blue Unit 34 Lesson 153 Resource for age 6-9

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God continues his work

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key words

biblical reference

2 Kings 2:1-18

memory verse

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b, NIV*).

lesson objective

To help children understand that God is always with them and continues blessing them.

prepare yourself to teach

Elijah left this world in an unusual way. This fact is largely related to his ministry. The image of fire appeared on several occasions throughout his life: Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:38), Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:12), and Mount Samaria (2 Kings 1:10, 12). However on this occasion, the fire did not descend from heaven to destroy evil; it descended to take Elijah, who was the messenger of God to his people, into the presence of God. When he left, people began to wonder who would be the new chosen one who would speak from God.

Very few people accept changes when they come into their lives. We get used to always doing the same thing, so we feel disturbed when there is a need to change something.

The change in Elisha’s life when the prophet Elijah called him to be his successor changed the direction of the fate of this simple man of the field. Elisha accepted the Lord’s challenge to serve him and, leaving everything behind, responded to his call.

Now his teacher and guide was about to be raptured by God. Elisha was facing a new and even greater change: being the voice of God on earth.

But this man of faith decided to trust in the Lord and to fulfill the mission that had been given to him.


Your children face many changes over the course of their life. They change teachers at school, their families move to other cities and meet new neighbors, their classmates change over the years, and so on. Others face deeper changes: the death of a family member, the divorce of their parents, and new marriages. But despite these changes, God continues to bless his people with his presence.

As your children face these changes, help them know that God will always be with them and will continue to carry out the plans for all his children.

introduce the lesson

Before starting the class, create a word search puzzle on the chalkboard with rows and columns of random letters, but with the word “change” hidden somewhere in the puzzle.

When the time comes for the Bible story, tell your children that there is a mysterious word that helps us introduce today’s lesson. Give them time to discover the letters that form the word.

Talk about what the word “change” means (something different, unknown, new, etc.). Encourage a conversation in which children express what kinds of changes they have experienced in their lives and whether they liked them or not.

Tell them that this biblical story tells of the great changes experienced by the prophet Elijah and his new friend Elisha.

teach the lesson

Before the session carefully study 2 Kings 2:1-18. Also, write the name “Elijah” on one paper and “Elisha” on another paper.

Tell the group: “In this story there are two people who have very similar names.” Show the papers and point out the letters that are the same in both names, and then the letters that are different.

Narrate the Bible story found in 2 Kings 2:1-18.

Let your children ask all the questions they want and try to answer them as best you can. Encourage them to read and comment on their favorite part.

If possible use visual aids.

You can also draw pictures or ask someone to help you draw some of the most significant scenes in the story, and stick them on a poster board to make them more resilient.

If you wish, you can rely on the children’s resources as a didactic resource.

Let your children ask all the questions they want and try to answer them as best you can. Encourage them to read and comment on their favorite part.

connect the lesson

When our circumstances change

Give your children Student Activity Sheet #153-A along with crayons or markers. Tell them, “Today we are talking about the changes we face in our lives. This activity will help us remember what we have learned.”

Allow some time for them to talk about what they think each of the pictures on the worksheet represents. Each picture represents a different situation that can occur when someone experiences change in their life. For example: moving to a new house, school or church; when a pastor or teacher leaves and a new one replaces them; the death of a loved one; the divorce of parents or a new marriage.

Instruct your children to follow the instructions and circle the illustration that represents a change they have had in their lives.

Elijah and Elisha

Give the children Student Activity Sheet #153-B and #153-C plus scissors, glue or tape. They will need cut out the pictures from Student Activity Sheet #153-C. Read the instructions aloud.

Help them to cut along the solid black lines to avoid accidentally cutting too much.

Review what has been learned in the four lessons of the unit. Make a poster about the life of Elijah, and let your children write or draw on it the most important thing they learned about the ministry of this prophet.

practice the memory verse

Because this is the last lesson of the unit, try to make arrangements with the pastor to have your class participate in worship by reciting the memory verse for the congregation. They can do it individually or together. This can be a time to recognize what your children have learned and a time to encourage them.



Have the children share their prayer needs. Then, pray for your children, asking God that the Word that has been sown in these tender hearts will bear fruit in abundance.


Highlight the biblical lessons you’ve taught and encourage the group to relate them in their daily lives and to their families.


Remind the children about the next session that will begin a new unit and encourage them to attend. Also, challenge them to bring friends.

* Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™