2.) dog with puppies (3.)

Fourth row: plant in the pot (1.) plant in the ground (2.) fruits in the basket (3.)

This activity is intended to help your children understand that from the beginning, God created everything with a set order, process, and purpose.

God is the Creator

You will need Student Activity Sheet #129-B for each child and pens or pencils.

Give each child the activity sheet and tell them to try to discover the secret or hidden message. This activity is designed to spark interest in your children. Remember that they like to discover; to know the reason why.

Encourage them to decipher the hidden message. Tell them to see if they can decipher aspects of the Creator, God Himself.

Have them complete the activity sheet by writing at the bottom the names of 2 plants and 2 animals that they would like to thank God for.

Requires a sheet of paper for each child, crayons, scissors, and glue.

Print the memory verse on a sheet of paper (one for each child). If you can, use a font that is hollow in the middle, so that children color the letters. Give the children their papers and let them color them. Ask them to write their name on the back. (If they need help with their name, you can write it for them.)

Then have them draw a picture of something that they have learned about creation. (You can bring small cutout flowers and animals for them to paste on their pictures.) Repeat the verse together. If your children want to, allow them to take their picture home; or if they do not want to take them home, place them around the big verse that you made.



Conclude with a prayer; do not forget to thank God for his creation (including names). Ask the children if they have prayer requests and include them. If you were playing with them, you can ask the last one on your signal to say a little prayer and then you finish. (If the child cannot or will not, ask a volunteer to do so.)


Help your children remember what to take home. Thank everyone for attending today’s session.


Give the group a hint about the next session to build anticipation, trying to make a connection and create interest in the next lesson so they wo not want to miss it. Challenge them to bring friends.